Bigger is better? Lets try 475 gallons...Tangs gonna be happy!


Active Member
my blue throat bit my finger one time.when he bit it i of course jerked my hand out of the tank.well the fish came with it and hit the floor.he was ok .i was putting seaweed on the clip and i guess he liked my finger more than the seaweed.when i added the bluethroat he chomped 3 shrimp in 10 minutes.not reef safe .
i still might ask my supplier to keep an eye out for a smaller 5-6 inch crosshatch.they are just an awesome looking fish.even though i have a 250 gallon a 7 inch fish is just too big.

tangs rule

Active Member
That's what I don't want - a fish that eats my shrimps (skunks) and tips over things and buries them....My picasso trigger did just that, but he wound up in a fowlr tank and did better there - though he still re-arranged the tank 10 hours a day. He was cool to have, and you could actually pet him/stroke his back - but he did bite me once when I reached in and began re-arranging "his" handywork. I've heard/read mostly good things about the crosshatch/Xanthichthys species, but as usual - there are exceptions to any rule.
I have to watch this angel I've got comming and hope when he gets out of Qtine - he is a good fit. Navarchus angels are reportedly pretty tame, but then there are exceptions.....
Am going to do a 5-6 week Qtine with meds/hypo if needed and when clear - all new additions will go into one of my near empty 100g mains for an additional 3-4 weeks, to ensure there are no parasites/issues.......I DO NOT WANNA TRY TO CATCH FISH IN A 8'X3'X3' TANK with the top at my eye level - 71" about a PITA !!


Active Member
i hear stand is 36" tall and the tank is 33 inches.i can only come 3-4 inches from the bottom with my arm.
but its worth the extra effort because the tank looks massive on this stand.
my fish guy in plano had a pair of the crosshatch triggers.a couple times .there is nothing that compares to the look of them .i have no problem spending the money on them but i have like 30 corals in there and most of them are just placed and really not too secure for a bulldozer you said they are supposed to be tame but we would get the i am on the fence for them now.
i would love to see the angel fish when you get it.

tangs rule

Active Member
I will surely post pics of the new arrivals - gonna have my hands full as I've a 30g & 20g set up for them. This brings the # of running tanks in the house up to 6 - but i'd rather split up the Qtine tanks than set up a 55 or 75g and have "aggression" due to cramped conditions. I think the tang & butterfly will do OK in one tank, with a 6line and blenny - and the angel and other 6line & blenny in the other tank.
I still feel so horrible about loosing the longnose I had last month. I've not ever had a wipe out like that, and it is a reminder of just how potent a parasite can be in a small tank. If I'd been smart - I'd never have cross-contaminated my Qtine tanks and brought velvet into a tank with only 50% treatment for anything.
Am LUCKY that the velvet did not make it into my 125 reef on the grabbers that I thought might have brought it over there....The Naso tang is now over in the 475 with all the other tangs....It looks like a tang salad during feeding time with all of them bunching up around the food...Everyone still getting along awesome!
The tangs are bolder now - as I have had them for 3 to 7 years, and never have I had them nip my fingers while I load up the feeding clip - but this past week the achillies and powder blue have each nipped my hand during feedings.

tangs rule

Active Member
LOL ! ! That's a riot deejeff

I know....been dealin with the dog alot - he pees about every 2-3 hours since the surgery cause his bladder was double sewed and is real small now. will get better, but I don't get back to sleep @ 3am when he's gotta go out.
On to new business - We have new fishes, unfortunatly one of the blennys was DOA.
The Narvachus angel is an absolutly incredible looking. I don't know if I've ever owned such a pretty creature. He is very VERY shy - which is true to the research I've done. It took an hour to get these pics. He feels very safe in the black coffee cups - but I've caught him eating some this afternoon. Over time likely in the 475, he'll become less reclusive - espically with a gaggle of tangs that have their owner trained, and know how to sucessfully beg. He's about 3.25" long


tangs rule

Active Member
The 2 6-lines are great - here is one (the flash created a reflection - but there is only 1 in each Qtine tank)

tangs rule

Active Member
The longnose butterfly is still rather pale - but he started eating some mysis an hour ago - am hoping he turns around, seems kinda weak. He's about 4" from mouth to tail. The orange shoulder tang is just a baby - still yellow with just a hint of a mark at the shuolder. He's barley 2", but ate some frozen & mysis....Will check later if he's hit the red nori on the veggie clip

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by yannifish http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/140#post_3374649
That angel certainly is a beautiful fish, it will look great in the 475.
So what new fish did you get?
What arrived alive is the angle, tang, butterfly, 2ea 6line wrasses, 1 rockskipper blenny, and 3 skunk cleaners....Funniest thing - I ordered 4 skunks and received 4 bags, but one was empty. . . no it's 3. The shrimps went into a fallow 100g.

tangs rule

Active Member
I'll get some pics 2morrow of the 475g - the lights just went looks about the same, but has a little more light on it now - just over 1500w and about 150# liverock from 2of the mains.....funny how this thing just swallows up stuff - it looks like there's just a couple chunks liverock (except for the 3 BIG pieces). . Am looking for a PFO lighing mogul base fixture - have ballast & radium 400w bulb, just need a fixture - If anyone knows anybody with one they wanna get rid of - PM me. Thx in advance!

tangs rule

Active Member
I'm into the project about 7 grand so far. Have not touched the cards yet - been taking it out of checking. It's about time to break into them though
gotta leave a little mad money in the bank.


Active Member
thats great.i next to never use my cc.if i dont have it ,i dont need it.
i am waiting for my plano supplier to find me a 4 inch achilles them i think i am done for a while.but the new store i found here in fort worth is having a 6th anniversary party on april 30th .i am sure i will be leaving there with a bunch of stuff.

tangs rule

Active Member
I think my achilles is my favorite. He's always in the same mood - - "happy" - and bounces when he swims. He was just a baby when I got him, which pissed me off. He came from some online joint in SoCal and was sold as "medium" size - but he showed up very small - like under 1.25" and like $160.00....I was very angry and have never bought from that retailer again.....Luckly he ate and was not too picky about eating, small tangs can be VERY hard to keep alive, as they may only eat phyto/pods/and graze on tiny alage. Sometimes they are not into the alage clip thing when they are babies. He's the newest tang I own, except for the orange shoulder that showed up today. I've had him 3+ years now and have never regretted the decision to get one.
Dallas North Aquarium had one once that was 8" was massive, and had PERFECT colorations.......a stunning fish.
I say get one
you'll never regret it.