BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build/40#post_3394589
If you look just to the upper left of the tracyphyllia, you should be able to see my little "Chameleon of the reef" as he literally changes color to blend in.
Yeah, thats the other one I said I *think* I see. Chameleon is right.
I tried to D/L the pic and circle them, but for some reason, today I can not save jpg off the site, they will only save as htm files...


We picked up some new corals this weekend... (pardon the diatoms in some pics, they're getting there, but it's still settling. Got to love moving!)
Oregon Blue Tort:

Bubblegum Millipora (this should color up really nicely in a few weeks):

Tubbs Pink Jade (this should also color up nicely):


Our Tri Color Nana is starting to encrust nicely and has grown some as well (LOVE! this piece, it's going to be a beautiful colony):

Coral Beauty and Leopard Wrasse (just thought it was a cool shot to get two of my hardest to photograph fish in one shot):

This is the Purple Valida that came out of Atlantis Marine World's Tank, it's growing really well:

Purple Nana is also growing well:


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build/60#post_3395741
Very nice.....looks like the move was very successful
The only coral we lost was one polyp of Purple People Eaters, which I suspect my Black Combtooth Blenny yanked off the plug on accident.
We lost two fish, the McCosker's Wrasse and the Mystery Wrasse to jumping out, but that hole has since been covered.
It's been really good. My BTA finally split last night. Figures, I finally get rid of one, and end up with two again
I've had them for 3 years, never split, now, when I didn't want them to, they finally did. Cryptics is getting the baby.
My clowns look like they'll start spawning again soon as well. They've been cleaning off a spot on a rock all morning

I finally convinced my husband to let me have a seahorse tank!!!!
I think I'm going to do a 30 tall in the living room.


Originally Posted by cryptics http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build/60#post_3395750
:) I can't wait to bring in the bouncing baby GBTA.
Ohh Seahorse Tank. That is going to look cool.
Haha! At least I know it'll go to a good home. The last large one I sold, the guy turned around and sold it for 3x as much the next day on MR, that did NOT make me happy.
I can't wait for the Seahorse tank, but I have a lot more research to do. I think I'll start one around October, unless the bug bites me sooner. I'm going to beg Atlantis for some of their babies. They have a whole bunch right now, we got to see them Sunday night at the meeting. You missed out, we got to go behind scenes, pet the penguins, and all

The hunt has begun for a trio of Resplendent Anthias and a female to go with my male Blue Star Leopard Wrasse, those are my next two additions. I have my LFS hunting for healthy specimens, and I have specific size requirements for the wrasse, so I'm making them nuts. They don't think they'll get them in until August at the earliest, and then, if they're not healthy, I don't want them.
I think I'm going to have to catch my Black Combtooth Blenny. He decided to become an ******** decorator since moving into the 180. I just watched him flip over my cluster of barnacles that my Tail Spot likes to hang out in. He's not fighting with the Tail Spot, just decided it was time for the barnacles to move. He's also trying to move my beautiful Tracyphyllia, and that is just a big no no, as that's my centerpiece right now! Why can't fish just behave?


New Member
I officially hate you. I've always wanted a 180 gallon reef. Now im forced to stare at my dream but in a awesomer verison.
Yes that is a compliment. lol Good job


Lol, thanks. This tank took a lot of time and work and I'm not even close to done. I just have too many fish projects going on right now.
For what it's worth, I started with a 14g tank



Another tank!
Good luck with finding the fish that you are looking for.
There's always room for another tank! Lol
Our goal is to have a tank in every room.
This hobby should come with a warning label, it's not a hobby, it's an addiction.


Always room for another tank

Not for me....LOL.....All I do (besides work) as it is now, is mess with fish tanks :( I love them, BUT ATM I am tied to this sitter yet...working on it though


New Member
Ummm, i would never give it away, I rescued it along with another that were stuck in a 55 gallon aquarium that were in my school. The other one was 1'3" but passsed away, I Buried him in my yard


Originally Posted by Jerth6932 http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build/60#post_3396140
LOL BTL I think you struck a sore spot! If your looking for a home for that cat, I'm hungary!
Fresh water fish tanks are cool, I use to have an 80 that I loved.
Originally Posted by TheBosch11
Ummm, i would never give it away, I rescued it along with another that were stuck in a 55 gallon aquarium that were in my school. The other one was 1'3" but passsed away, I Buried him in my yard
I had fresh water planted tanks for a long time. Now that I'm a salty, I don't think I could ever go back, but I do enjoy having display refugiums.