Bush's War


Originally Posted by Veeraj87
making the innocent people of iraq seem like the BAD GUYS...
We have a new term for them : Insurgents. But, we actually did the "surge", right? Maybe they think we are the inSURGEnts?



Originally Posted by rudedog40
You want to waste your time and breath saving the plight of the world, go join the Peace Corps.

I am in love with you!
This crap about bringing peace and stability, saving the Iraqis from an evil dictator is so much bs. How many evil dictators can we name in the world? And, it is our job to save all people from evil dictators.
"Oil for food program stole money blah blah blah"
How much money is the NEW government of Iraq stealing? We actually pay them on top of the money they steal.
But, the current administration is completely OK with spending our money. Hell, they got our debt up to 9 trilllion, what's another trillion or two?


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Seriously pick a topic of the war in the middle east and stay on it . Stop jumping around to make it look like you have some idea of the turmoil in the region . If you want to be distraut by the number of dead then go for it . But stop trying to tie it all to everthing the bush administration has done . If you are so outraged go over to IRAQ and help them instead of the heroic keyboard warrior action from the comfort of California . Join the red cross and head on over and be part of the solution .

The topic is about a documentary on the war. It is about the Bush administrations tie to the war. This post is spot on.
Buyt, since you bring up helping the Iraqis, we do have an all volunteer militia, not counting stop loss. Your avatar looks like you might be just one of the few, the proud, the Marines. How about leaving your family for the next decade or so and helping out?
Some of us feel bringing our soldiers home is right, some feel sending others to fight is right. Where are you?


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I would be willing to give my life so that other might live in freedom . But thats just me .

Really? Recruiters are in the phone book, at your local high school and at the mall. Can I help you find them?


Originally Posted by Veeraj87
. i am distraut by how many have died, its just wrong... and i am blaming this administration for a large part of the deaths, but Bill does deserve the same amount of blame.
You forgot to mention the millions of refugees who have fled their homes because the opposing militia has taken over their neighborhood.


Originally Posted by crimzy
I'm a little confused here... when was the "Do you want to go to war?" vote and why wasn't I invited? How did the public make the choice?
On a separate note, this is the first time I've ever been called ognorant???

I am ognorant, too. I never was asked the big question. Maybe it was only promoted on Faux?


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
well why dont you face up to your part and go help out ? Oh thats right its so much easier to point fingers .
I believe all the armed forces are recruiting. The Marines might have a stronger dress code, but they can spruce you up, Crash.


Originally Posted by Rylan1
Your right... all this is connected... in a web of deciet... Authorization for war, CIA ties to Bin Laden, Musharaff, Haliburton, WMD's, Iraq, Oil/Gas Prices, Scooter Libby and CIA leak... all of it...
Spefically about your point... wouldn't you say its highly likely that this Admin leaked the information about this guys wife... because of his opposition to the war and evidential proof that Africa or no one else sold Iraq nuclear material.
Of course it was this administration who put a CIA agents life at risk. They wanted revenge. The only reason they have not been tried for treason is because they had control of all investigations. Maybe they will get away with it, but I think treason on your country has got to take a toil on your psyche. I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror....


Originally Posted by Rylan1
What I find interesting is how many other places in the world have these same human right violations.
Me too. But we only decide to invade the country that has so much tied to Cheney, Rummey and Wolfie. What is different about this country more than the others?


Originally Posted by NigerBang
When you sit and point your finger for 5-8 months letting them KNOW we are coming to check for WMD's....Yeah I would leave them laying around...It was well known the labs could go mobile at the drop of a hat....We are coming soon...
In the Middle east that translates into "Grab the S--T and lets get this out of here and move it to another location"...
Saddam had to make his neighbors and his enemies think he had WMDs. Of course he could not say he didn't have them because then he would be invaded. So, we invade him, and now we fuss because Iran is going to take over.....
Iran and Iraq were enemies. Now, they can join forces...


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
But I guess the future of that nation and others like it is nothing compared to you issue of WATER ?
Hmmmm....strong argument there. Why would a silly country want something like water?


Originally Posted by Veeraj87
im upset that we didnt have a plan we rushed a war.
They did have a plan: We would remove Saddam, all the people would throw flowers at our troops and thank us. It would take 6 days or maybe 6 weeks, certainly not 6 months. Then, this group of people, who have spent the last few milleniums hating each other, would join hands and say " We want to be like the US and elect a congress and a president".
The guys who thought up this "plan" grew up in the 60's wearing flower power buttons and driving Beetles....Peace, love and hippy crap everywhere!
Plus, there was going to be oil money to pay for it!


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
. Well mine is that they shouldnt have acted the way they did .
Who are we to tell them how to live their lives? We have the fattest, the most unhealthy population on the planet. We wake up every day wondering which politician will be caught up in a scandel today. Illicit drugs are everywhere, prescription drug abuse is rampant. Kids take guns to schools and massacre each other.
Why are we so right to tell them they are so wrong?


Originally Posted by crimzy
Man how this has deteriorated... just so I'm clear... this is an argument about whether people should argue on the internet.
Everyone reading this thread has just gotten dumber. We have now lost a part of our lives that can never be returned.
I'm going back to sleep, (but don't worry, I'm still billing for my time
Not me! I had a fun day at work today dealing with dittoheads. This is a great release!
But, I am not a cat fan. I like fish. Cats eat fish.

darthtang aw

Active Member
suzy direct question for you.
When we pulled out of Vietnam the direct result was 2 million cambodian and south vietnamese slaughtered by pol pot. A hidden war occurred between vietnam and Cambodia up until 1989.
So with that said, if we pull out now and Iran invades. Takes over Iraq that has essentially no defense and starts killing kurds and sunnis because Iran is shiate, what then, we let it happen? Even though it is our fault for putting those people in that situation?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Veeraj87
we didnt find a single WMD in iraq. PERIOD.
Both Sarin Gas and mustard Gas shells have been found in Iraq. Granted, these have not been found in large amounts nor are they what we were looking for. Still, they prove the UN inspection Teams did not remove all of the WMD's and may have missed more.
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
Saddam could have been put on trial through other methods, one being the UN going in and removing him, a failure to do so would be going to war....
Name a SINGLE occasion the UN has successfully removed someone from power. Look at the current situation in Darfur, that the UN is supposed to be dealing with.... Also, don't forget UN Resolution 1441 which stated, in part: "Holding Iraq in “material breach” of its obligations under previous resolutions
, the Security Council this morning decided to afford it a “final opportunity to comply
” with its disarmament obligations, while setting up an enhanced inspection regime for full and verified completion of the disarmament process established by resolution 687 (1991)...."
Originally Posted by Veeraj87

but we didnt check down, we fit the plans around the policy read the links above about what i found in africa, this is someone that the administration appointed and how can you say this war isnt unjust, theres KIDs dieing everyday i dont understand your logic, frankly if my kids or if i were in that situation what would you expect me to do i would steal i would create havoc becuase i have been reduced to nothing
How many children died under Saddam? How many girls were r aped and tortured by Saddam's sons?