Bigger is better? Lets try 475 gallons...Tangs gonna be happy!

tangs rule

Active Member
A better shot of the angel. caught him this morn while dark, in the corner of the Qtine tank. Simply stunning.

tangs rule

Active Member
Let there be light! - at least some, about 1550 watts now. Need another PFO mogul base fixture and I can get another 400w over it. And whenever the 125 reef all comes over - there's another 500w there.
Looks like everyone is Qtine is alive this morn and eating - which is awesome >

The mag float (on rt) is one size too small - it just BARELY sticks thru the glass - I've ordered the bigger size which is good for 1" thick glass - should be here the 9th. There went another $100 bill.


Active Member
475 gallons = enormous
ability to house multiple tangs = damn cool
electricity bill to run it all = priceless!!!!
I just love the rock structures


Active Member
Now THATS a tank! Very nice, and yes, the angel is so stunning, it can't stop admiring itself!


WOW...VERY nice.....How many lights are on there? I can't tell if it looks like more cause of the mirrors

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/160#post_3374879
475 gallons = enormous
ability to house multiple tangs = damn cool
electricity bill to run it all = priceless!!!!
I just love the rock structures
The 3 each ~100 gal tanks with chillers/MH lights/and all the crap + the extra time the airconditioner runs adds about $100/month to the electric bill ($180/mo winter - $350/mo summer). I figure the 475 by itself will add another $100/month or so to it. Right now it's really bad cause it's all running - the 475 & 3 small mains....the dining room (where all the tanks are) runs HOT with all that electrical consumption - it's gonna need a window unit before summer. Am expecting 450+/month electric bills this summer unless I can break down some mains and cut my electron usage. Sadly the house has gas heat (which is cheep) but the more tanks I run - the less it has too!! lol


Active Member
i say you should switch to the large lumenarc reflectors. 1 covers a 24x24 area pretty well and would maybe cut down on the number of reflectors you would need. or switch to LED, thatll really cut down your costs

tangs rule

Active Member
The maroon is only 4" long, I've had him as long as my oldest tang, about 7-8 years. He should get a little bigger now, as he came out of a 100g.
There are only 2ea 400w and 3ea 250w over it right now. I've got another ballast and a new 400w radium 20k bulb - all I need is a mogul fixture. Eventually it will have 3ea 400w and 5 or 6 250w units. Longterm plan is to enclose all the light fixtures with a wooden hood attached to the celing - and install 2 celing vents inside it and run small fans to vent all the heat into the attic or all the way to the roof and outside. The 2 pool pumps run 24/7 and their fans produce as much heat 24 hours a day as the chiller on my reef does when it runs.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by nikeSB http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/160#post_3374893
i say you should switch to the large lumenarc reflectors. 1 covers a 24x24 area pretty well and would maybe cut down on the number of reflectors you would need. or switch to LED, thatll really cut down your costs
I'm worried about using LED's in a 36" deep tank. Plus - I'd like to see the LED systems get more exposure in the hobby before I invest in them. Once the thing is older and I can get the sps/lps over to it, then I can experiment with bigger reflectors or led and see how the corals do - but that's a ways off.....till then that meter on the side of the house gonna be spinnin!

tangs rule

Active Member
Here's a better pic of the longnose butterfly & baby orange shoulder tang:

They are eating selcon soaked mysis, and some frozen stuff. The tang doesn't know about alage clips and nori yet - but he'll learn. The 30 gallon hex tank they are in was my first tank (frehswater) and was bought in 1990. It still holds water - no leaks/never resealed~! It's been moved many times and filled/emptied countless times. It's scratched/beat up/got paint overspray on it - but works nice as a Qtine. The camera flash seems to really bring out the scratches/water spots on the glass. The butterflies color is getting better, and his appetite is comming up..
Also did waterchange #2 on the 475g this morn at 3am after the dog had to go pee and I couldn't get back to sleep. 65 gallons only drops the level in it 4 inches.


Active Member
i had a 7 inch achilles for a while but i added some corals and couldnt save him from the ich.he went through it 3 times.everytime i raise the salt it came back.7 inches it too big for my 250 gallon.a 4 inch would be perfect.the tank is looking awesome

tangs rule

Active Member
We almost have a reef - some of these have been in the 475 for a week - others since noon, but all are looking good
SPS: a rose stylophora frag (left) and a orange guttatus birdsnest frag (right)

A very hearty gorgonian - unknown type, but have had it for 8 years

A galaxea coral - comming back since it was damaged in shipment due to the cold back in Jan.

A short polyp goniopora, light blue and the size of an orange

Some frogspawn

tangs rule

Active Member
A very nice dark green pagoda cup, 7" diameter

Torch coral - only a 250 watt over it, but when the last 400w is ready it'll show up better.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/160#post_3375018
your gorginian is a corky finger.

I've had it so long I've no idea where I got it, this thing and some palys were the only inverts to survive my reef crash a couple years ago due to a week+ with no electricity due to hurricane Ike...It's VERY hardy, and it was the first "test" organism I put in the 475. It extended immediatley, so I knew the water parameters were not too bad (tests all said pretty good)