Update: (it's been a while)
Well, everyone is doing well in Qtine - except for one of the 6line wrasses, who didn't make it thru the weekend - crap, I hate loosing fish......He was thin on arrival and never ate much. Everyone that remains is eating VERY well, frozen mysis/formula1/marine cuisine seem to be hit hard when offered.
The navarchus angel is doing much better. He was hiding too much/spending way too much time in a large black coffee cup - being too reclusive, and missing some meals. I made the call to put him in with the tang & butterfly and it is working out great! the angle now spends the days up in the middle of the water column with the other 2 large fish, and attacks food when offered. Since the other 2 don't freak out when I walk by the tank - the angle doesn't feel too threatened and no longer "dives" into hiding everytime I go by. I also think he's figured out when I do go by, it's either to feed them, or go pee, and there's a 50% chance of either - lol

The remaining 6 line and blenny are doing fine, and getting rather fat. they both hang out on the bottom, where food has a tendancy to sink to, and in the 30g hex tank, I use the powerhead pointed at the bottom to keep it "stirred" so things can get sucked into the filter. The lawnmower blenny looks pregnant cause it eats so much.
I've got moonlights over the 475 now. Will try to get my crappy camera to get a nite shot of it. Looks very cool.
The "upsize" mag float finally showed up - it's very strong, and it would be very hard to seperate them if u let them bind together. It's also big - here it is side by side with the little guy:

Will be moving more stock from my reef over to the 475 later this week, including the LTA & BTA with the mated pair ocellaris. The 4" maroon will likely come out of the big tank and go back into another tank. There's no doubt a 4" female maroon would kill my ocellaris pair in short order. I MAY try her (maroon) back in the 475 later on in life, but if it fails to work, the maroon may wind up alone in it's own tank. Pics to come!