barry bonds is at 740 now


Active Member
it happens to be a major event that doesn't just come along every year or two, it has been 35 years since anything like this has ever happened before that what 50 years come on get over it this forum is for off topic, if you don't like them don't read them you are the one wondering what is new with the bonds threads otherwise you would leave them be, but you don't you just sit there and whine about how illigitemate it is if it was a-rod or someone you like the shoe would be on the other foot deal with it....tobin


Hitting a HR is a combination of a lot of things. I feel the roids is an issue and does tarnish the record... I have to agree you technique is a mostly responsible for the HR success but, waht you lack in technique can surely be covered with pure brute force...


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
come on get over it this forum is for off topic, if you don't like them don't read them you are the one wondering what is new with the bonds threads otherwise you would leave them be, but you don't you just sit there and whine about how illigitemate it is if it was a-rod or someone you like the shoe would be on the other foot deal with it....tobin

I am asking you NOT to post several threads on this topic, and will not do so again. It is your choice now. Please watch your tone on it as well.
One is fine, keep it going there. But you have several.
Please be considerate of the number of posts that we have to review.
I will be happy to change the name of the thread as you choose, so that it can reflect the ongoing discussion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
it happens to be a major event that doesn't just come along every year or two, it has been 35 years since anything like this has ever happened before that what 50 years come on get over it this forum is for off topic, if you don't like them don't read them you are the one wondering what is new with the bonds threads otherwise you would leave them be, but you don't you just sit there and whine about how illigitemate it is if it was a-rod or someone you like the shoe would be on the other foot deal with it....tobin

if you read this thread and the first Bonds thread you started, the responses are the same. there are pro-Bonds people and anti-Bonds people, there are "Bonds is on steroids" posts and "Bonds hasn't tested positve" posts. it's basically a duplicate post, nothing new. I didn't even bother to open the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Bonds threads you started, but I imagine they are pretty much the same.
and now there are 2 mods telling you not to start a 6th Bonds thread, so hopefully, that's good enough for you.


Active Member
roger clemens got bulked up as well, and he's still throwing 95+ at age 43 ? 44. nobody's saying anything about that.
oh, by the way, a-rod is on an absolute mission this year. looking at what he did last year, and now this year, i think we need to test him for steriods. there might be a chance he'll break 73 this year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I will be happy to change the name of the thread as you choose, so that it can reflect the ongoing discussion.

its not my thread, so i cant make the call, but it would be cool if this was a "barry bonds fan thread" or something like that.


No need for the asterisk.
The bottom line is this... the fans and history will judge Barry Bonds more harshly than any punishment that baseball can delve out.
Barry Bonds will always have a 'tarnished' reputation going forward. You know what they say... if it looks like poop and it smells like poop it must be poop...
The other thing about Bonds is that he's a jerk... I am just not a fan especially after having met him.


Active Member
watch the guy down in spring training, while all the rooks' are signing autogrpahs that they know nobody wants yet, bonds sits on his a$$ and wont say a word to the fans. As far as A-rod, i would never count the chance out of any power hitter being on the juice, but the guy has been the same size since he came to the leage, and has always had a sweet swing that has caused the ball to just jump off of his bat.
And once again, let me appologize for accusing barry of steroid use, i think what i meant to say was
****human growth hormones****


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
watch the guy down in spring training, while all the rooks' are signing autogrpahs that they know nobody wants yet, bonds sits on his a$$ and wont say a word to the fans.
i wouldnt either. he knows he's an arrogant butt.
how does he know that people only want his autograph, not for them to act like it and when he goes, he gets harrased and what not?
its best for him to just sit there and look dumb.


Active Member
by the way....
hank may be the leader (for now)
barry will over throw him...
but the babe will always be the home run king... no matter what.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
you don't have to be built to hit a homerun remember daryl strawberry he hit alot and he was downright scrawny, any player in the major leages can hit one, even the little guys hit 2-10 a year it is where the pitch is placed to coincide with the swing of the bat that is it...tobin
And where is Strwberry now .............. ROFLMAO !!! C'mon gimme a break !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
barry is up to 744 now tick tick tick....tobin
That is so great! I'm excited for him!

.... get ready for some more barry haters hahah I love it!