Bigger is better? Lets try 475 gallons...Tangs gonna be happy!

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by cryptics http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/200#post_3381301
Your lucky you weren't touching the water of the 75g. Damn thats scary
The tornado sirens were going off, and I had lit several candels, placing them around for the eventual loss of power - The main storm that night was getting real close.......I was still unplugging things (most everything like tanks & TV, Stereo, computer, firewall, etc) as the strikes were getting closer.... Was in the kitchen working my way to the last tank to be unplugged when there was a very bright flash that lit up the whole inside of the house and the thunder came at the exact
same time. There seemed to be a "saint elmos fire" event in the 75 (remainder of the reef) which was crazy - there was actually tiny blue electric streaks that ran all thru the tank, and at that exact moment, that circuit breaker for that tank (the only one to trip) popped. Much later after the storm, I tried to reset the breaker, but it'd pop immediatly.....finally discovered one powerhead had been shorted to the water and it's history.
I bet if i'd had hands in that tank at the time, at the very least, i'd have a new hairdoo

tangs rule

Active Member
todays look at the 475g:
Pardon the PVC pipe - H. magnifica (long tentical anemone) decided this morning it was moving day and has been roaming around the tip of his host trying to keep him seperate from a coral frag. the last 10 days he was happy on the back side, now he wants to see better options. What a turd....

the frogspawn below is about 10" diameter when fully inflated..

The achillies and blonde naso are growing very nice tails....The naso is older by 2 years, but the 100g tank he's been in for too long was stunting his growth - bad......I expect him to be a 10-12" long fish in a couple years. Naso tangs do not belong in anything smaller than like 200g. tanks


tangs rule

Active Member
We also now have a major accomplishment - a very large and mean maroon clown (female) hosting in a BTA - in the same tank as a mated pair of ocellaris clowns hosting in LTA. The marron comes over to the occelaris alot and flares gills/looks pissed - but for the last week now, they have co-habitated about like republicans and democrats blood lettig yet, just angry looks.............

Pipe organ coral growing like mad:

An overall look - the additional 400 watt fixture arrives tomorrow or friday, and I will finally have 3each 400w 20k radium bulbs burning over the top with the 3ea 250 watt to come then!

Cabinet doors still NOT done - cabinet maker dude and I cannot seem to get together -'ll happen......
Also am beginning to play around with a background - just hung today, needs ALOT of work to get it right.......cheers!


Active Member
Tank is looking great! The tangs look great.
The incident with the electric 75 gallon is kind of scary... At least there were to fish (or hands) in the tank.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by yannifish http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/220#post_3381383
Tank is looking great! The tangs look great.
The incident with the electric 75 gallon is kind of scary... At least there were to fish (or hands) in the tank.
After seeing what some serious lightning did to the 75, I may not run a grounding pole in the 475. There's minimal (2) submersibal type pumps in the system, and the main pumps (4300 & 2400 gph) are "dry type". Crazy that another 30 seconds, and I'd had the 75g unplugged before the lightning struck..... What the lightning did fry was an am/fm radio on the back porch, a box fan back there too, and an electric razor in the bathroom. Am very gald the expensive electronics and most tanks were already unplugged at the time.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/180#post_3377363
LOL, my clowns never go into the rockwork, it makes me sad

Are you going to do any wrasses? I would seriously consider a melanurus.

Thank you for the suggestion on the melanurus - he's gonna be a great addition, assuming I dont kill him during the rest of Qtine, re-salting, and isolation in a 75g for a month prior to insertion into the 475. Thanks again snap for the tip - a great looking fish for only 3" long.


Well-Known Member
lol man u would have looked like that guy from back to the future lol with ur hair all straight back shiv......Tank looks great man, my gf actually was a lil intrested! Could be good for me so thxs on a personal level bro!

tangs rule

Active Member
That stupid anemone finally did it...

This should be alot of fun. Extracting his dumbass. Am going to let him work on it a bit first and see if he can extract himself some, but I sense it's time to go swimming and try to pull him out.
And without their own anemone the ocellerais clowns are being chased by the maroon, so the lights are off for now......awww shi_.
At least the BTA is still happy where it's been for weeks now. It's the LTA that's sucked.

tangs rule

Active Member
Well - it's been about 4 hours - the big recirc pump has been off......he has got himself 95% out of the strainer BY HIM SELF ! ! !! LOL I've yet to grab the snorkel gear and help him out.....I figure the dipsht got himself into this position, he can figure a way out....We shall see if he avoids this area of the rock during future midnite road trips. . . .though I doubt it...

