BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build


Wow! It's been quite a while without any updates. We've been busy and will continue to be. The baby is due in less than 2 weeks!
Here's some quick pics I took with my phone.
10.5 months old:

Right side


Left side


Thanks. Hopefully I can get my husband to take some good pics with the camera. I didn't even clean my glass before snapping these, just walked in the fish room with my phone and grabbed a couple to load up. We've had a lot of ups and downs with this tank in the past few months, but that seems to be the story of my life, LOL


Lokking good! There is no feeling of success without a little trial and tribulation,lol!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/260#post_3470224
Thanks. Hopefully I can get my husband to take some good pics with the camera. I didn't even clean my glass before snapping these, just walked in the fish room with my phone and grabbed a couple to load up. We've had a lot of ups and downs with this tank in the past few months, but that seems to be the story of my life, LOL
When your tank looks that awesome and you didn't even clean the did good.
Two weeks...I'm looking forward to those pictures.


Thanks! I need to get some pics up of the Black Ice Snowflake clowns in the refugium, but that glass is DISGUSTING. It's a fuge, so we just let it get all yucky, but it makes taking a picture close to impossible. You'd think with such expensive fish, I'd want to see them more, LOL

mr btldreef

our black ice snowflakes back in december. sorry for the lack of update ...the baby mantis has arrived so i have been extremely busy


Tank is officially 1 year old this month. Time for an update.
We went through some rough patches with this tank. We ended up with a strain of Brown Jelly Disease that killed almost all of my torches, hammers, etc. It also attacked my acans and we lost almost all of them as well
THEN we got Red Bugs. Yes, Acropora eating red bugs. Destroyed some mini colonies on us before we realized what it was. We had to remove all the acros from the tank and QT them and treat them with Inteceptor and leave the DT acropora free until the bugs died off from starvation. Luckily, they have a short life span if they have no food, but it still wasn't a whole lot of fun to watch our colonies die. Had an issue with the Ca reactor, etc. And in the middle of it all, we had a baby girl :)
Now we are back on track. My husband needs to take new pictures, but here's some pictures:

I will get a FTS up tomorrow


Here's the Black Ice Snowflakes, I updated that thread too: