BTLDReef's 155G Update


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/140#post_3305934
A nice choice and why for some reason are small fish more active if there was a lifless shark and a cute little nemo in an anem I would look at the shark say shark then go over to the clownfish
Because they can weave in and out of rock work and nature has built them to swim faster to get away from predators.
Larger fish do catch your eye, but small fish really add life, they're usually more colorful as well.
I think we're going to do this:
1 Blonde Naso Tang (possible)
1 Purple Tang (possible - definitely if we get rid of the naso)
1 Coral beauty angelfish (already own)
1 Flame Angelfish (already own)
3 Maldives Lyretail Anthias (already own)
1 tailspot blenny (already own)
1 Black Combtooth blenny (already own)
1 Green Target Mandarin (already own)
2 Ocellaris Clownfish (already own)
in addition: (I know I can't have it all, but some of these will get thrown in, and other wishlist items will go in different tanks)
1 - 3 Colorful psuedochromis (I already own an Orchid that's in another tank, it may go in the 180)
1 SixLine Wrasse (I finally own a peaceful one in my 14G, he may get moved into the 180)
1 Mystery Wrasse
1 McCosker's Fairy Wrasse
1-2 other fairy wrasses OR 3 anthias (haven't decided what type yet, probably Bartlett's or Resplendent's) OR some colorful basslets - looking to get my hands on a Candy or Swissguard
1 Borbonius Anthias - yeah, I know it's expensive, but my husband really wants it, so he's getting it.
I would love to have a MacNeill's Basslet, Yellow Candy Hogfish, McCosker's Wrasse, Candy or Swissguard Basslet (realistically the Swissguard, the Candy is VERY expensive), Mystery wrasse, Copperband Butterfly (waiting to see if my LFS has one that doesn't nip at corals), and three Bartlett's Anthias.


WOW ... I wish all my "algae eaters" would just eat from the strip. Only the tangs do, and they fight. I have three clips in my tank.
Speaking of which ...
I have been holding my hand in the water with an strip in my hands and rubbing my fingers together against it, breaking apart the algae sheet and letting it float throught he water column like flake food, ALL the fish are eating it this way, even my dwarf angels and blennies that won't go near the strips in any other way. I know you're having issues with the lemonpeel eating the strips, might want to try this....


LOL....My fish in the 225G are animals
I'll try that thanks.....the lemonpeel is eating when I feed the tank, so I am not worried about her not eating....just that she gets her required algae


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/160#post_3306038
LOL....My fish in the 225G are animals
I'll try that thanks.....the lemonpeel is eating when I feed the tank, so I am not worried about her not eating....just that she gets her required algae
Yeah ... it even gets my clowns to eat algae. Everyone forgets that clowns need vegetation in their diets as well. Now that I've gotten them all to eat this way, I don't have to go through the Emerald Entree so fast.
BTW, I've been trying the H2O Foods. I like most of it that I've tried thus far, but I feel like it takes much longer to break apart than the San Francisco Bay Brand. I think there might be more gel in the H2O, but it's only been 2 weeks, so we'll see. I'm using H2O Rotifiers, Spirulina Brine and Mysis, and Fish and Reef 1. The Fish and Reef 1 is the one that takes awhile to break down.


really....hmmm...I never have had an issue....the only problem I have is I bought the 2 lb bulk bags and a lot of cubes are frozen I have to chop some apart lol


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/160#post_3306056
really....hmmm...I never have had an issue....the only problem I have is I bought the 2 lb bulk bags and a lot of cubes are frozen I have to chop some apart lol
ahh, I have the packs that come with two 7oz trays of cubes in each pack
I've also been trying out Aquatic Treasures Mysis, it's supposed to be the same as PE Mysis, but like 1/3 the price, so far, I'm noticing nothing and my fish seem like they're still hungry when I feed that, but if I feed the same amount of PE, they're not?


