Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Agree, but the problem is that your not getting anything "special" from the biowheel. Can you name one thing that you can't get without it?
Off gassing in signifigant amounts.
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
If we say Offgasing or the growth of beneficial algea, Wouldn't that make it "dependant"?
not nescessarily, its like saying take your skimmer off your system is going to become dependant on skimming. Because your filtration if good enough should be able to handle the waste. its just a bonus that the High air contact ration can off gass amonia and not leave it in the system to break down, wich is similar to one of the primary functions of a protien skimmer, to remove protiens before they break down into ammonia, some are going to break down anyway so we might as well get rid of them. if your going to discourage biowheels we should be discouraging skimming as well, because your saying its superflous to try and get rid of the stuff instead of breaking it down in tank.
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
If Not, then does that mean if a tank that has a biowheel for a Primary filtration (regardless of age of tank ) If you suddenly remove this biowheel Nothing would happend?
of course if its primary filtration something is going to happen no one has stated other wise, if you have a bare tank and nothing but a biowheel and some fish removing the biowheel is going to be disasterous, but if you have a properly set up tank and the biowheel stops spinning due to negligence, or malfunction (they do stay wet when this happens unless they spray bar breaks) any impact is going to be no worse than your skimmer stopping untill you can fix it. IMO a skimmer can remove far more protien than a biowheel can break down, so a skimmer stopping would be far more disasterous. which to my knowledge has never initiated a full on cycle/spike.
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
So why suggest someone to keep something that will require more Maintanance?...?
why would you tell some one to use a skimmer thats going to require more maintinence? because its benificial and easy to clean. swish it in change water for 5 seconds and presto clean (sometimes its a little longer if you let it go)
Originally Posted by Aztec Reefg>
did you know that you're not suppost to replace the biowheels "Ever"
So can you see a Nitrate Fact...?
you dont have to replace them. occasionally the rubber bushings on the ends wear out and need to be replaced but I have never seen a biowheel need to be replaced unless the owner tears it or squishes it. Name one peice of aquarium equipment that has never malfunctioned. you dont have to replace LR either the biological function doesnt wear out, even if everything dies off on it the bacteria can recolonize, just like base rock.
And yes I definatly see nitrate as being the end product. but again its liike saying throw out your shallow sand bed the aerobic end product is only nitrate. and yet shallow sand beds are run successfully all the time.
Different set ups can gain from having BIowheels as an part of the system, an overall blanket statement saying they are bad just isnt true. In a lot of aquariums there is no anaerobic environment for break down (some on LR but if a piece isnt larger than fist size this amount of anaerobic availability is suprisingly negligable) of nitrate so they key in those systems is is to break everything down to trates and remove it through water changes. It seems the basis for saying they are bad for the majority is, "in a perfectly set up aquarium they a redundant", thats true for a perfect system. but so is having two heaters and yet we reccomend having them just in case. and lets remember most tanks arent perfectly set up especially in the beggining, or for begginners. I feel its safer to have too much filtration than not enough.