Bigger is better? Lets try 475 gallons...Tangs gonna be happy!


Active Member
Nice tank, that has endless possiblities!!!! I want to get a job where you work, 450. $$ on a electric bill would put me in the crazy house Lol!!!!

tangs rule

Active Member
Update: (it's been a while)
Well, everyone is doing well in Qtine - except for one of the 6line wrasses, who didn't make it thru the weekend - crap, I hate loosing fish......He was thin on arrival and never ate much. Everyone that remains is eating VERY well, frozen mysis/formula1/marine cuisine seem to be hit hard when offered.
The navarchus angel is doing much better. He was hiding too much/spending way too much time in a large black coffee cup - being too reclusive, and missing some meals. I made the call to put him in with the tang & butterfly and it is working out great! the angle now spends the days up in the middle of the water column with the other 2 large fish, and attacks food when offered. Since the other 2 don't freak out when I walk by the tank - the angle doesn't feel too threatened and no longer "dives" into hiding everytime I go by. I also think he's figured out when I do go by, it's either to feed them, or go pee, and there's a 50% chance of either - lol

The remaining 6 line and blenny are doing fine, and getting rather fat. they both hang out on the bottom, where food has a tendancy to sink to, and in the 30g hex tank, I use the powerhead pointed at the bottom to keep it "stirred" so things can get sucked into the filter. The lawnmower blenny looks pregnant cause it eats so much.
I've got moonlights over the 475 now. Will try to get my crappy camera to get a nite shot of it. Looks very cool.
The "upsize" mag float finally showed up - it's very strong, and it would be very hard to seperate them if u let them bind together. It's also big - here it is side by side with the little guy:

Will be moving more stock from my reef over to the 475 later this week, including the LTA & BTA with the mated pair ocellaris. The 4" maroon will likely come out of the big tank and go back into another tank. There's no doubt a 4" female maroon would kill my ocellaris pair in short order. I MAY try her (maroon) back in the 475 later on in life, but if it fails to work, the maroon may wind up alone in it's own tank. Pics to come!

tangs rule

Active Member
O GOD what a nightmare....I decided to move the anemones over - which went well, till the BTA dropped off the rock and fell in to the catch bucket I had while walking them over to the 475 - splat! (they both were attached to the same rock). So I got them both over into the big tank, and all they wanna do is roam around and head for the strainer in the bottom middle - - - - what a PITA.....all day now moving corals around while 2 brainless wads of slime roam around looking for their happy spot. They get too close to the suction strainer - I gotta encourage them to move away or pick them up and let em start over from somewhere else. They both kinda found "acceptable" spots to hang out at the end of the day cycle - but now the lights are off, the silly BTA is on the move again. Somebody may end up in the toilet before the night is out! grrrrrrrr

Pics tomorrow - if they settle down, I'm spent
Edit: The 4" maroon it looks like wants to host in the BTA. The ocellaris were hosting in the LTA. In a perfect world, the 2 anemones will find their happy spots at opposite sides of this big tank, and I'd be able to keep 2 types of clown in the same tank - but wish in one hand, &*#$ in the other.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/180#post_3376673
LOL...gotta love it haha
cover your PH's until they find their spot
There are none - lol The tank actually has excellent water movement in the entire vertical water column due to the 2 1 inch dia outlets that are driven by the 4300gph high pressure pump, and the top gets agitated by the 2100gph return pump. The entire water volume in the tank "swirls" slightly. The only dead spot in the tank is right by the bottom of the overflow box on either side.
The LTA has setteled down a bit, and the maroon is keeping the BTA on the side of a huge 24" tall rock. I hope in 12 hours they are still about where they are!

tangs rule

Active Member
So it's been a couple days - Now have the LTA and BTA fairly happy in the 475. The maroon clown came out of the 475 for now and is back in a 90g, and moved the ocellaris out of the 90 and into the 475 (musical fish tanks). Catching fish in a tank this big is gonna be a real problem, so I better Qtine and monitor all new additions. I caught the maroon in 5 minutes - but he's easy to fake out. I doubt I'd ever catch a tang without help.
Here's the mated pair occelaris in the LTA - very happy!