I have been asked in a few PM's on this site and quite a few on another, so here goes:
I alternate days between these two mixes - this mixture is also shared with other tanks, it does NOT all get dumped in the 155, however, the large majority of it does. I also turn off all filtration except for the Fluval FX5 and let the powerhead run, keep in mind we have a EcoTech Vortech MP40w which has a "feed mode" so the overall flow in the tank is dramatically less. Feed mode will last for 10minutes, so I usually have to put it back in feed mode more than once.
MIX 1:
PE Mysis chunk
San Francisco Bay Brand (SFBB) Mysis Shrimp
SFBB Emerald Entree - one cube
SFBB Marine Cuisine - one cube
Rod's Food - Coral Food (rotifiers) small chunk
VitaChem vitamins added to food every other time I use this mixture

MIX 2:
H2O Fish and Reef 1 - one cube
H2O Rotifiers - one cube - usually half added with feeding and half added later on at night, I defrost this seperately and add the one half to the rest of the fish food
H2O Spirulina Brine and Mysis - one cube
Aquatic Treasures Mysis Shrimp (supposed to be just like PE Mysis, I'm not sure yet. I'm trying it out for free as one of the test dummies that my LFS uses)
VitaChem vitamins added to food every time
2-3 algae strips a day - each are 2-4". All are put on clips.
I alternate strips of brown, red, purple or green algae sheets, I only use Ocean Nutrition algae sheets with added garlic already on them, it is the only sheets that my fish accept.
Lately I have been adding two strips and then taking a small chunk of a third and holding it in my hands in the water and rubbing it between my fingers. This breaks it apart and it almost looks as if I've fed the tank flakes. I have successfully gotten all of my algae eaters and my clowns to eat the algae this way. The only fish that are not eating the algae are the PJ Cardinals. Even the Anthias are eating it.
**Food is fed only in the evening while the daylights are still on.
Rod's food and rotifiers get added once the daylights have been off for at least 2 hours and tentacles and polyps are extended, ALL filtration, including the Fluval FX5 gets turned off. Powerhead is put on night mode at this point so no reason for feed mode.


I DO NOT dose. I have no need to with my new salt (SeaChem AquaVitro Salinity). Once we move, we will be running our Calcium reactor (MRC C1) for good measure, but I'm not hooking it up to take it down again.
Chemical Filtration:
PhosBan reactor with Phosban in it
ChemiPure Elite running through a carbon reactor - changed every 3 weeks - yes this is expensive, but it works
Purigen in the Fluval
Carbon in the Fluval
Filter floss - changed as needed
The sponges in the overflow, sump and Fluval (not all the stock sponges are in there) get rinsed at EVERY water change (once a week).


So after we added the new lights, one of our BTA's moved and I was sure that the clowns would take a while to get used to this new location before they decided to spawn again. I was wrong. They JUST spawned and I actually got to see it this time
, very cool! A little ahead of schedule from when I thought they'd do this again, I guess the second batch is getting wasted as well as I am still not even close to being ready to try and rear the babies.


Here's some pics of the eggs, they're terribly hard to get a clear picture of, I'll be posting a picture each day as they develop, probably in my other thread about them spawning:


The female get's a little discolored when she lays eggs

The black/brown specks about an inch above the anemone's foot is where they laid the eggs this time

Male tending to the eggs


WOW that's neat......I kinda hope My pair of clowns don't lay eggs....:( Just cause I have no intentions of hatching them, and I would then feel guilty....


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/160#post_3306252
Wow how comw they hatch in the wild with all the other things but not in an aquarium
In the wild they hatch and are set free floating along with other plankton through the ocean currents. Some/most get eaten. What survives will feed off the plankton for a long time. As they develop, they move to rotifiers, etc and eventually once they look like a fish, they make their way back to the safety of the reef/anemones.
In our tanks, we have filters, skimmers, and other fish that snatch them up because there is no current to carry the babies off to safety.
I could save them and raise them, I'm just not ready to do it yet. There is A LOT of work involved and I really don't want to set up more tanks until I move. After Christmas I will start trying. They actually recommend that you let the first 2-3 batches go.


Active Member
I read clowns are the easiest to hatch but it seems so hard so the othes must be very very difficult my last fish will be another clownfish I do not want them to breed I have a 29 you have a 155 think how aggresive they will be in a 29


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/160#post_3306261
I read clowns are the easiest to hatch but it seems so hard so the othes must be very very difficult my last fish will be another clownfish I do not want them to breed I have a 29 you have a 155 think how aggresive they will be in a 29
These guys started out together in a 14G. I added them together, and I would suggest to anyone that they be added together. If your set on getting another clownfish to make a pair, make sure it's a much smaller one.
I am actually thinking about yanking these guys out and putting them in a 20G with their anemone and no other fish so that I can have an easier time getting the babies and raising them. I'm just afraid that if I move them, they'll stop spawning. Clowns will spawn, even in a 29G once they feel comfortable. I've had these guys for 2 years and they JUST started last month. This is the third tank they've lived in during 2 years that I've owned them.