Breaking News! 08.23.08 12:50am Obama chooses BIDEN!


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Originally Posted by stdreb27

You've used liberal think tanks, and I've seen hef's mag used (but I don't think it was you) what do you really expect. I guess this is typical. Especially since we are asking for a source (besides something like a 427 like that was supportive of the obama performance. I was asking for an opinion of the they.
Anyway, to address the they, from a UK news source which imo=liberal.
that's my point... anything that disagrees with your viewpoint is considered liberal.... its pointless to research because regardless of the facts or content... its seen as not credible... So then what is credible...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Capital Gains tax is not going to be doubled
50% of americans don't own stock
Do you hold on to stock or are you planning on selling in 4 years?
Lastly if you make 40k, you will recieve more of your taxable income back from Obama (tax break) than you would under McCain.
I hold stocks both long and short. Obama is raising cap gains tax. He first said double, now he say just to 20%. Then again he signed a pledge saying he's take public financing too. I don't trust him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Capital Gains tax is not going to be doubled
50% of americans don't own stock
Do you hold on to stock or are you planning on selling in 4 years?
Lastly if you make 40k, you will recieve more of your taxable income back from Obama (tax break) than you would under McCain.
Something more recent puts it at 60%
"But the growth in the investor class--those Americans who own shares of stock directly in their mutual funds and 40lk's have strengthened the power of the tax issue. When Reagan was elected only 20 percent of Americans owned stock. Today the number is more than 60 percent of adults."
Well, you know, I haven't given a firm number. Here's my belief, that we can't go back to some of the, you know, confiscatory rates that existed in the past that distorted sound economics. And I certainly would not go above what existed under Bill Clinton, which was 28 percent. I would—and my guess would be it would be significantly lower than that. I think that we can have a capital gains rate that is higher than 15 percent. If it—and if it, you know—when I talk to people like Warren Buffett or others and I ask them, you know, what's—how much of a difference is it going to be if it's 20 or 25 percent, they say, look, if it's within that range, then it's not going to distort, I think, economic decision making. -Obama


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
that's my point... anything that disagrees with your viewpoint is considered liberal.... its pointless to research because regardless of the facts or content... its seen as not credible... So then what is credible...
You've sat there and said numerous times that "they think obama did well" I just wanted to see some of the "they" I was ask for you to show an opinion. I understand it is an opinion.

I don't understand the timidity, if you link to something I don't agree with and I explain why. I don't see an issue with that.
And yes to both I own stock and plan on selling and buying within the next 4 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You've sat there and said numerous times that "they think obama did well" I just wanted to see some of the "they" I was ask for you to show an opinion. I understand it is an opinion.

I don't understand the timidity, if you link to something I don't agree with and I explain why. I don't see an issue with that.
And yes to both I own stock and plan on selling and buying within the next 4 years.
isn't all the selling as opposed to buying is what is making the market so volitile right now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
isn't all the selling as opposed to buying is what is making the market so volitile right now?
IMO the markets are and have always been volitile. Part of it is since 1980 the market has EXPLODED. When reagan took over the dow was what 2000, now it has reached 14,000. If you look at percentages instead of actual points, it is moving as much as it always has. In 1920 a 500 point drop was half the value of the dow average stocks. (if I remember right) Today a 500 point drop is 5% of the dow average stocks.
There are other things, like the amount of amatures like me in it who are reactionary and not trading with a specific plan. This is compounded by accessability. Now any joker with $500 dollars and an internet connect can trade stocks in his boxers in his bedroom.
Another is time, Before computers you had to go through a broker, who then called up his chain. And ultimately what would have to happen was some guy on the floor running around and finding someone else who wanted what you had and hammering out a deal. A stock transaction took some time. Now you click a button and wham you've sold your stock electronically. Some is still traditionally traded but not nearly as much. Then you have after hours trading...

But that is just my opinion.
You have other stuff politically like imo the possibility of raising costs involved.
But yes it is true, if supply goes up, then prices will go down. (would work really good with oil btw)

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
whats the difference either way the # itself segments people. But the $5 million # shows the type of politics the GOP and McCain favor.... The same as the Bush Admin that favors the rich... People keep making the same misinformed statements that Obama is going to raise everyones taxes.... its the same game you and they always play... this is not the case... as far as employment income... most people will recieve an additional tax break under Obama... only those making over $250K will pay more in taxes... whereas under McCain/Bush plan... the rich unproportionally benefit the most and by %.
Bottomline... another 4 years of Bush/McCain... we will be even further in debt... After the last 8 years... its insane to vote for McCain and expect things to change.
Obama needs to step his game up... there is no reason for us to be as close as we are.- that's my criticism.
You are correct. Obama isn't going to raise everyone's taxes. The people that don't pay tax still won't. The rest of us will pay more....he will let the bush tax cuts expire THEN implement his tax plan....this raises everyone's taxes. You can not deny that.


