There's somthing swimmin in there!
Finally started moving fish over late Sunday. Moved a couple more over yesterday, and now have all tangs (but the naso), a large maroon clown, and a sailfin blenny over in the 475. Everyone is eating, and getting used to the extra space. The maroon clown may have to come out later on when the mated pair occellaris come over with their LTA. The maroon is ~5 inches and the "nemo's" are like under 2....The corals in the reef tank will stay there for a few months - but it should be easier maintaining water in that tank with only 2 little clowns in it. I loaded the 475s' refugium with some macro and have it running - still working on the float valve for it, may be this weekend before i have it done. Most of the substrate and liverock from the 2 mains that donated their fish was moved over this morning too..
The Tangs are having fun with the mirror strips on the back wall - I've never had a tank against this wall, the 100g that was in the west corner actually ran north/south. It's fun to watch them stop and check out their reflection, then move 6" and wonder where it went. They all seem happy together, and there are no signs of agression. This is the first time all the tangs have been together in one tank. The naso and a couple other dudes come over a little later - their tank had a
possible cross contamination with a Qtine tank that had marine velvet in it, and I must be 100% sure they do not have a breakout, but it's been 3 weeks now so 2 more should do it. Nothing from this tank has been put into the 475, and will not till am totally sure it is still parasite free.
It has been an awful lot or work getting this thing running, only have 1 400w & 1 250w MH running right now.....But I've 2 more 400w & 2 more 250w comming, should be here this week, and eventually the two 250w over the reef will come over too. There's a stray 250w over a 90 that can come over with the naso, so that should be ~2700 watts of light, 20k & 15k output and should be enough for the corals.
(and that ugly heater has been moved into the sump now - 2 300w heaters are maintaining it at 79 deg)