Here's a better pic of the longnose butterfly & baby orange shoulder tang:

They are eating selcon soaked mysis, and some frozen stuff. The tang doesn't know about alage clips and nori yet - but he'll learn. The 30 gallon hex tank they are in was my first tank (frehswater) and was bought in 1990.
It still holds water - no leaks/never resealed~! It's been moved many times and filled/emptied countless times. It's scratched/beat up/got paint overspray on it - but works nice as a Qtine. The camera flash seems to really bring out the scratches/water spots on the glass. The butterflies color is getting better, and his appetite is comming up..
Also did waterchange #2 on the 475g this morn at 3am after the dog had to go pee and I couldn't get back to sleep. 65 gallons only drops the level in it 4 inches.