Brand Spanking New - 29g build


Active Member
Before you get that watchmen make sure your rock is on the bottoms of the tank and secure. They like to move sand around to make a home. Otherwise nice fish and very active. They can be shy at first but as long as the tank is in a high traffic area they become more outgoing.


thanks again tthemadd1, i plan to introduce the Watchman first with or without the pistol, after a few weeks, introduce the clowns. then let the tank sit for a while and see how it goes. all the rocks are at the bottom already with the sand being built around them =)
any sand issues will be taken care of by the CUC hopefully


Active Member
Should be good. Once you get everything acclimated they should do fine. Probably and its a toss up to add everything before the clowns. They can territorial quick. I've two snowflakes for a month or so and I can no longer put my hands in the tank without them coming after me like rabid dogs. I guess five anemones is just to tempting to defend. LOL



Does this match what i put down??? these tests are hard to read LOL

PH: 8.2
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: .5 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm

Im having brown algae growing on my corals, not stressing it though as i know thats a good sign. plus food for the CUC that i'll be getting soemtime in 2 weeks. im not rushing =)

Here is where my tank stands today. Will be getting new PH's soon. Can see the brown stuff coming in, aswell as the purples on the side of the LR on the Left...



So quick update. I THINK im at 0-0-0 but im not quite sure... i have only been cycling for a week and a half and i saw the Ammonia spike but never a real Nitrite spike... ideas??



Well-Known Member
Something must be off...the test kit is old, you did something wrong...

You should have nitrates at the very least after an ammonia spike. UNLESS you have macros, or did constant water changes during the cycle.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clink51 http:///t/396255/brand-spanking-new-29g-build/80#post_3531831
So quick update. I THINK im at 0-0-0 but im not quite sure... i have only been cycling for a week and a half and i saw the Ammonia spike but never a real Nitrite spike... ideas??

UMM looking at the picture...That ammonia is not 0, it looks more like 0.25 to 0.50

The bright yellow (just a bit dingier) in the last test tube would be the color of 0 ammonia. Pictures are hard to tell....

mr llimpid

Have you ghost feed your tank after the initial ammonia spike? The ammonia bacteria needs a supply of food or it will die off, which will also give you a 0 reading. If it has been only a week and half something is wrong. I would add a raw shrimp for a day or two take it out, then take more tests to see what happens. If you get high ammonia spike it all goes back to 0 in 10 days I would say your tank has enough bacteria to handle a fish (1). Remember QT anything wet or your fish and pocket book will pay the price.


Ghost fed yesterday and today in the morning. when i get home tonight i will take readings. I've been thinking more and more about building a sump. i know that with a nano, its really not necessary but i want to build one for the experience and practice, much like what im doing with the 29g. SO thoughts? criticisms?

*not drawn to scale*


Well-Known Member
Quote:Originally Posted by Clink51 http:///t/396255/brand-spanking-new-29g-build/80#post_3531887
Ghost fed yesterday and today in the morning. when i get home tonight i will take readings. I've been thinking more and more about building a sump. i know that with a nano, its really not necessary but i want to build one for the experience and practice, much like what im doing with the 29g. SO thoughts? criticisms?

*not drawn to scale*

Don't make it too complicated.
A small container in a large container will form the functions of the baffles for instance.
Just a whought.
worth at most .02
ps don't forget the macros.


Active Member
What size pump are you going to use? The return section seems a littl big for a small return pump.
I have a 75 gal with a thirty gallon sump. The return section on mine is too small.
Intake section is about 10", too wide but fits a large skimmer,
fuge is about 16-18" and
return is 4"
When I build the return would be at least 6" so I don't run it dry with the return pump.


Originally Posted by tthemadd1 http:///t/396255/brand-spanking-new-29g-build/80#post_3531928
What size pump are you going to use? The return section seems a littl big for a small return pump.

Im pretty much going to use all the parts of the Toms Rapid Pro wet dry i have. I just want a fuge and the wet/dry is known for becoming a factory of bad stuff. PLUS, its just for poops and giggles. to do a little hands on stuff and get my hands dirty.


Active Member
Wet dry sumps work well with maintenance. I like my fuge system. I don't do anything to it. I also use to water so there is very little nitrates or phosphates. I can't grow macros in the system and my skimmer pulls little or nothing so. Keep the system clean and feed sparingly


Well, its been quite some time since the last update... Not much has happened. Ive been saving money and watching my tank go through its Diatom Bloom phase (they grow up sooo quick).
- I received my order of dry 20 lbs of reef saver from BRS, plus an adittional 3 lbs. very quickly cleared them off then added to the tank to get seeded.
- Received my Koralia 240 and 425. will be installing those tonight and using the MJ400 in there now as my mixer/pump for moving water
- Sump is still being worked on, got everything except the pvc and the actual 10g tank lol
- Will be purchasing a RO/DI in the next coming weeks. Since the 29g only requires a 6g change for a 20% WC, i can easily go to my LFS for RO water.

Will take pictures tonight after the tank has been aquascaped. Will probably remain as a ROWLR (Rock Only with Live Rock) tank for the time being until im happy with the way everything looks. Besides, no fish, corals, inverts means little to no actual responsibility just yet. aka, i can kill the filters for much longer allowing me to work on the tank as i see fit (ive been flirting with the drilling idea)

Thought of the day: Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?