Blue Ribbon Eel


They are awesome looking. Can't wait for adult colors, though. Good luck, and keep us posted! (More videos and pics!)


Off Topic: Hey goingpoor, do you know a Jessyka Englebrecht? Cute girl, curly red hair, lip pierced. We were talkin about fish today and she mentioned her friend Angie who had a SW tank... just wondering if that's you, lol.


Originally Posted by joojoo
Off Topic: Hey goingpoor, do you know a Jessyka Englebrecht? Cute girl, curly red hair, lip pierced. We were talkin about fish today and she mentioned her friend Angie who had a SW tank... just wondering if that's you, lol.

nope dont think so sorry i know alot of jessica's but know whith curly red hair lol
by the way how did you know what my name is ??????? just thougth of that :notsure:


Originally Posted by goingpoor
nope dont think so sorry i know alot of jessica's but know whith curly red hair lol
by the way how did you know what my name is ??????? just thougth of that :notsure:
Lol ok, nevermind then! On your YouTube videos, your screen name is Angie, lol.


Myspace* videos. Hard to believe they are juvies, they are so long! They look amazing *jealous*


Active Member
very nice, i love ribbons, i tried to keep one alive at my lfs, i didnt succeed but i hope u do, they do look nice


well i think they like the pvc pipe to much they havent came out yet sence thursday im about ready to pull it up out of there
the most is a quick stick of the head and then they shoot back my ? is what do you think i should do ,take the pvc out or leave it a few more days ??????
:help: :help:


Leave it in. They have probably been out of the wild for at least a week already. That leaves you about one more week to get them to start eating. It's normal for a new fish to hide for a couple days. Have you tried holding a food with a strong smell next to the pipe openings, like freeze dried krill?
Don't give up!


Originally Posted by joojoo
Leave it in. They have probably been out of the wild for at least a week already. That leaves you about one more week to get them to start eating. It's normal for a new fish to hide for a couple days. Have you tried holding a food with a strong smell next to the pipe openings, like freeze dried krill?
Don't give up!
well no because i thought they only liked alive food????and they havent been out sence thursday night thats a little more then a few days tonight will be four days ill never get them to eat if they dont come out hell maybe there died in there
,i was thinking of making the pcv shorter i have a total of 8 feet in there maybe there to cumfy :scared:


Active Member
They like to hide, taking out the pipe would just stress them out, have you tried simulating a feeding frenzy in the tank to get them to eat? The other thread said he dumped in food like mad before they ate and I would try the feeding stick trick also.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
They like to hide, taking out the pipe would just stress them out, have you tried simulating a feeding frenzy in the tank to get them to eat? The other thread said he dumped in food like mad before they ate and I would try the feeding stick trick also.

yes i have but they wont even come out
may be ill send a fishie down the pipe and see what happens


True they prefer the live food, but it couldn't hurt to try to entice with something that smells good. I agree with the feeding frenzy idea. Although it may be a little cruel to the feeder fish, hopefully they will get eaten quickly, try to throw in like 10-20 feeders. I would turn the lights off for a while after this, maybe just leave actinics on, but aren't the eels nocturnal?


Originally Posted by MX#28
What are you trying to feed them?
well i have guppies and gold fish and ghost shrimp, frozen sillver sides


Active Member
Ok, here’s what I’ve seen work before:
The juvenile ribbon eels can swallow (and seem to prefer) a surprisingly large meal - like a goldfish. At first it will probably have to be alive – you can skewer a live goldfish on a feeding stick (yes, it’s ugly – hopefully PETA isn’t reading this) just barely enough to hold the goldfish on so that the eel can pull it off. Sometimes the ribbon eels are finicky about wanting a saltwater meal that they are used to (you might try a dead damsel or something) and it often helps to rub something like a cocktail shrimp on the goldfish to get the smell that the eel is looking for.


Animal cruelty anyone?
Any luck yet goingpoor? I thought of an idea today...
Get/make a contraption that is see-through and has vents to allow current through. A butterfly net or Rubbermade container with holes pucnched through could work. Make sure the holes are small enough so fish can't get through them. Get some goldfish, put them into the contraption, and invert it so that it sits over one of the PVC entries. This way the food is by the cave and the eels will still feel secure. Just a thought!