Bush's War


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
im upset that we didnt have a plan we rushed a war... and people are dieing, including our own people... i dont get your logic you call them lazy and all this nonsense ... you absolutely dont make sense thats like saying the jews died because they were to lazy to help themselves and fight back... WTF?? does that justify their killing??? i dont get it ????

This is a different situation. The MIDDLE EAST is one of the richest areas of the world . Yet they are in constant chaos , Not just IRAQ or AFGANISTAN But there other countries in the region . Just as our forfather did some 200+ years ago the people of the region should have risen up against their opresors and built a solid nation . There has been a lot longer history of civilization the the arab nations then there has been in the modern western world . Yet they are continuely in the dark ages always a few steps behind western civilization . your argument is we should not have acted the way we did . Well mine is that they shouldnt have acted the way they did . They should have spent more time building infastructure , Developing their country instead of waiting around for somebody to walk in and give them freedom and a new country with modern conviences.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i love to read these threads... its very comical how ya all think youre right and start in on each other...
these war/political threads in a nut shell:
my links are better...
no my quotes are better...
well i know what im talking about...
well youre dumb and im the only one who knows...
well read this article its from a reliable source...
this source is more proven...
i agree with only the people that agree with me and refuse to read what anyone who disagrees with me...
well youre an idiot...
i know you are but what am i...
im right cuz my political views are not flawed...
well jesus says im right...
ohh ya well his dad told me i was right...
repeat above on page 2, 3, 4, 5, etc etc...
If it ain't broke...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i love to read these threads... its very comical how ya all think youre right and start in on each other...
these war/political threads in a nut shell:
my links are better...
no my quotes are better...
well i know what im talking about...
well youre dumb and im the only one who knows...
well read this article its from a reliable source...
this source is more proven...
i agree with only the people that agree with me and refuse to read what anyone who disagrees with me...
well youre an idiot...
i know you are but what am i...
im right cuz my political views are not flawed...
well jesus says im right...
ohh ya well his dad told me i was right...
repeat above on page 2, 3, 4, 5, etc etc...

Good I am glad you see the point in this too . Another one for our side .
For the record I understand Ruarounds point and I know hes not on a side . He just thinks this thread needs more CAT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
If it ain't broke...

that is the point though bro... its a BROKEN RECORD!!!
here is a little task for you...
go to photobucket.com > in the search box type "arguing on the internet" > click on any one of the images that the search finds > think about what it says for 30 seconds...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
that is the point though bro... its a BROKEN RECORD!!!
here is a little task for you...
go to photobucket.com > in the search box type "arguing on the internet" > click on any one of the images that the search finds > think about what it says for 30 seconds...
I reject your logic and insert my own as truth .

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
that is the point though bro... its a BROKEN RECORD!!!
here is a little task for you...
go to photobucket.com > in the search box type "arguing on the internet" > click on any one of the images that the search finds > think about what it says for 30 seconds...
Photobucket is not a reliable source. They have been proven by photoshop.net to lie.
So I think I won't waste my time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Photobucket is not a reliable source. They have been proven by photoshop.net to lie.
So I think I won't waste my time.
either source comes up with the same material and has been proven by snopes to be true... follow the steps i listed and it will lead you to the promise land...
i would post a link but the link to back that particular statement up may contain borderline content that could be construed as inappropriate...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
either source comes up with the same material and has been proven by snopes to be true... follow the steps i listed and it will lead you to the promise land...
i would post a link but the link to back that particular statement up may contain borderline content that could be construed as inappropriate...
Man how this has deteriorated... just so I'm clear... this is an argument about whether people should argue on the internet.
Everyone reading this thread has just gotten dumber. We have now lost a part of our lives that can never be returned.
I'm going back to sleep, (but don't worry, I'm still billing for my time


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
either source comes up with the same material and has been proven by snopes to be true... follow the steps i listed and it will lead you to the promise land...
i would post a link but the link to back that particular statement up may contain borderline content that could be construed as inappropriate...
Such as CAT?
Thank Ruaround you brought this thread to a halt right as People were about to profess their hatered for me .


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Man how this has deteriorated... just so I'm clear... this is an argument about whether people should argue on the internet.
Everyone reading this thread has just gotten dumber. We have now lost a part of our lives that can never be returned.
I'm going back to sleep, (but don't worry, I'm still billing for my time
what do you mean "how this HAS deteriorated"??? just by opening this thread one lost 10 IQ points... post a rebut to someone and that costs you 15 to 30 IQ points...
but if you post something witty and lead someone on an internet scavenger hunt that increases your IQ by 17...
hey look at me 7 points higher!!!

darthtang aw

Active Member
you also forgot the 509 point increase to IQ for posting something that got quoted by one that felt this post was stupid.
Crimzy, you will be back...Lawyers just can't keep their noses out of things like this, you might miss the chance to sue me or something...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
you also forgot the 509 point increase to IQ for posting something that got quoted by one that felt this post was stupid.
Crimzy, you will be back...Lawyers just can't keep their noses out of things like this, you might miss the chance to sue me or something...

i think if you posted an LOL Cat pic it would have had more impact...


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
. If your in an abusive situation such as the iraqi people were then they should have changed it . THEY SHOULD HAVE CHANGED IT. .
Word. Nation building, according to our idea of what a nation should be, is very difficult. First, we must convince them they want to be like us, then we have to convince them they want to be like us bad enough to die for it......


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
The nation was pretty PO'd and you can try and word it anyway you want we all know thats what lawyers are good at . But it none the less remains fact WE WANTED REVENGE and it was general consinsus that if your were a terrorist or suport terrorism you were looking down the barrel of the gun from now on . We would not be a nation of victims . That there was going to be a price to pay . SO you are 100% wrong . Maybe in your mind that wasnt the over all feeling of the nation . But thats your point of veiw not the nations .
I think most of us would have been satisfied with taking Afganistan and actually securing that country before we moved on....Some of us remember the Shaw....that didn't work so hot.