BTLDReef's 155G Update


You didn't offend. Honestly, I'm in a lot of pain (car accident) and over tired and just had my damn blue spot jawfish try to make a break for it! I could have worded my response better. My husband posted the original post about the LED's, he likes to leave out many details, LOL. And as I'm typing this, he attempted a jump again, UGH! There's one tiny hole and he's determined to get through it!
We've been following sooooooo many builds of these damn LED's. It seems that everyone is doing it differently. We do want SPS, but it's all staying up top. I want a solid, mixed reef. I don't want anything to dominate in the way of corals. My first love is acans, so we have to be careful to find a good balance between too much and too little lighting. I'd rather start off with less and add one, because people that go strong and have to back off end up with a lot more issues. I can supplement with halides while we're building or just throw the SPS in the frag tank, it's not imperative that this tank have perfect LED's from day one. I have more tanks/lights than I know what to do with and in the new house, we're probably only going to have 4 tanks in total. When it comes to these LED builds, I really only trust what the Acan Lighting guys say. Acan Lighting is basically the the "LED God" out on the east coast right now. Every LFS has them on their tanks and if you have LED's, they're either DIY or Acan Lighting. I would just buy their lights, but Mr. Fix It (my husband - Mr. BTLDreef) is determined to save money and make them himself, which I know will only end up costing more, LOL. The depth of the tank is a big deal. Believe me, I know. We have a 155 custom non-bow right now, it's almost 29" deep and that extra depth vs the standard 180, makes a HUGE difference. It was a big reason why we went with a 180 instead of a 225. On the 155, we're running 2 250watt DE halides and 1 150 watt DE halide, the 250's are running off of Ice Cap Ballasts so they're producing even more, plus we have the T5 supplemental lighting and it's still been a challenge to have enough lighting for SPS without burning them, it's a really fine balance. It's honestly made me hate SPS, lol, but my husband is determined to have these colored sticks in our reef.
He's planning a shallow tank in the center of the fish room, that's where the majority of the really crazy, extreme high light demanding corals are going to go along with clams. The goal is to make the tank a display from the top down. Should be really cool, especially for the clams, since that's how you get the best viewing.

shrimpy brains

Wow, awesome thread and fantastic tank! I love the aquascaping!
How are your temps running since adding the Metal Halides?


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains http:///forum/thread/368588/btldreef-s-155g-update/200#post_3375653
Wow, awesome thread and fantastic tank! I love the aquascaping!
How are your temps running since adding the Metal Halides?
Thanks :)
When we had the 150watt halides, temperature wasn't an issue. Once we did the single ended halides, the heat was a real issue, even with an AC on 24/7 in the room and fans blowing over the sump and top of the tank. That caused us to retro the 150watt unit to 2 250watts and left one stock (150), and heat hasn't really been an issue. We do have a chiller set to go on if the temp rises above 79.5, but it barely every turns on. It doesn't seem to be too much of a change.


Went to a big frag swap this weekend and picked up some nice stuff. I bought a BEAUTIFUL clam and I just can't get a good pic of it. I'm going to try again later in the week when it's a little better acclimated to my tank. It's not fully used to metal halides yet, it was raised in a green house under direct sunlight. It's about 6" and is a "Masterpiece Gold Turquoise Super Ultra Maxima Clam" if you know where to look online, you'll find a pic of this clam from the vendor I picked it up from. I only paid $80. I love local frag swaps, it's like our own little MACNA in NY, lol.
All photo's taken with my iPhone right after they got dumped in the tank, but many of you know I was getting new stuff so I wanted to get some pics up.
Here's the clam. It's not really open too much in this pic, but if you look, you can see the tie dye effect on the tips of the mantle.

Tri Color Nana frag

Yellow Milli and GARF Bonsai (so we think, this is not confirmed):

Purple Tip Nana

Peach Digitata

Green Vermiculata (I'm not the SPS person and I think this ID is wrong, but we'll see. The person I bought it from knows his SPS, so who knows) There is also a Purple Tip Valida in front of it in the one picture

Green Birdsnest (I need a better shot of this one for sure):


Some Red Planet we picked up a local meeting last weekend. You'd be sick if you knew what I paid for a total of three frags........ ($15)

Mini Carpet Anemone (who's decided that it should face the back of the tank!
). The purple is actually a vibrant pink, almost hot pink, it just doesn't pick it up on my phone.


