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Speg, I just started working work again about 3 weeks ago. It really stinks getting back into it with all the soreness you have to go through, but once you get over that, its not so bad. You just need a good lifting partner to keep you motivated and focused on your goal.
As far as eating and supplements go, in my opinion, they can be over rated. I'm a meat and potato guy and I am able to increase my strength and size by my work outs. Now if you wanted to do competition body building, I would tell you to take all that other stuff. Don't get me wrong, eating right and taking supplements will definately help you, but I guess you have to look at what you are lifting weights for.
Back several years ago, I used to run a lot while I was lifting weights (not at the same time, lol). I found that for me, running and lifting weights didn't help me gain strength or mass. I felt like that if I was going for endurance and high reps then running didn't hurt me, but if I was going for strength and mass running actually held me back.
To gain strength, you probably want to reduce the reps that you do at each station. Do a heavy weight where you are only able to lift it 5-6 times. Do about 4 sets like that on each exercise. Another way you can do it is to pyrimid. Say for example on bench, I start out with 225 lbs on the bar. I do it 8 times. My next set I increase the weight to 235 lbs. I do it 6 times. Then I raise the weight to 245 lbs. I do it 4 times. Doing it this way helped me to increase my strength and size. Just pick a weight that you can handle and you want the last rep of each set to be hard to push up.
Why you are still loosing wieght, I'm not sure. You are obvioulsy burning more cals than you are taking in. Cut back on the running and maybe eat more. Again this is just my opinion, but weight lifting results are individual. What works for one person may not work for another. Hope this helps.
Well for me I love feeling pain and soreness. I also dont need anybody to keep me motivated because I do so well by myself. When I was dieting my mother/sister was eating whatever they wanted to right in front of me and it didnt bother me.
I appreciate all the advice though! I am stuck with only 100 lbs for my weight right now because thats all the weights I have

At my friends house there are two machines which max at 100 lbs, at mine I have a bench and a leg press and my weights only go to 100 lbs and I can only fit 60 lbs on the leg press =c( I also have two 15 lb dumbells and 2 25 lb dumbells.
Im not a big strong monsterous guy yet.. so this weight isnt too bad for me

Hopefully one day I can increase the weight and become huge and dominate people!