Active Member
Don't forget Sen. Obama wants the death tax back too. You can work your buns off all your life, then give your life's work to the gov't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Don't forget Sen. Obama wants the death tax back too. You can work your buns off all your life, then give your life's work to the gov't.
But it is ok

the rich people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
McCains ex wife is a private citizen, it would be inappropriate for him to release private details of that marriage.
Obama calling a unrepentant terrorist a friend, Obama allowing his daughters to be exposed to that hatefull rhetoric spewed at his church, Obama voting present on several controversial bills and then claiming he pushed the wrong button, Obama dealings with Tony Rezko and then saying he had no idea he was a crook when it was well known he was under federal investigation at the time, Obama lying about filling out the independant voter group questionaire where he stated all handguns should be banned, Obama funneling millions of federal dollars to Rezko projects, Obama funneling millions of dollars to the hospital where his wife worked and got a huge undeserved raise shortly after he was elected to the Senate.
So with McCain he got shot down, Divorced his wife (to whoem he still pays alamony) And had probably got too close with charles Keating but when asked for a direct favor shut the guy down cold (according the the Democrats that investigated him) and lets not forget, after having a lot of you dems accuse him of lying about not being involved in his wifes finances he couldn't say how many houses they own

As far as his wife ... the info is already out there about how he came home from war... acted as if he wasn't married anymore... cheated... met his current wife dated while still living with ex-wife who had been injured and disfigured in car accident.. His military career wasn't that great... and there are many reports out there stating that he gave info to the Vietnamese .. That resulted in American deaths... I expect this story to possibably break sometime during the election... I've read that he was close to being punished when he arrired home, but wasn't because of the 5 years he spent as POW... but for a guy who ranked so low in his class... all the stupid things he did as a pilot ... and trading secrets w/ the enemy... how good of a military leader is he really? His hot temper isn't a desireable either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
I thought the American Dream was to become one of the rich. I guess if we work hard and acheive the American Dream then the gov't will punish us.
I don't think its punishment... think of it as a blessing to be able to have access to the dream...

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think it is a valid question... but one that is very debatable.. when are cells considered human life...
How is it debatable? What are they(cells)if not human? Or they cat or dog or plant life of some sort? Of course it is human life. It is impossible for them to be anything else. Yours is a ridiculous position.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
As far as his wife ... the info is already out there about how he came home from war... acted as if he wasn't married anymore... cheated... met his current wife dated while still living with ex-wife who had been injured and disfigured in car accident.. His military career wasn't that great... and there are many reports out there stating that he gave info to the Vietnamese .. That resulted in American deaths... I expect this story to possibably break sometime during the election... I've read that he was close to being punished when he arrired home, but wasn't because of the 5 years he spent as POW... but for a guy who ranked so low in his class... all the stupid things he did as a pilot ... and trading secrets w/ the enemy... how good of a military leader is he really? His hot temper isn't a desireable either.
Really, got a source? If there was anything to any of that the Times would be running it daily. Fact is McCains ex has chosen not to discuss it and he needs to show enough class to respect her privacy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
How is it debatable? What are they(cells)if not human? Or they cat or dog or plant life of some sort? Of course it is human life. It is impossible for them to be anything else. Yours is a ridiculous position.
Maybe it's a tumor


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Really, got a source? If there was anything to any of that the Times would be running it daily. Fact is McCains ex has chosen not to discuss it and he needs to show enough class to respect her privacy.
McCain imo said it was his greatest mistake.
I don't see him denying fault in that satement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
and there are many reports out there stating that he gave info to the Vietnamese .. That resulted in American deaths... I expect this story to possibably break sometime during the election...
I thought the dem line was "torture" doesn't work...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You are correct. Obama isn't going to raise everyone's taxes. The people that don't pay tax still won't. The rest of us will pay more....he will let the bush tax cuts expire THEN implement his tax plan....this raises everyone's taxes. You can not deny that.
It doesn't raise everyones taxes... the ones it does they can afford it... I also have been hearing lately that it is possible that McCain would raise taxes... basically that it couldn't be ruled out... kinda like what happened during 1st Bush admin.
I think raising taxes is an essential part of responsible fiscal management. If we want to spark the economy... we need to lower debt by more revenue and less spending... We also will need to continue and expand social services due to unemployement and bad economy...etc.
No way can continue war w/o more tax revenue
2nd if we want to get economy going we have to take part in a project such as alternative eneregy .. which includes drilling, wind/solar, as well as vehicles. The other thing would be our infrastructure... roads and bridges..