Bigger is better? Lets try 475 gallons...Tangs gonna be happy!


Active Member
i have 3 250 watt mh on my 250 it is 33 inches deep and the corals are growing like fack i am thinking about fraging some out to make room for some different ones.never though my corals would out grow a 250 tank so fast.

eric b 125

that tank looks big in pictures, but i bet it looks enormous in person

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/100#post_3369829
i have 3 250 watt mh on my 250 it is 33 inches deep and the corals are growing like fack i am thinking about fraging some out to make room for some different ones.never though my corals would out grow a 250 tank so fast.
As soon as I get my Naso out of my reef - I'd be very interested in getting some frags from probably gonna make a trip west to Dallas within a couple/3 weeks and would be interested in some more frags.


Active Member
my yellow polyps spread so i went from one 4 inch piece and have 6 places now with them,i have a rock with 3 different polyps on it spreading from other parts of the tank i was thinking of getting that rock out of there.mostly my frogspawn is going nuts i started with 12 heads now after splitting it into 4 pieces there must be 60+ heads .i just ordered mp40's and new light bulbs all around and plan to get some ausie corals with more color but with these corals spreading i am running out of room.i could try to get some pics up for ya.i have been going back and forth with my supplier in plano rodney about some corals.maybe if you get some lr from him i could meet you up there and do something.i was going to get some war zoas but looking at these polyps growing i dont want to have the zoas take over the tank.
funny problem to have, a too healthy of a tank.

tangs rule

Active Member
Yup - we could meet up there in Plano. I think I PM'd you my email addy last week - send some pics, I can really use more frog, have no yellow, and can pay cash.......I got 24 square feet of flat tank floor space, so probably 30+sq/ft after I get lots of rock in it, and aquascape it........I've never had a tank big enough to swim in


Active Member
too cool.i plan to add a living area here next winter.i was looking at a 130 by 31 by 31 tank.not sure the gallons but i plan to have a small room behind the tank for the sump ,my qt tanks and mixing tanks.being in construction i can build all this myself and save a fortune.well thats the plan anyway.can i add pics to a pm?
you do have yourself a shark tank there.

tangs rule

Active Member
130x31x31 = 540 gal, and 17.45 gal per vertical inch. Dat b nice! gotta know the gallons per vert inch when it comes to setting up sump size and slotting overflow box...
I think pics can b added to PM - have not tired that yet - lol


Active Member
the plan is to have a 36 inch tall stand like i have now and put the sump which will probably be the 250 i have now for the sump on the floor on the other side of the wall.
i dont think i would get much selling the 250 so i would probably keep it for that.i have tanks sitting all over the place empty .a 10,45,55,75,and a storage.
but have to build the addition maybe by next summer?
i will try to get some pics for you this weekend.

tangs rule

Active Member
Sounds good deejeff... Been busy doing w/c on the other 3 mains for the last couple hrs.
Am re-arranging the large rocks in the 475, and moving some LR over 2nite with a little live's still running great, no more leaks. Hoping to begin moving some fish over soon with some crabs. WOW these big tanks are ALOT of work work work! ! !


Active Member
To begin with =D eventually you can put enough critters in there to make the tank self sustaining, I recommend starfish for glass cleaning, that would help ALOT.
Also, get a crapload of cerith snails.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/100#post_3370089
To begin with =D eventually you can put enough critters in there to make the tank self sustaining, I recommend starfish for glass cleaning, that would help ALOT.
Also, get a crapload of cerith snails.
Already got the cuc - I bought $275 worth of new snails/stars/critters back in Jan and put them in my other 3 mains, so when I was ready (and a larger tank was too) I'd have them on hand. That much cuc added to tanks with existing cuc kinda ran them heavy, but I knew it'd be only for a couple months. There was some forward planning I did, but I had no idea i'd get a tank this big, I was figuring on 200-300g, but a little bigger should make tangs happier!

tangs rule

Active Member
There's somthing swimmin in there!
Finally started moving fish over late Sunday. Moved a couple more over yesterday, and now have all tangs (but the naso), a large maroon clown, and a sailfin blenny over in the 475. Everyone is eating, and getting used to the extra space. The maroon clown may have to come out later on when the mated pair occellaris come over with their LTA. The maroon is ~5 inches and the "nemo's" are like under 2....The corals in the reef tank will stay there for a few months - but it should be easier maintaining water in that tank with only 2 little clowns in it. I loaded the 475s' refugium with some macro and have it running - still working on the float valve for it, may be this weekend before i have it done. Most of the substrate and liverock from the 2 mains that donated their fish was moved over this morning too..
The Tangs are having fun with the mirror strips on the back wall - I've never had a tank against this wall, the 100g that was in the west corner actually ran north/south. It's fun to watch them stop and check out their reflection, then move 6" and wonder where it went. They all seem happy together, and there are no signs of agression. This is the first time all the tangs have been together in one tank. The naso and a couple other dudes come over a little later - their tank had a possible cross contamination with a Qtine tank that had marine velvet in it, and I must be 100% sure they do not have a breakout, but it's been 3 weeks now so 2 more should do it. Nothing from this tank has been put into the 475, and will not till am totally sure it is still parasite free.
It has been an awful lot or work getting this thing running, only have 1 400w & 1 250w MH running right now.....But I've 2 more 400w & 2 more 250w comming, should be here this week, and eventually the two 250w over the reef will come over too. There's a stray 250w over a 90 that can come over with the naso, so that should be ~2700 watts of light, 20k & 15k output and should be enough for the corals.
(and that ugly heater has been moved into the sump now - 2 300w heaters are maintaining it at 79 deg)


Active Member
how the fishies loving in the mansion?looks sweet.its alot of work just setting up my 250 i can imagine how tired you must be.
and broke too for that matter.sorry i worked most of the weekend and i am swamped this week again .i have to leave soon to clean our fire station for saturdays breakfast fund raiser but i will pm you the corals i would like to take out of my tank as soon as i can.i just cleaned my scrubber .and i slid a razor in the slot to get the algae out.well i cut the screen in the middle and now its pushes almost all the water in that spot now.sigh

tangs rule

Active Member
Gotta watch them razors! I have not had any real major setbacks - - - yet- - - - - in this little adventure, and am expecting total disaster/explosive failure of the tank at any minute....They are starting to really swim around some - at first they kinda stayed in the same square footage they were used to, but today they are actually swimming full legnth in a group, very cool!! Only 4 tangs in here now, but the naso should fit right in. Am gonna have dinner 2nite in the fish room and just chill & watch them.


Active Member
Mike it looks awesome, the tangs look like babies in there, if you could only read their minds. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with this tank, judging from your other one's. Keep the pictures coming (KTPC)

tangs rule

Active Member
A real photog type could really have some fun photographing this thing. Espically now that the hard part is done, and the fun part of watching things grow begins. The powder blue tang in the previous shot is over 6" long and he had so outgrown his 100g - but in here, he looks like a colorful damsel! Will post more pics when I get some real lights over it, later this week...Gotta go see my cabinet guy and see how best to cut the cabinet doors down tomorrow...


Active Member
That is crazy, from now you have to give sizes of fish for every picture just to get a relative size for this 96" tank.