Blue Hippo Tang with ick


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirreloso
journeyman you just dont get it
your brainwashed...seriously

Squirrel, I'm not brainwashed. I've taken the time to read and study the life cycle of maine parasites. While there is not a large amount of info available the life cycle of ich has been established since the 1950's.
As I said before, I'm open to new materials to read and new ideas. If you have some secret knowledge on how Ich enters marine tanks feel free to share it. I for one will search and verify it eagerly.
Contrary to what seems to be thought by some posters here, we Mods aren't paid by the Hyposalinty and QT Consorteum. If you have relevant studies or info post away. We would be glad to see it.


either way this poor posters fish has to be helped
theres always a chance for human error and cross contamination as a method of ich getting into an "ich free" system
a few drops from the shipping bag on a persons hand, feeding tongs used in one tank then another, a net accidently used from one tank to another etc. mistakes happen, the phone could ring while doing tank chores, we all get confused and crap happends


Originally Posted by florida joe
I just love this time of year so much good will
I'm telling ya! I just feel bad for Cooqie having to read all this and still not knowing what to do.


Active Member
The OP was referred to the proper section of the forum that has a step by step procedure for dealing with the issue.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cooqie
im so confused i dont know what to think no more
I guess we should all pat ourselves on the back


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cooqie
im so confused i dont know what to think no more
Go to the first sticky post in the disease and treatment forum. The post on diseases will walk you step by step through the process.
Hopefully you've already begun setting up the QT tank as we discussed on the first page of this post.


you should be using a QT system on inverts and corals also. Never place a fish directly into your DT. Your DT should be disease free period.
People might think their tanks are okay after they have not seen ich for a while but during any stressful time(new addition, power outage, equiptment malfuction, etc.) the disease will quickly spread.
Run your tanks anyway you want but those who don't use some form of QT will eventually get burned.
Of course you can just wait 6 months and restock but your going to waste alot of money.
This is not just my opinion either. If you ever pick up a marine aquarium book, every well known author will mention and recommend a QT system. What do they know though? Probally never keep a marine fish before.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mckaax
I once had a thread that became like this. I was told to, let go man, let it go.
Hehe, I understand that point of view, and it is tempting.
In my opinion, though, I'd be doing a disservice to the forum if I let opinions that contradict facts go unchallenged.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
Why not just buy garlic made for an aquarium.
Garlic is great at getting fish to eat. I use it in all of my homemade food. Bottled garlic, however, is dubious at boosting an immune system.
Fresh garlic contains an ingredient (long name that escapes me) that doesn't last in a bottle apparently. There is some evidence that it can boost a fish's immune system, but I'm nto aware of any detailed studies proving it at this point.
Either way, best case scenario it's a band aid, nothing more.


journeyman im just curious, but who are you?
where do you get your info from?
how many years have you been in this hobby?
do you have a marine biology degree?


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirreloso
journeyman im just curious, but who are you?
where do you get your info from?
how many years have you been in this hobby?
do you have a marine biology degree?
I'm me
I get my info from hobbyist magazines, aquarium books, SW websites(some by authors of the books I have), journals, etc.
Got my first tank 17 years ago as a gift. Failed dismally; researched a lot before I tried it again.
Have a degree in Biology, emphasis is Marine Biology, Minor in Chemistry. Honestly though, that's not relevant to 99.9% of the posts I make on the forums. Most of my classes focused much more on the "big picture". To be honest I'd say only a small bit of what I learned in school carried over to the hobby. A very small amount. To my recollection we didn't ever discuss Cryptocaryon irritans

Where do you get your info from?


exactly, you pull your info from the web like everyone else

i get my experience from experience itself and what has worked and what hasnt worked for me
ive never once had a tank crash in my life, and i have tanks that are several years old.
ive learned that things dont have to be done "by the book" or to a "T"
this hobby is alot easier than everyone says, alot has to do with common sense.
but then again, i also know people who cant even keep freshwater tanks

believe me i have a whole list of things i disagree with in this hobby, actually no not the hobby itself but the hobbyist themselves.
most forums preach the same thing and god forbid anyone says anything all hell breaks loose then.
this discussion would have ended a long time ago if no one would have said "wrong!" advice is advice, what one person interprets as wrong doesnt mean its actually wrong, that makes a person ignorant and selfish.
its not bad advice until you've tried it yourself


i actually agree with squirreloso but imo i would use metronidazole. i have actually used metronidazole on my hippo tang a few months back and it worked on his ich beautifully. the only thing i worry about is using it in the display tank because of its effects towards the other fish but technically if your hippo tang has ich then all your fish most likely do so i would say go for it. See guys all he wanted was an ANSWER not a 2 page argument. But i still feel that the best way to figure out what is best for your tank is through experience. Listen to what people say but dont BANK ON IT being right
i hope that helped
P.S.- id rather not hear criticism as to why metronidazole is not even used to treat ich or anything like that because it worked for me and im just giving advice!


Active Member

Originally Posted by squirreloso
exactly, you pull your info from the web like everyone else
this discussion would have ended a long time ago if no one would have said "wrong!" advice is advice, what one person interprets as wrong doesnt mean its actually wrong, that makes a person ignorant and selfish.
its not bad advice until you've tried it yourself
I pull my "info" from many sites and many sources. Don't try to exclude all of what I said to try to invalidate my statements.
In all of your experience have you found the life cycle of Ich is different than what is documented?
Can you prove it? If so write an article, get it published, have it critiqued by your peers and let's advance the hobby. Just "going against the grain" and saying your a rebel and do a lot of things against conventional wisdom does nothing for our hobby or for the average aquarist. As has been stated on this thread, all tanks are different. There could very well be a small variant in your tank that allows you to "get away" with things other posters cannot. That's why it's important to know the "whys" behind things working or not working. Experimentation is great for the hobby if done correctly. It's cruel and unneccessary otherwise.
There were things "wrong" that were said. The salinity issue for one thing. The post saying all tanks have ich for another. Those statements are not advice, they are completely wrong statements and must be challenged.
I've never tried jumping off a bridge, climbing into a lion's cage and slapping a lion, or putting my hand on a hot oven cooktop; Does it mean it's bad advice on my part to tell someone else not to do those things? Of course not.