So in the past week, we shelled out $280 for all those frags, the clam, the new yellow belly hippo and the mini carpet anemone. I'd say that was fairly good considering I live on Long Island and I got some nice chunks of the Digitata and the Vermiculata.
All of the frags came from someone's tank that I know, so I did not dip or QT them, there was just no need. I've dealt with him before and he has great corals and is definitely not one that I need to worry with. I didn't QT the clam, and maybe I should have, but I really wanted it under a 250, not a 150. It's a risk, so keep your fingers crossed.
The hippo, ugh, the hippo. I hate it! Most skittish fish I've ever owned. I really hope this changes, because I passed by a beautiful Powder Blue for this one and I've honestly been kicking myself since I did. I'm not a hippo fan, but my husband really wanted it. I have yet to really see it eat, and as many of you know, I feed heavy and offer a damn good mixture of foods so even a picky eater eats in my tank, and this has me very, very concerned, so again, fingers crossed.
Mini carpet anemone folks:
This is the second one in this tank and it, like the first is just wandering one me already. I have three BTA's in this tank that DO NOT move. Any ideas as to why my BTA's don't move and the mini carpets just wander? I know they're more prone to movement than others, but I see so many people keep them without them every moving. Why can't that be mine?!?
SPS folks:
Any ideas on the green vermiculata coral? It doesn't look like one to me, but again, I'm not a SPS id person.


Active Member
not bad at all for those frags, our local one is coming up soon and i'm looking to pick up one acro ive been on the hunt for, shades of fall.
as for the bonsai, true garf bonsais are hard to find in the hobby unless you know someone that has lineage from GARF. it could just be another bonsai which is common in the hobby. the only difference i've seen is that the GARF bonsai keeps its color better.
i have yet to see a carpet not move until it finds a spot it really really really really really really likes. at my buddys shop, they're all over the tanks and move almost every day into different spots.
i cant tell for sure if its a vermiculata, looks more like a slimer which would be a yongei. it really doesnt look like a vermiculata which would be more ball shaped for an acro.


I had a garf bonsai in the past and I lost it recently due to a temp spike. I was soooo upset. I've actually had that piece for about a month and it's colored up a lot more than when I bought it. I was told that it broke off a bigger colony. I purchased it from Manhattan Aquariums (Unique Corals) so it very well could be a GARF, not sure. I just really like the color contrast.
As for the vermiculata,I don't think it's a slimer either. He had a slimer very close to this one. I don't think it's a vermiculata. I'm going to have to either call him and ask again or just wait. It's a fairly fresh cut so it might just need to heal a little, although all the polyps are out. You need to come take a pic of it, because my camera sucks, the iPhone takes better photos and that's not saying much, LOL.


Active Member
LOL, yes, without really close pictures of the corallites I cannot get a positive ID.
I hear you on losing corals on a temp spike. I lost 4 of my acros last week due to a 9 degree temp swing. acropora macrostoma, karls candlelight, rainbow nasuta, and an acropora turaki.


The clam is more open today. I'm still having a really hard time getting a pic that shows the true colors. The parts that are showing white in the photos are more of a green and gold mixture and then teal in the middle.

My favorite little blenny and the cleaner wrasse trying to get some mysis out of the barnacle. You can see the diatom issue I was talking about in another thread in this photo

Mystery Wrasse:

Yellow Belly Hippo Tang and Flame Angel:

mr btldreef

pics of
pair of harliquin shrimp

my jaw fish..

my wet dry to sump conversion
had 2 full dividers.....

the were none

had to make a bubble trap....


We upgraded to LEDs!!!! It was part of my Mother's Day gift.

3 Pendents. Each contains:
40 3watt Cree LEDs (20 Royal Blue and 20 Cool White)
There are 12 programmable drivers altogether. The LEDs do not currently contain optics. We're debating whether we're going to add them or not.
