BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build



Now im not sure if I want to let my husband on here,,, yall are giving him to many ideas...


Originally Posted by smallreef http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/220#post_3442744
Now im not sure if I want to let my husband on here,,, yall are giving him to many ideas...
LOL. Nothing is worse than having your husband try to trade you for corals when you're 4 months pregnant, and when people ask for a description or picture his response was: "Think mantis shrimp, those crazy eyes, you never know what they're going to do" yeah.......

mr. limpid

Active Member
Those pictures turned out awesome. Did you take any with the whites on? I know the effect wont be the same but you probably can see the actual coral better, for us who want to get close up. It looks like you glued the montipora to your over flow? Nice look to hide them.

mr btldreef

Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/220#post_3443350
Those pictures turned out awesome. Did you take any with the whites on? I know the effect wont be the same but you probably can see the actual coral better, for us who want to get close up. It looks like you glued the montipora to your over flow? Nice look to hide them.
thank you. yes i took them day lights on. i turn the exposure to -.7 most of the time. i glued gsp, zoas, and some montipora on them. i didn't like my montis taking up all the rock.

mr btldreef

okay.... so no matter what the mrs. says this is her christmas gift. steal of a deal for him and he is absolutely gorgeous.

3+ years with this cleaner wrasse. doing his job as usual.

blue hornets



Can you email my husband and tell him its okay to buy your wife a GORGEOUS fish for christmas :)


Hahaha! This hobby needs more loving and understanding spouses who are willing to dump their Christmas bonus on one fish!
I think I am in love with a fish.....
The Purple Tang, which is literally 1/3 the size of the Achilles, attempted to be a bully, and still is trying a little. HA! She learned real fast that being bullied was not going to fly. After a healthy tail slap, I think she's learned her lesson. The Blonde Naso and Achilles are being great together, absolutely ignoring one another, but will graze off the same rock peacefully. These two are the ones I was most worried about, because as most know, the Naso is my baby. I am really happy with the way the Achilles looks and is behaving. It ate right away, hasn't shown any signs of stress or aggression and seems quite content to just graze on my rocks all day. I had no idea that these guys changed color so much either. It's really neat to watch it change to a pastel purple color and then pop right back to the black. Did I mention that I love it? LOL


Active Member
Congrats! It will make beautiful addition to your tank! I always liked the achilles tang. Nice colors, etc.. Goodluck with them getting along.


Everything is going well. The Purple Tang seems to have learned her role and the Achilles just swims around grazing all day. Could not care less about any other fish in the tank, and absolutely pays no mind to the Naso, which was my big concern. My Naso also doesn't care about him, she's more interested in pacing the front glass waiting for me to feed her! The Achilles found the one tiny little patch of bryopsis I had starting and demolished it so I'm more than happy!
Now to catch the dumb Blue Hippo! (Just because I don't want her and this she is the dumbest fish I've ever owned, there's no aggression issues)


Active Member
The fact that the tank is only 6 months old adds a "wow" factor to it in my opinion. My tank is 3 years old and isn't even in the same book!


Well, the Achilles died tonight
Thank goodness we didn't pay full market price for him, but nonetheless, I'm super upset about it. I'm not quite sure what went wrong. It started acting a little odd and hiding and the Purple Tang and Blonde Naso started attacking it last night. They weren't beating on it today, but I think the damage was already done. They tore up the dorsal fin pretty good and we found him stuck to one of the MP40's tonight. Yanked it out and put it in the QT, but it just decided to lie on the bottom of the QT gasping for air. Tried a little Prime for a stress coat, etc and it just wasn't doing well. When I went out to the store, I asked that my husband deal with the issue while I wasn't home. I couldn't bare to watch it suffer anymore. I'm not sure where the aggression came from. Other than the first day when the Purple Tang was being a little bully, there was never an issue. My Naso has NEVER shown aggression towards anything and she really went after the Achilles last night. I was shocked.
The LFS has another one right now, about the same size, healthy, eating, etc. I'm thinking about it, but right now, I think my tank needs to just calm down.
I'm depressed


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/385998/btldreefs-180-tank-build/240#post_3452194
Well, the Achilles died tonight
Thank goodness we didn't pay full market price for him, but nonetheless, I'm super upset about it. I'm not quite sure what went wrong. It started acting a little odd and hiding and the Purple Tang and Blonde Naso started attacking it last night. They weren't beating on it today, but I think the damage was already done. They tore up the dorsal fin pretty good and we found him stuck to one of the MP40's tonight. Yanked it out and put it in the QT, but it just decided to lie on the bottom of the QT gasping for air. Tried a little Prime for a stress coat, etc and it just wasn't doing well. When I went out to the store, I asked that my husband deal with the issue while I wasn't home. I couldn't bare to watch it suffer anymore. I'm not sure where the aggression came from. Other than the first day when the Purple Tang was being a little bully, there was never an issue. My Naso has NEVER shown aggression towards anything and she really went after the Achilles last night. I was shocked.
The LFS has another one right now, about the same size, healthy, eating, etc. I'm thinking about it, but right now, I think my tank needs to just calm down.
I'm depressed

Oh, I am sorry to hear this. That is why I am scared to add one so expensive to my tank. My yellow is mean....:(