The maroon may come back over in a month or 2 - the BTA (her favorite) is only about 2 feet away, and I still think there's gonna be trouble mixing clown types, even in a 8'x3'x3' tank. I'll give it 1 try later on, but if it doesn't work, the maroon will wind up in another tank permanantly
Everyone in Qtine is doing excellent - -

Moved about 4 various brittle stars (3 different species) over to the 475 from the 125 reef the other nite. Gotta stay up a little late 2nite to see if they are doing OK, as they hide well in dark places during lights on. Will see if they are roaming around in the dark as normal.

more pics of the project comming shortly


Active Member
Awesome, I can't wait to see that angel in the big tank. And your chances of catching a 6line wrasse in there is about 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance.
I would do a melanurus wrasse though, they are really cool fish and eat pests.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/180#post_3377346
Awesome, I can't wait to see that angel in the big tank. And your chances of catching a 6line wrasse in there is about 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance.
I would do a melanurus wrasse though, they are really cool fish and eat pests.
LOL - - Clowns catch easy in the dark, blind them with a flashlight, use a pvc (white) pipe 3' long and "drive them" to one side where a black net awaits. Have caught clowns several times this way. Tangs don't fall for it though, and know to avoid the corners/open spaces. Little fish like wrasses are gonna be impossible - your odds are way too high!! lol

tangs rule

Active Member
Here's a shot from one end thru it to the other. I gotta scrub walls tonight, been about 3-4 days - startin to get green.

This is the west end looking east


Active Member
LOL, my clowns never go into the rockwork, it makes me sad

Are you going to do any wrasses? I would seriously consider a melanurus.

tangs rule

Active Member
That's a very cool fish. I will likely do another batch of smaller dudes here when the current batch in Qtine go into the next tank for evaluation before going into the 475. I will try to get one.

tangs rule

Active Member
Actually, I do think of it in that way. "gotta clean the south wall"
The longnose butterfly is officially STUPID. Every time I feed fzn mysis - the shrimps drift DOWN into the water column, the butterfly keeps looking & striking the surface of the water for food at the TOP.... What a moron! At least he eats some marine cuisine, which the navarchus angle and tang have gotten to like alot - I just fed a whole cube to them, and it was all eaten within 1 minute. (2nd cube of the day)
The lawnmower blenny is officially obese - since the butterfly is too stupid to eat most of the mysis, and the angle & tang don't eat them all, the blenny is batting cleanup on the bottom......Good grief he's so fat when he "perches" on top of a cup or PVC, he no longer perches "level" but rests on his fat belly, and perches at a slant....I have to get a picture of it - it's priceless. He'll thin out when they get out of qtine and into the next tank for observation.
Just caught him before lights out - here he is leaning to his left, cause his gut is the size of a large marble. The camera takes of an ounce or two!! LOL

Actually, 4 of the 5 fish in Qtine are in this pic (6 line hiding). The navarchus no longer hides at all, and stays out in the open all day, waiting on food. He is gonna fit in GREAT to the 475 - I think it was a good choice. His coloration is simply ELECTRIC.
And I thought tangs were pretty!
Not alot of progress on the 475, I'm just letting it run and feeding the 5 tangs multiple times a day. The mated pair ocellaris are happy again in the LTanemone, which seems to have found "happiness" on top one of the new huge baserocks:

The corals & verts in there are doing great and I don't wanna push my luck - am gonna add things more slowly. The BTA is on top of the other large baserock, later on i'll try the big maroon back in this tank and hope she'll again host in it and forget the ocellaris & LTA.
Here's the gang of tangs:
(they swim laps till you walk by the tank, then they all beg very well as a group)