Bigger is better? Lets try 475 gallons...Tangs gonna be happy!


Originally Posted by tangs rule http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/40#post_3368333
The small tank on the left will be the refugium. I decided on a seperate sump&fuge. The sump holds the skimmer/heaters/calcium reactor, and I wanted a dedicated refugium, so I got a little 25g tall tank. Water from the main tank overflow will dump right into the fuge and then get pumped over to the sump by a quiet one 4000, where it can be returned to the main.
For rock, i'll be using the rock I already have, 130# of huge dry base rock, and when I have an empty small (100g) main - I'll get another couple hunderd pounds in 100# increments and cure it off for 6 weeks / batch so I can put it directly into the main after curing and Qitne....
I wanted to do that but I could not think of a way to keep the refugium from overflowing if the pump went out in it, but the sump keep going. What are you going to do / have done to stop that?

tangs rule

Active Member
Am making/designing a float valve for the fuge input. In a power failure when everything quits - have already insured the sump&fuge will hold the main water till siphon/draining quits with 20gallons reserve space - but if the sump pump stalls on a restart or quits - I have to stop the input to the fuge. Will post pics of it after testing complete.


Active Member
Hey, tang, why not get all the LR you want/ need, cure it in the big tank, but while curing, anything you want in the LR that is alive, move to the 100g tank and save until curing is done, then by that time the tank is cycled and ready for everything from your 100g.
That way you keep everything cool and benefical from the LR, I recommend florida LR, can get some incredible stuff.

tangs rule

Active Member
The reason I dont want to introduce anything "bad" into this thing is that it is SO big - it'd be hell to catch fish/fight pests/remove unwanted critters......another reason is I need more paychecks to come in to continue supporting this project!!! LOL Have already spent an easy $6000 in setup costs and the LR is gonna be another grand - plus...
Ive got enough LR (100#) to move into it later this week, and start moving fish & live substrate from the 2 mains......basically I'm gonna take everything but the fish & some cuc from the 1st tank to be broke down and move it into the 475.....then after a couple days, move 1 fish into it and see how he does.....then the next & next, then all re remaining cuc......then move over to the next tank and do it the same way.....Once the 1st tank is empty of everything but water AND fishes be happy/healthy for a couple weeks in the big tank - I can get some new LR and cure it off / Qtine it / inspect for bad hitchhikers and put it in either the 90 or 100 or both..
The 125 reef (3rd main) will only donate it's naso tang and 1/2 the LR early on cause I gotta get some months of stability on the 475 before I start moving over SPS/LPS and the rest of it's substrate/LR....
Hey 1snap - where did u get your LR? - - am researching all the LR dealers, and making notes


Active Member
i get mine from a guy in plano tx. $3.50 a pound he dont give you 3 inch pieces they are 8-16 inces huge sweet for caves.they are loaded with life.i have bought over 300 lbs from him.i think he ships now .if you want pm me and i will get you with him.


Active Member
no ,he sells out of his house.he has pissed off all the lfs because he dont have a store front.he does have his selling license.he gets fish that nobody else can at great prices since he dont have any overhead.he has a 4.5 inch achilles now for $160.was thinking about it.but i plant to spend a grand this week on some mp40's and a battery backup.he has a new website but its not done yet.


Active Member
I got some florida LR from a local guy who overbought.
I think it would be a good idea to go w/ floida LR, then any hitch hickers that are good can be brought over to the 475.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/60#post_3368487
I got some florida LR from a local guy who overbought.
I think it would be a good idea to go w/ floida LR, then any hitch hickers that are good
can be brought over to the 475
That's funny!!
With my luck - which is pretty bad - all I ever get with LR is aiptasia/mojano! - - maybe some ich or velvet if it's a good day....That's kinda why I wanna keep the new LR in a tank - so I can inspect it real good, and give it 5-6 weeks to rid any fishborne illness/parasites.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/60#post_3368486
no ,he sells out of his house.he has pissed off all the lfs because he dont have a store front.he does have his selling license.he gets fish that nobody else can at great prices since he dont have any overhead.he has a 4.5 inch achilles now for $160.was thinking about it.but i plant to spend a grand this week on some mp40's and a battery backup.he has a new website but its not done yet.
ohh you must be talking about rodney? great guy


Active Member
yep rodney.i have bought alot of stuff from him.he is an hour and a half drive for me but i email him what i want and a few days later its in.the best part about him is he can get any fish and the fish is always bigger than what you would find anywhere online.he even has sweet deals on austrailian corals.
gunna get me some once i get my mp40's


Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/60#post_3368528
yep rodney.i have bought alot of stuff from him.he is an hour and a half drive for me but i email him what i want and a few days later its in.the best part about him is he can get any fish and the fish is always bigger than what you would find anywhere online.he even has sweet deals on austrailian corals.
gunna get me some once i get my mp40's
What town is this guy in?


Active Member
i cant remember his street name.just how to get there.if you pm your email i will foward his latest fish listing with prices.