BTLDReef's 155G Update


Some more (sorry if there's duplicates)





MEAN FISH and his cave of terror:

Tailspot Blenny's favorite hiding place:


20G Refugium and plumbing to sump (excuse the wires everywhere, we've been playing with the tank this week) - promised I would post this for a member:

tonight when the lights are supposed to be on, I will get pictures of the Yasha/Pistol Shrimp, Urchin and Fire Shrimp. I only popped on this light to snap a picture. The lights run opposite from my tank.


Can't wait to move and have this all neat again....


LOL...I was waiting for all the pics to be posted seems like everytime I post more pics are added
I LOVE THE tang.....that's the naso right?????


Active Member
See btld why do you want to move your 155 fish to the 80 then get new fish for the 155 why not just feek the fish in there home then get new stuff for the 180


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/140#post_3305893
LOL...I was waiting for all the pics to be posted seems like everytime I post more pics are added
That's because my husband goes bananas every time I let him have the camera near the tank. Now, when he takes pics he goes, "Is there anything Meowzer asked to see?" hahahahaha we have him trained well

I LOVE THE tang.....that's the naso right?????
yes, that's my blonde naso. I love that fish. I think I'm almost convinced that it will stay when we upgrade to the 180, even though the sailfin must go.
I'm going to PM AquaKnight and see what he says about it.


Why does the Sailfin have to go????? I'm confused
LOL...I told my husband....I'm famous around here


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/140#post_3305906
Why does the Sailfin have to go????? I'm confused
LOL...I told my husband....I'm famous around here

My sailfin is aggressive and beats on the Naso, even though it should be the other way around. It has a lot of aggression during feeding, no matter what I've tried and beats on the Naso for algae strips, even if I add them in three different places in the tank, she'll go to wherever the Naso is and beat on him until he leaves that spot, goes to the next and gets beat on again. The Naso is trained to eat from my hand because it's the only way the sailfin doesn't pick on it, she's petrified of my hands and the net of doom, LOL
Sailfin also rips food right out of the corals when I feed, it just has to go.


LOL...My tangs do steal food from the corals, but they are never really aggressive to each other....sorry to hear that for you.....I love my sailfin, but YOUR NASO is a beauty


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/140#post_3305919
MAybe a new sailfin perhapes a dajardinii
IF I get another tang, and this is a big IF, it will be a Red Sea Purple Tang.
I think we're going to keep the Naso (waiting to see what AquaKnight thinks) and the rest of the fish will be smaller fish.
My husband and I like a lively reef with lots of small reef fish instead of two or three large fish. I would like a few psuedochromis, more anthias, small fairy/flasher wrasses, a mystery wrasse, etc


We may still keep the 155 when we move and do a FOWLR and then the Sailfin will stay in there, but I already have someone who wants to buy her, and if that falls through, there's like 4 other people interested because she's VERY healthy.
I'm waiting to hear from my friend who's been dying to have a saltwater tank, but can't afford the initial starting cost, if she wants the tank, I'm giving it to her. My 180 is being stored in her house and she won't take any money for it, so if she wants the tank and equipment, she's getting it, along with the sailfin, LOL.


Active Member
A nice choice and why for some reason are small fish more active if there was a lifless shark and a cute little nemo in an anem I would look at the shark say shark then go over to the clownfish