Bodybuilding advice - please


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Heres Cartman's way to build up your body:
-sit back relax, enjoy some tv or play some games.
-Eat what you like when you relax
-Before you go to bed everynight, have some desserts! Ice cream is my favorite!
In about 7 weeks people will fear you and they will respect your authoritaw!!!! Who says you need muscles to be strong?

That was actually the old me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Heres Cartman's way to build up your body:
-sit back relax, enjoy some tv or play some games.
-Eat what you like when you relax
-Before you go to bed everynight, have some desserts! Ice cream is my favorite!
In about 7 weeks people will fear you and they will respect your authoritaw!!!! Who says you need muscles to be strong?

Only do this if you want to get VERY fat :scared:


Active Member
Well I did workouts today... I felt my shoulder hurt a bit here and there but I just didnt over work the painful area and things seemed to go ok. I'll know tomorrow morning though :p
Tomorrow (Saturday) im going to do legs and abs. Sooooooooo excited ;)
This guy was in the work truck with me today and seen how i've been eating... he's like 'man im shocked you're not really fat!' I said 'me too'.

salty tank

Will drinking a few beers a day (and more than a few on weekends) effect muscle mass or anything. I know it will give you a gut.
What about smoking? I smoke cigs, does this effect muscles?


Originally Posted by salty tank
Will drinking a few beers a day (and more than a few on weekends) effect muscle mass or anything. I know it will give you a gut.
What about smoking? I smoke cigs, does this effect muscles?
NONONONONONO. If i had the pacients to scientifically prove what effects liquor has on your body and Testosterone (spelling) i would type it all out. But i will instead find the article i saved on and copy paste it on here. And im not saying Beer is bad i love a fat beer from time to time (once a week or every other). But you have to know when to call it quits. And i wont even beggin to tell you the effect of tobacco has on your body.


Originally Posted by matty0h_52
NONONONONONO. If i had the pacients to scientifically prove what effects liquor has on your body and Testosterone (spelling) i would type it all out. But i will instead find the article i saved on and copy paste it on here. And im not saying Beer is bad i love a fat beer from time to time (once a week or every other). But you have to know when to call it quits. And i wont even beggin to tell you the effect of tobacco has on your body.
Beer and other alcoholic beverages can be enjoyed on occasion, but only in moderation. My definition of moderation would be one or two drinks (three at the very most) per day and only occasionally (like on the weekends). Some studies have shown protective health benefits from drinking small amounts of alcohol, particularly red wine. However, drinking excessively will definitely interfere with your muscular gains, decrease your energy and contribute to fat storage.
The primary problem with all alcohol, regardless of what form it's in - wine, beer, or liquor - is that the calories add up so quickly. At seven calories per gram, alcohol is the second most calorically dense nutrient behind fat, which contains nine calories per gram. When you're trying to lose body fat, all those extra calories certainly don't help with your fitness endeavors. Alcohol suppresses the body's ability to burn fat. When your liver is metabolizing alcohol, fat burning in the body stops altogether!
Alcohol dehydrates you, it interferes with the absorption of many nutrients and excessive consumption has been linked to health problems such as liver disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cardiomyopathy, abnormal heart rhythms, cancer, decreased resistance to infections, gout and hypoglycemia.
The key in developing a successful nutrition plan for yourself is to find a happy medium that you can live with. You'll have to make some sacrifices to develop a great body, but on the other hand, you shouldn't deprive yourself completely either. Let's face it, eating and drinking are two of life's greatest pleasures. If you try to be too strict by completely abstaining from alcohol, that might not be realistic; it depends on what your goals are and on how serious you are about achieving them. Most people just want to be fit and lean, not necessarily huge and "ripped" like a bodybuilder. If that's the case, then a drink or two won't slow your progress much. However, if you are serious about getting maximum results in the minimum amount of time, or if you are a competitive bodybuilder or athlete, then I would advise you not to drink at all.

salty tank

Originally Posted by Jmick
I agree, I wouldn’t waste my time doing fast reps for two reasons. You could injure yourself and you tend to have poor form. I do slow reps and really concentrate on form, I want to make sure I get the most out of each rep and really work the muscle and when you have poor form you suffer. I tend to take about 45 seconds to a minute between each set.
Have you joined a proper gym yet or are you still using your buddy’s equipment? I don’t think you are going to see really positive results until you get on good equipment ($30 a month is not a big investment).
If you continue to have shoulder pain I’d go to a doctor and have it looked at.

One way to get bigger is do them semi quick. Not as fast as you can but if rest between to long it doesnt work the muscle as hard. Or so i have read.


Active Member
Ok.. what muscles do you need to get good at benching? I am about the biggest wuss on the planet when it comes to benching. I max at like 125 :( I figure maybe I need to work my back more? I know your chest muscles are the muscles that benching targets... but I cant be using my chest much when im doing it.... a lil help here!?


Originally Posted by Speg
Ok.. what muscles do you need to get good at benching? I am about the biggest wuss on the planet when it comes to benching. I max at like 125 :( I figure maybe I need to work my back more? I know your chest muscles are the muscles that benching targets... but I cant be using my chest much when im doing it.... a lil help here!?
To increase your bench max you need to work out your chest and tri's and even your shoulders.


