BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build




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Originally Posted by Mr btldreef http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build/60#post_3400742
your seahorse tank is up and running honey... your vvelcome...

soon as it clears up .. i ll take some pics.
Correction: NEW tank!
I love that you're in the other room using the broken computer to come online and that your W key isn't working after the computers saltwater bath so you use to v's, LOL
It's our anniversary, and we're on computers in separate rooms, WTH?!?!?!?!


Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/385998/btldreef-s-180-tank-build/80#post_3400760
Cant wait to see your horse tank. You should post in the seahorse forum.
Definitely will be. It's sort of been a secret because I wanted to make sure they were going to live. I was able to get my hands on captive bred H. kuda's that eat frozen right out of the water column and two blue striped pipefish that also eat frozen :) I had them in a 14G for two weeks to make sure all was good, now they just got moved to our 30T with our filefish.


Well-Known Member
It's our anniversary, and we're on computers in separate rooms, WTH?!?!?!?!
LOL thats part of being married me thinks...


Thanks ... I just got some new stuff, I'm going to have to update with pics soon.
We also were able to find a female to go with my male Blue Star Leopard Wrasse


Well-Known Member
Yell at Mr. Btldreef for not loading the photos yet!
LMAO i was gonna write something like "do i need to get MR btl here" but i didnt know wat either of u would thinks


Well, he's never going to upload the darn pics for me, so here's some of the new stuff from my iPhone (which is now old because we just got more, that'll be in the next post):

New Leopard Wrasse (yes, I still have two others):

And can you figure out what we bought today:

scott t

Active Member
Very nice TommieLynn, cant wait until I have packages like that coming to my house. I mean the Styrofoam ones not the Vortech Power heads cant afford one of them yet, maybe at tax time I can, still have to get my skimmer. That will be my next purchase.


So, we finally go the extra Ecotech Powerhead. MP 10wES, so we can finally run it with the two MP40's, should be good.
We now own a Yellow Corris Wrasse (thanks Flower and Meowzer for putting the idea in my head!):

Orange Birdnest with Green Polyps:

MIGHT? be a Iron Man Blasto, not really sure, don't really care if it is or not, we just like Blasto's in this house :)

scott t

Active Member
Very nice I love when people get new stuff, because I can only imagine what I am going to be like when i get stuff.. WOO HOO