Been a while since I updated this thread so here goes.
THe LFS has not received the one spot blenny and the algea continues to grow. The stuff on the bottom corner is still there, but in one spot it is gone on the rock. The seal rock still has some on it. The 3 trochus snails are cleaning machines and the 4 nassis put on a good show at feeding time. I like to play the theme to "dawn of the dead" in my mind when they pop out of the sand. All the fish are getting along just fine with the normal qubbling over food. I am up to a full cube of mysis for the night feeding and what the fish dont eat, very very little, the shrimp and snails greedily snap up. Adding the plankton like stuff seems to have benefited all the coral in the tank as the 2 gorgs that sprouted new growth have really taken off. I hate to say it but the little 2 headed frag that I made earlier was taken off the plug by my urchin. I have no idea where it landed in the tank and I havent been able to locate it. How bad is it if I cant find those 2 heads? On to the pretty pictures.
I have a new "bonsi tree" in the works

I also have new red stalks of algea coming up next to the flakey like stuff

I have a new section of the red bubble algea growing. I am probably going to take these pieces off of the rock and take it with me to the monthy meeting for my local club as I know there will be people who want it. I have a few places on the rocks with 1 or 2 bubbles forming so I know I will have new pieces soon.

If you have never seen the underside of an urchin, just look below. The pic after it is a size reference. When this guy hitched on my rock, it was barely bigger than a quarter for the body. Now the body is almost as big as my power head.

Here is one of the gorgs with its new growth. The new branch is almost as big as the original piece.

And here is a pic of my hammer coral. Its on the bottom of the tank along the side. It appears to be getting decent flow and appears to be happy.

and if you have a dog, and you want to be creative with its hair cut, by all means experiment