Building my 56 gallon Column reef tank


Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/780#post_3361145
What's wrong with the doggie? She is 14 years old and was a matted mess before I groomed her. I figured even at 14 she still needed a little pizazz! She's sporting a little rhinestone feather bow though it's hard to see the bling in that picture. With the old dogs I do clean and comfy and don't worry about perfection. How come everyone always feels sorry for the dogs and no one ever says "poor groomer"? LOL
LOL....Just a joke about what people do to their dogs...the outfits and dying of the hair always cracks me up


Active Member
Outfits for dogs, yes. That makes me laff too.
Hair dye on the other hand, that makes some sense. I had a cocker way back when and I prevented the missus from cutting her top knot. She did dye it once and I have to say, seeing a colored mohawk on my dog was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/780#post_3361170
Where at in Jersey? Maybe we can meet up sometime and I can get you some. If its 2 day ground, maybe ship you some. Can algea go on a 2 day shipping experience?
USPS has a guaranteed over night. You have to pack it like SWF does in a little cooler with heat packs and put it in a box...they will take it and if it does not get there at the time get your shipping money back right then and there. I shipped coral and a fish to a member, they were fine but it arrived late so I got my money back and he got some GSP and a sleeper goby, just make sure it's double bagged and won't bounce around in there.


Active Member
Just checked and UPS ground is 1 day to all of jersey for only $11.

So now its a matter of whether it is desired and whether or not I can find stuff to pack it in and a heat pack that will work.


Active Member
Hmmm...I am interested and I have the supplies to ship it.
Oh, and I think it's cute when some dogs get a dyed mohawk.


Active Member
what stuff you have your eye on? With my trip coming up next week, I am not sure I will be making it to my local reef club meeting so I will have lots of extra bubble algea.


Active Member
Let me know what you want to do Gemmy.
I gave away the urchin today. It was getting too big for me and it was knocking over all sorts of stuff in my tank. It has served us well and I hope his new owner takes good care of him. At least in its new suroundings, there will be other urchins so he will have 'family' to hang with so to speak.


Active Member
I would gladly take some of the bubble algae off your hands.
I can ship the supplies to ship algae and a return shipping label.


Active Member
I got no problem with that. I could send you a few stalks of it. I'll PM you the address and you can then let me know how many you would like. I think I have 3 decent sized pieces and 1 rather long piece and then there are a few of the smaller pieces.
Honestly, you would probably only need 1 or 2 as these things replant themselves all over the tank. It used to be only in 1 spot on the rock, now I have it in 2 spots and I have noticed it is starting to grow in a few other places. Probably best to get 2 pieces, one for a fuge and one for a DT location. See if the fish eat the DT piece and have the fuge piece replant elsewhere.


Active Member
Gemmy, did you ship the box and stuff out? I was gone for a while and I didnt see anything waiting for me when I got back home.
While I was gone, the "diatoms" in the corner has turned into cyno. I have to get a new PH and point it at that corner somehow. The mushroom coral has gotten huge. If we put it on the seal rock's head, it would be a sun hat for sure. I can see the frag that she dropped and what I could see, they looked cool. I will be getting them out of their current location and back into their proper location when I feed the tank tonight. The one spot blenny is looking rather cool. All seems well with the tank.
Oh wait a second, all the calipura in the sump is completely gone. There isnt a trace of it anywhere. So now my poor nitrate removal buddies have been cut down dramatically. I dont want to take a measurement, but I know I have to. Anyone think that now that the calipura is gone from the sump, the cheato will start to grow more rapidly?


Active Member
I'm shipping it tomorrow. Someone at my work stole the box/threw it away. I have the box and supplies now.


Active Member
I have a desire for more shimp in the tank. But what makes me leary is that the lone skunk shrimp that is in the tank now likely took out the smaller skunk that was introduced with him as well as the decent sized pepp that was added later. I like the shrimp and I like their personality and behavior in the tank. I dont think that if I were to add sexy shrimp that they would survive with this skunk in there. I do remember that the fire shrimp was supposed to be sorta agressive and maybe if I add one of those, the 2 could co-exist in the tank. Any thoughts or suggestions for adding shrimp to the 56?
If the zoa garden ever gets going, that is where the sexy shrimp will go as I have to have 3 of them. They are too cool for words.


Well-Known Member

I have added a small skunk cleaner with my big one and he never did anything to it. My fire shrimp is invisable, I was moving rock a couple of months ago and came across it hiding in the rock...I hadn't seen it for 6 months and thought it was dead. LOL...nor have I seen it since. I love my skunk cleaner and every tank needs at least two..I'm sad I can't have one in the seahorse tank.


OK, I give. Let's go get another skunk and the dwarf angel. Might as well get them both, unless they are still charging $30 per skunk shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/800#post_3367612
OK, I give. Let's go get another skunk and the dwarf angel. Might as well get them both, unless they are still charging $30 per skunk shrimp.
and what dwarf angel? And instead of getting them at the LFS, you wanna spend the $50 in certs here and cash in some reward points? It sounds like a great idea to me.
1x skunk
1x coral beauty/flame angel
2x scarlet hermits BOGO (cuz i have heard they eat cyno & it would make Evie happy)
2x emerald crab BOGO (to eat that green stuff that keeps poppin up)
Corals, lots & lots o corals
oh shoot, she went to work and probably wont be home in time to get the order in today to have it ship out today. Darnit.


I wouldn't do an emerald crab in your tank, and if you do, just do one. They'll eat all your nice macro algae not just the nuisance algae.
I would try to get a shrimp that's the same size. My fire shrimp is aggressive, but only with other fire shrimp, he's been fine with my pistol shrimp and my peppermints.


Me too, although I was unaware of exactly how LARGE one of them had gotten until the other night when he kind of "jumped out" at me......holy crap!