BTLDReef's 155G Update


Originally Posted by meowzer
What happened to your other 2???
I have one in my's a good 5" long, and is ALWAYS sifting
To be completely honest, I have no idea. For awhile we could not keep gobies alive for more than a month or so. Diamonds were constantly dying in our tank. Then we moved on to the Dragon. First one was thriving and then just overnight turned from a healthy goby sifting sand all the time to a sickly goby. Put him in the QT and he lasted a few more days and then just died.
The next one we tried, I think he got stressed with the move to the 155G. At least that's what I'm assuming. Him and a blenny were the only fish that didn't make it during the upgrade.
I was afraid to try anymore gobies, but I love the YWG so I had to have one and was lucky enough to find a mated pair for $15. They've been doing great in the tank, but they're lazy and don't sift sand, not that I expected them to do very much. Since we've had a few months of luck with them, decided it was time to try the Dragon again. First day, got stuck in the overflow, even with the netting on there, but since then, he's a sand sifting machine. He's officially the smallest fish we own, poor little guy.


So we found a new store in Manhattan today. Amazing place. We loved it, our bank accounts probably didn't.
Sorry for the crummy pics on most of these, my camera is taking mainly fuzzy pics today. I'll try to get some better ones tomorrow. Some came out okay, but here's the new coral and urchin. The goby decided to hide, he's a little shy.



Originally Posted by meowzer
If you are done....WOOHOOOOOOO great are getting soooo much LOL

LOL .. yes we're done posting for the night.
Yeah, it's dangerous when there are so many LFS's within an hour of the house.
We went to get our Christmas gift from my husband's grandfather today (which was money, thank goodness) and immediately walked to the HUGE store around the corner from him and spent all the money
Manhattan is a dangerous place.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
LOL .. yes we're done posting for the night.
Yeah, it's dangerous when there are so many LFS's within an hour of the house.
We went to get our Christmas gift from my husband's grandfather today (which was money, thank goodness) and immediately walked to the HUGE store around the corner from him and spent all the money
Manhattan is a dangerous place.
LOL...In more ways than one

I wish I had a LFS...then sometimes I am kinda glad I don't


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...In more ways than one

I wish I had a LFS...then sometimes I am kinda glad I don't

LOL .... I think we should move somewhere that doesn't have an LFS now that the tank is getting so packed. Maybe we'll slow down and not need to upgrade so soon again


Originally Posted by RyanT
loving the setup, wish i could do mine as reef. What are the dimensions of the tank?
I'm not too sure, always forget, so ill guess and check when I get home:
155g customer non-bow front
28" tall
72" long
20" wide (this is the one I always forget)
Once we move and upgrade to a bigger reef tank, this will be a FOWLR.


Took pics with my phone since my camera died today. I don't know what's wrong with it other than it's a complete POS.
Anyways, here ya go:
