you think his pH falls below 7.2ish?
Easily, if he has litle or no buffering capacity, and fish that breathe out CO2 at night.
Do I think his other inhabitants are happy? I suspect not, though his pH probably shoots up during the photosynthesis period, so they are not constantly bathed in acid...
Calcium carbonate is not the most soluble molecule, so I don't know if it is possilbe to dissolve the shells overnight enough to raise CA++.
Nor do I think Bob's method is recommended for anyone but Bob....
It would be interesting, just to find out, if Bob would consider testing for pH at a couple of different time points, such as first thing in morning as well as an evening time point. Also dkH.
PS. I have a BA in Chemistry that has gone unused for 25 years, although at work, I am considered a biologist, I am a biologist of rodents and cultured cells, not marine creatures. So I know just enough to be dangerous. After 9 mo of reefkeeping, I consider myself a newbie, and have enjoyed learning from the experiences of the folks on this board. You have all been a great help to me.
Thanks for the fun discussion!