brand new 20g setup


ok guys so i just got back from my lfs and bought a cleaner hes a lil guy so i think he'll be fine..... on the other hand i was gonna buy a bi color dottyback but they told me i couldnt cause he was gonna kill my firefish.... i got kinda bummed out cause he look pretty nice have you guys heard any thing about this from a bi color dottyback...?


Active Member
The Bicolor Pseudochromis, also called the Bicolor Dottyback or Royal Dottyback, is two bold colors; the anterior portion is purple and the posterior portion is bright yellow.
A 30 gallon or larger aquarium should be provided. The Bicolor Pseudochromis will not be intimidated by other fish and will defend its territory against fish two to three times its size. It will also eat ornamental shrimp and is a predator of nuisance bristleworms.
The diet should consist of meaty foods including brine shrimp and prepared frozen foods.


nissan here the weird part, when i asked them to feed him just to make sure he was eating, he put some food in there and was telling me not to move to much cause i would scare the fish and then he started asking me what i had in my tank and then he told me that i cant put him in my tank cause he's already killed two firefish...
do you think he was just bullshiting me cause the fsh didnt take the food?


Here's the thing....firefish are very calm quiet fish (they will jump too)...the pseudochromis, and dottybacks are mean.....they will chase the firefish causing it to jump.....I have a is not big...BUT MEAN....very territorial....Sicne you have the peaceful firefish..IMO stay away from the mean otehr pseudo/dottyback