The lights have been on since 11am (to help guide the LTA back off the bottom where he's stuck in the strainer - and back to the top of his fav rock)- I had to catch one of the ocellaris clowns and throw him into a fallow but running 90gal. The other is hiding in the overflow box of the 475g:

As soon as I turned on the lights - the maroon turned into a real btch, chasing both occelaris, causing one clown to leap into the overflow, and I netted the other.......hopefully in a day r 2 when the LTA is back to a more "normal" condition, i'll reintroduce the ocellaris.... Suprising that even in a tank this large, these 2 types of clownfish will not co-habitate unless each type of clown has a host anemone to nest in.
I figure the LTA will be totally out in another hour or so. He'll be a little damaged, but his foot was never hurt, and the damaged tentaciles will heal up. I just don't know how bad his mantle may be hurt.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/220#post_3383446
That is wierd about the maroon clown. Maybe he needs MORE space

Well, the LTA got himself out of the strainer, he looks rather molested though, kinda beat up/run-over - but he'll get better. The ocellaris are back in their usual home and since they stay in their anemone - the maroon has gone back to her BTA and we again have a co-habitation. It reminds me a little like the relationship between N & S Korea.


Active Member
The anemone does not look to bad for what it has been through. I would just keep a close eye on it, and if the clowns beat it up too much then I would remove the clowns for a bit. This will give the nem to fully heal.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/220#post_3384026
The anemone does not look to bad for what it has been through. I would just keep a close eye on it, and if the clowns beat it up too much then I would remove the clowns for a bit. This will give the nem to fully heal.
If it didn't look bad before, it really looks like hammered sht now........It did it again - this time I think it was a suicide mission! ! ! good grief......lights on this morn, and guess who was in the strainer for the second time in a week......And after the last time I covered up the strainer inlets with a pile of liverock - leaving only a few tiny exposed areas (crevices) where he COULD get thru and get into the stariner.....I didn't hink he WOULD though. He had to TRY to do it, and I guess he did.....after he got out last time, he moved to the top of his rock and stayed there till lights out monday nite.....sometime in the night - he again went ona midnight run and wound up in the strainer, though this time only his foot was visible and he was totally pulled off any adjacent rock- -totally in the strainer.....
O God not again.....
So I turned off the recirc pump, pulled that strainer and just set it over on the other side of the 475, installed a spare strainer and let everything run as normal for the day......the LTA with 100% tentacils sucked into stariner.....but I had to leave this morn.
Got home this evening and he was out. Again he freed himself. but he looks worse than before. I dunno if he'll survive this event.
I'm gonna get some type of plastic mesh and form it into a "hat" shape to cover the dual strainer. Till then the recirc pump stays off at nite, and I'll be able to watch him tomorrow & thursday during the days some. If he starts looking real bad or appears dead, There's still a stable 75g coral qtine tank I can dump him into so he does not pollute the 475. I've another one or order, maybe this one will move around less, and by the time he clears qtine (7-10 days) I'll have a plastic mesh over the strainers. . . . .and the damaged LTA may survive.

tangs rule

Active Member
On some brighter news, all the fish in both qtine tanks are now in seperate isolation tanks (75g & 90g). Began comming up with Qtine tank salinity early last week and by sunday nite, they were at 1.024 sg. I came up by about .002 or .003 per day. Sadly the melanurus wrasse failed to make it.
Not sure why, but not parasite related. I really liked him and may try another one later on...I think wrasses are touchey when in comes to their water salinity......But I am done with fish qtine for a little while. If the fishes in isolation now make it a month with no breakouts, they will get introduced into the 475.
But Sunday nite the guys in Qtine were ready so they went over into the following (as they were in qtine)
In the old 75g Dutch Aquarium Systems tank are the fish from the 30g hex qtine: coral beauty, 6 line, rockskipper blenny, and firefish
In the 90wavefront are the fish from the 20g qtine: orange shoulder tang, navarchus angle, 2nd 6 line and 2nd rockskipper
The other tank I've running is a 75g coral qtine tank (which is the remainder of the 125reef)
Everyone's eating good and happier to be in somthing that closer resembles a real system than a glass bottom and a coffee cup. Now they have substrate, a piece of liverock or 2.......and coffee cups/pvc. lol
1/2 the lr I own went into the 475g, and the other 1/2 is in the 75g coral qtine tank cause every once in a while I find an aptasia polyp on a have peppermints in there and am keeping it isolated from the 475 till I can ensure each chunk is free & clear. There's only a few small chunks in the 90 & 75 fish isolation tanks.
I'll try to get a dozen pics or so posted later this week of what's left of the LTA, the fish in isolation, and a new small order of invert newbies comming thursday. I'll also post a pic of the 475 with all the lights running (they are all here now) 3ea 400watt and 3ea 250 watt units's bright in there when all lit! - "let there be light" and there IS ! ! !