BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/240#post_3452194
Well, the Achilles died tonight
Thank goodness we didn't pay full market price for him, but nonetheless, I'm super upset about it. I'm not quite sure what went wrong. It started acting a little odd and hiding and the Purple Tang and Blonde Naso started attacking it last night. They weren't beating on it today, but I think the damage was already done. They tore up the dorsal fin pretty good and we found him stuck to one of the MP40's tonight. Yanked it out and put it in the QT, but it just decided to lie on the bottom of the QT gasping for air. Tried a little Prime for a stress coat, etc and it just wasn't doing well. When I went out to the store, I asked that my husband deal with the issue while I wasn't home. I couldn't bare to watch it suffer anymore. I'm not sure where the aggression came from. Other than the first day when the Purple Tang was being a little bully, there was never an issue. My Naso has NEVER shown aggression towards anything and she really went after the Achilles last night. I was shocked.
The LFS has another one right now, about the same size, healthy, eating, etc. I'm thinking about it, but right now, I think my tank needs to just calm down.
I'm depressed

Wow, thats pretty aweful. I wouldn't try and add another one unless you change the rocks and such to break up the territory of the Naso and Purple tang....It sounds like they have been the big fish boss for too long.


I'm not going to add another one. I'm maxed on fish anyways. The only fish left to be added is a Borbonius Anthias pair and s new goby when mine finally dies, which I know is going to happen soon. Poor little guy has lived a long life with his one eye. He shouldn't have lived this long. Lately he just looks old and terrible and I'm just waiting to find him one morning. I can't catch him to just take him out now :-(
On a plus side, my little blue streak pipefish that I haven't seen in months and was convinced was dead has been popping up! Glad he's still in there!


Originally Posted by spanko http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/240#post_3452545
Tommie Lynn the Copperband is beautiful. What is it eating, not your coral by the looks of it!
It actually died about three weeks ago, I guess I forgot to write it in here. I think I cried for a good 4 hours when it did. Fairly certain the Achilles was to blame, but I can't be positive. The Achilles as a bad idea in hind sight, but nothing I can do about it now.
I was eating algae sheets, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, emerald entree, etc. Basically any food I put in the tank it would eat or at least take a taste. I never had it nip at a coral, but it also didn't eat aiptasia or majano anemones. I did catch it eating live mysid shrimp from my refugium on a few occasions, but it preferred to just wait and be fed frozen, which I always found odd. It was an absolutely beautiful fish. It came from a reef tank before I had it, but I tested it out in a frag tank before it went in the main tank to make sure it wasn't a coral nipper. If I catch my hippo tang, I definitely will try to get my hands on another one, that and my Naso are my favorite fish in this tank.


Active Member
I guess that is the problem trying to mix these personalities in our tanks. Out in the open water plenty of room to scoot away or hide. Not so much here though. I am sorry you lost it. Such a beautiful specimen. I wish there was a dwarf version I could have in my biocube.


It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for my tank :-(
Fingers crossed that nothing else dies, I can't take anymore. I need to go back to trying to catch this damn Blue Hippo like I've wanted to do for months and momma clownfish, she's going in the baby's tank.
I've been trying to convince my husband to let me do a really interesting tank for the baby like a mantis tank (which I have wanted for ages) or an octopus tank, but he's not having it.


OH MAN......I am sorry to hear of the losses :( I would hate to have to catch my hippo.......I think the only way is probably to tear the tank apart
they are too skiddish and hide so quick


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/260#post_3452611
It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for my tank :-(
Fingers crossed that nothing else dies, I can't take anymore. I need to go back to trying to catch this damn Blue Hippo like I've wanted to do for months and momma clownfish, she's going in the baby's tank.
I've been trying to convince my husband to let me do a really interesting tank for the baby like a mantis tank (which I have wanted for ages) or an octopus tank, but he's not having it.

I guess having 2 mantis* in the house is enough, huh?
*one in training...


I have one of those acclimate boxes. They say you can use it to catch fish also. One end of the box is held up with fishing wire and you put food in the box. When he goes in you let go of the string and capture him Wiley E Coyote style. No idea if it actually works but you are welcome to it if you want to try.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/260#post_3452619
OH MAN......I am sorry to hear of the losses :( I would hate to have to catch my hippo.......I think the only way is probably to tear the tank apart
they are too skiddish and hide so quick
I know! Dumbest fish I've ever owned, seriously! You put your hand in the tank and she swims into a rock trying to get away. I seriously hate her. If I walk near the tank, she hides, completely waste of a fish and she knocks corals over ALL THE TIME! She has to go. It sucks, she's beautiful, it's a Yellow Belly Hippo, and that's why we got her, but I've had enough.
Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/260#post_3452626
I guess having 2 mantis* in the house is enough, huh?
*one in training...
LOL, that's what he claims. But come on, how many babies have an octopus tank, that would be awesome!
Originally Posted by cryptics
I have one of those acclimate boxes. They say you can use it to catch fish also. One end of the box is held up with fishing wire and you put food in the box. When he goes in you let go of the string and capture him Wiley E Coyote style. No idea if it actually works but you are welcome to it if you want to try.
I guarantee you it would catch every fish in the tank but her! LOL
One of the downfalls to a large tank with multiple fish.
The first fish it would catch would be the Naso or the Cleaner Wrasse, they have to check out any new thing in the tank. This hippo is going to make me nuts.


Active Member
I've had excellent luck with this fish trap mod. mrdc borrowed it for a while and had good luck as well:


My biggest issue, is she's mainly a grazer, doesn't really go after food, which makes it that much harder to catch her. I need to stalk the tank at night for a few days and try to figure out where she sleeps, I think that's going to be my best bet. Why couldn't the Purple and Naso Tangs kill her instead of my Achilles!

mr btldreef

Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/260#post_3452626
I guess having 2 mantis* in the house is enough, huh?
*one in training...
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for my tank :-(
Fingers crossed that nothing else dies, I can't take anymore. I need to go back to trying to catch this damn Blue Hippo like I've wanted to do for months and momma clownfish, she's going in the baby's tank.
I've been trying to convince my husband to let me do a really interesting tank for the baby like a mantis tank (which I have wanted for ages) or an octopus tank, but he's not having it.
well... no more convincing. i have decided that our daughter is going to have an octopus tank.
we just bought a used 8 gallon bio cube that i am trying to make sure it is locked down tighter then fort knox.
i just finished retro fitting leds into the hood, from what i understand and have read octopus are nocturnal, so i went with mostly blue leds.
going to try to post some pics.

has already eaten 1 ghost shrimp after being acclimated.


Freaking AWESOME!!!
so Fort Know right...and everything with a whole is covered with screening right...