Originally Posted by
Seriously pick a topic of the war in the middle east and stay on it . Stop jumping around to make it look like you have some idea of the turmoil in the region . If you want to be distraut by the number of dead then go for it . But stop trying to tie it all to everthing the bush administration has done . If you are so outraged go over to IRAQ and help them instead of the heroic keyboard warrior action from the comfort of California . Join the red cross and head on over and be part of the solution .
The topic is about a documentary on the war. It is about the Bush administrations tie to the war. This post is spot on.
Buyt, since you bring up helping the Iraqis, we do have an all volunteer militia, not counting stop loss. Your avatar looks like you might be just one of the few, the proud, the Marines. How about leaving your family for the next decade or so and helping out?
Some of us feel bringing our soldiers home is right, some feel sending others to fight is right. Where are you?