Originally Posted by Speg
My Tris, shoulders, and chest eh... Tomorrow im targetting those areas only then.
Here's what I currently do to help my bench press: flat bench(which works the chest), incline bench (upper chest), dumbell presses (chest, if you turn the palm of your hand in when you get to the top it will work the crease in your chest), tricep curls(tries), tricep pushdowns (tries) and dips(tries)
you can also do stuff like decline bench (lower chest or the tuck) and dumbel flys, there are several other things you can do to. Just be carefull with stuff like flys, I have heard that they can actually keep your bench max from going up becuase they are spreading your chest (don't know if that is true or not though)
Your shoulders don't play a major event in bench pressing, but you do push with them also.


Active Member
If I target only like a couple areas during a workout... like back/tris one day.. is it ok to do forearms/bis/chest the next day? Or should I wait 3-4 days before working out any part of my arms... I am going to start doing only target areas instead of my full arms.. I think i'll get a better workout that way?


You want to work the same muscle groups on the same day. Do chest and tris on the same day because when you work your chest, you are also working your tris. From my experience you want to give the chest and tries at least 48 hours of rest before you hit them again. You should be able to do back and bis the next day since you really didn't work those muscles when you did your chest and tris.
To me, weight lifting is individual and what works for one may not work for another (to an extent anyway) Personally, I work out all the muscle groups in one day and do it on an every other day basis. I have tried the workouts where I would do all chest and tri exercises once a week and really break them down hard, On the next day I would do back and bis, on the next I would do legs, next cardio, then have a couple of days off, but I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere with that. I felt like I was barely maintaining like that, so I like to hit all my upper body on Sun., Tues, and Thursday. I would do legs on the other days if I could get motivated, lol.


Active Member
My friend said he tried it where he was doing like a set muscle group or two in a day and it also wasnt having as good of an effect as doing a bit of everything was..
I was just trying to do something different to see if it would give me faster results... I havent been doing it long I know.. but I wanna be bigger darnit! :p lol I swear im still not gaining any weight either.. and there is no way I could be eating any more food than I already am .... I did go buy some multi-vitamins the other day because I started feeling really tired all day long.. now I cant even sleep at night because im wired.
I actually think I am gaining a bit of weight.. but its going very slow.. and for all that i've been eating you'd think i'd gain that 20lbs I lost a few months ago right back.. I was dropping all the way to 160 in the morning and during the day i'd be right at 165. Now I seem to be around 163ish or so in the morning and I can be up to 168 during the day.
I know this is gonna sound nasty too.. but does it mean anything if your ..... 'waste'.... is green? The last few days after i've taken those multi-vitamins i've noticed this.. also neon pee... but I know thats due to the vitamin B.


I take a multi vitamin also. I don't take anything special, just the brand that wal-mart sells. Supposedly, organic vitamins are better for you because the body can attain the vitamins easier in that form. As for the color of you pee, mine is that way also until later in the day when the vitamin gets flushed from my system.
Just out of curiosity, how tall are you? I'm 6'1" and weigh from 195 - 200. I've been lifting weights off and on for around 14 years and gaining weight wasn't always an easy thing. In my high school years I took weight gainer to try to put some weight on, but that didn't do too good because of my high matablolism. In college I put on a little weight, but we ran so much (I played baseball) that I wasn't able to keep many of the calories I was eating. Since College I have put on about 10-15 pounds and I like my weight, but I would like to cut up some. Seems your matabolism is really high. As you get older, it will probably slow down a little, but that doesnt do you any good right now Anyway, try taking some weight gainer. It doesn't taste real good(or what I used to take didn't), but it is packed with calories and other stuff you need for body building.
I guess the main thing is not to get discouraged. From the sounds of it, you never really have done a lot of weight lifting before and your body is not used to that sort of thing. I think you will probably see an increase in your strength before you see much of an increase in your weight. Give it time and work hard through those plateaus where you aren't seeing any results. In my opinion, that is where you get stronger.


Active Member
I am basically going from never ever working out a day in my life.. to doing it all the time :p I have noticed a difference in my arms for sure and my chest.. I see veins for instance that i've never seen before :p My arms are getting sexy lookin.. I just dont seem to be gaining much weight.. I dont understand.. I still have a small gut and small boobs and 'handle bars' that I plan on eliminating when I start doing cardio.
I am 5'10", 165lbs, 22 years old. I cut out all the cardio I was doing.. but my job requires me to walk/pull a LOT... I just got those vitamins and I heard you need all the correct nutrients in order to gain weight.. so imma give this a few weeks and see what happens.. and if things arent going smoothly still then i'll try some of that weight gainer.


Vitamins are good for muscle growth and all that other stuff, but calories are good for gaining weight. One pound is equal to 3500 calories. So your caloric intake needs to be that much more in a week period to increase one pound of body weight. Speaking of the love handles, I can't get rid of mine. I hate doing all that cardio so I guess I'm stuck with them.
As long as you don't want to gain a bunch of weight, you should be fine with what you are doing. With increased strength, you get bigger muscles and with bigger muscles comes more weight. The main thing is to just work hard and put in your time in the weight room.
In my opinion, 175 pounds should be a good weight for you. I have a freind that I play volleyball with who is 5'11" and weighs around 175-180. He is in awsome shape. He has a great combination of strength and cardio. To give you an idea, he bench pressed around 295. You should eventually be able to achieve that with your diet and work ethic.