Base Rock?? And Cycling??



sorry to hear that... do you have acid reflux? an ulcur (sp?)... that would suck!!!


Ya they don't know wich one it was. Didn't even run tests. The doctor was getting off and wanted to hurry up so he gave me something to numb my stomach and hooked me to an IV and took off. Nobody else could do anything because they didn't know what he wanted to do. I hate doctors!! Around here anyway..


wow, you should maybe go somewhere else. I have acid reflux... it sucks. i can't eat so many things... i do anyway, but i regret it in the morning!!!


Active Member
It's a place in Egypt that experiences large amounts of anal reaming... That's all I can say...


Originally Posted by Sly
It's a place in Egypt that experiences large amounts of anal reaming... That's all I can say...

Great explanation!!!

darth tang

Active Member
Pay attention..I already told you, peel your eyes off the latest photos you are looking at and read a

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
have i done a jennifer connelly appreciation thread before?
Probably............I don't remember........

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
actually there are a few sides of me. they are like deep inside

Sounds like a personal problem to me...I suggest consulting a physician immediately.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aredmon
Ya they don't know wich one it was. Didn't even run tests. The doctor was getting off and wanted to hurry up so he gave me something to numb my stomach and hooked me to an IV and took off. Nobody else could do anything because they didn't know what he wanted to do. I hate doctors!! Around here anyway..
i wish you a speedy recovery, demon mon!
demon never dies