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Crash, your arrogant ego about our country being the Dominant Power of The World is what keeps other nations hating us so much. You actually think the modern civilizations of the World would cease to exist because we're not around? You chastise Russian and Chinese political philosophies, but they've been working for them alot longer than this country has been around. If they didn't, they wouldn't exist and thrive as they do today. What you think are backwards or abhorant living conditions, are just natural occurrances for people who live in different regions of the world. I think living in an igloo or in sub-zero temperatures stupid. But don't tell that to an Eskimo. You may think Communism, Socialism, or any other form of government besides Democracy leads to evil and the end of humanity, but it's just a normal way of life for a majority of the people who live on this Earth. I think it's pathetic that certain people in this country think it's our duty to stuff our philosophies down other cultures throats simply because they disagree with the ones they been living with for centuries.
what is wrong with believing that America is the greatest nation on earth?
The problem with you libs is that we are the greatest nation on earth. And you libs want to take us down a notch. And since capitalism and democracy does work, why would we not try to show the rest of the world the best way to do things? Starvation and famine are serious worldwide problems, but we shouldn't try to show them a workable system. Na. Of course not.
You are the arrogant party in this case. With our conservative philosophy we want these people to have the opportunity to better themselves to put food on the table, heck to have a table to put food on, a roof clothes.
You are perfectly willing to allow the "natural living conditions" to continue while you are sitting on the answer to the problem and not doing a thing about it. All in the name of "not forcing our ways" on other people. If you have the cure to it you'd be wrong not to share it.