Black Tip Reef Shark


Awesome tank. I thought I remembered a post somewhere that you lised all of the materials and expenses for the whole project. Was that you, or am I thinking of another big tank?
Also, can you post the link to your friend's site that details the construction? I want to learn a little more about the fiberglass stage.


Yeah that was me, that was back when I first finished the construction of the tank. If you search my user name, you'll find it/them.
My friends site is down right now, not sure when it will be back up. Did you check out the msn site? If you have any specific questions, just ask:)


novice what kind of vitamins are you adding to the food? does the blacktip go into a frenzy at feeding time? I wish I was in your area so I could bring my lawn chair and sit and watch the tank all day!!!!


I inject their food with a product called Selcon. Its supposed to be high in B12. I learned about this the hard way after loosing a shark. He would constantly swim circles, it got worse and worse till he died.
The black tip gets pretty excited, and his behavior totally changes when he smells food. But its not really the frenzy I had hoped for.
I have a couple cool vid's of him if your interested.


I sent a vid to everyone that asked. Let me know if it doesn't work for any of you.
Splash: I sent one to you too, but it said your mailbox was full.
Coolermh: Thats a very long list:) But it ranges from HD for the wood, Aquatic Ecosystems for epoxy and silicone, to US Composites for the fiberglass. Is there anything in particular that you were wondering about?


Cool video novice. I love that leopard too. If you take anymore vids of your tank be sure and send them to me. :D
btw what are the dimensions of that tank?


awesome video!! that leopard was huge! how big is he? I really need to build my next tank!!!! have you looked into getting a bonnethead shark? all the ones I see when I go diving are about two' long... I dont know how hardy they are..... they look like mini hammerheads....


Jim27, I've got some more on my comp at home. I'll send em your way later.
Splash: Yeah I've seen the bonnet heads. I'd love to have one actually, but I don't want to push it. I have the black tip (dream shark) and Im happy with that. My next tank though, I think it'd be sweet to have one of each.
Although, if I sold the leopard, that would make some more room..........:)
I guess the Leopard is around 14". He was about 11" when I bought him, and its hard to notice the growth when you see it everyday.


Novice thanks for the vid its great, will you build a tank like for me..LOL I will fly you in and give you room and board :)..send all the vids my way