Black Tip Reef Shark


Here's a full tank shot. Sorry about the reflections, I'll have to take some at night.
dave857: Do you still have any of those sharks? Any pics?


Eelfreak: Unfortunately, the tank is too tall to really do anything like that. I had thought of it though:)
I feed the shark every other day right now, mainly because he's new. I'm injecting all his food with a ton a vitamins to help boost his immune system just in case.
So far he's eating Cod, scallops, and squid. Oddly, he wont touch shrimp.
thavngr98: Thanks, and I only wish:) If I had, I wouldn't have built my own tank, and it would be 10 times this size:D
Hey Novice, I see you found one, I am the guy in orlando you contacted about one. $1000.00 is a good price did that include shipping and where did you get him from?


how big of a tank? I guess you watch 007 christmas 1 to many times eh?? congrats. they are beautiful fish when they are not chasing you up from the bottom :)


Aquaticdesign: Are you the friend of splash's I called? I would assume so, since you posted about his baby.
1000 did not include shipping. I know that I paid a little more for this shark than I would have if I had waited. I got a little impatient, and tired of people not coming through. But hey, it was worth it:D
VonRahvin: 1650. I have never seen the movie your refering to. Just really like sharks.:)
Kev: I have 3 other sharks in the tank with him. A bamboo that I hatched from an egg, a 15" horn shark, and a 12" Leopard.
I might add a few tangs and groupers to add some color to the tank.


Moray: Will do:D
Leopardshark: I assume you are asking for drawings and dimensions of the tank? If so, check out my homepage. It has pictures and some descriptions from day one. I also have another link to a site where a friend of mine put up pics of my tank, and I wrote a detailed description of the construction process.
I do not have any drawing or blue prints for the tank. Let me know what your looking for and I'll try to help out.


Whats up novice. Nice sharks. I'm glad to see you've finally realized your dream. Thats a hella cool looking blacktip. The horn and bamboo pic reminds me of my tank(i miss my brown banded bamboo :( )
Anyway, nice tank and good luck with the sharks. :)


Active Member
im still waiting for the picture we were promised of you swimming with the sharks.
congrats on the sharks btw, looks great.


HFN2K: I wont be swimming in the tank until the shark gets used to his home. He's still a bit skittish. But, I will keep my promise:D
Jim27: I paid $90 for mine. My lfs had it, and couldn't get it to eat so they were happy to get rid of it. Of course, they had it in a 20 gal tank with 2 triggers.:rolleyes:


Wow, I wish I could have found a deal like that. I thought $200 was a little high but hey, I didn't pay for it(it was a gift) and it was eating well in the store tank and looked healthy so whatever :)