Cigar Time



Here I am, reading all of these posts, and as I said I have never had a cigar before but I just wanna let you know what you all sound like, to those of us on "the other side".
You sound nuts!! I haven't even heard PIE described with such emotion and intensity. And I know pie is good.
I am a female and really have no interest in ever trying a cigar, but the way you all talk, your making me pretty curious.
It's funny.


Active Member
hey tizzo-
believe it or not, good cigars re very much like fine wine, and fine food. there are so many variations out there, if you do try, you are bound to find something you might enjoy. and being a woman shouldn't stop you. i'm not pushing you by any means, just trying to dispell any misconceptions


Active Member
Isistius is right. A fine cigar with a good drink is just so relaxing and just a joy to behold. I sometimes drop by the cigar bars and there are always women there enjoying cigars. Most of them like the smaller cigars that are flavored.
My wife noticed how much I enjoyed sitting out by the pool and being curious she dropped by the cigar store and talked to one of the ladies working there and came home with several flavored cigars to try. Now sometimes when I go out to enjoy a cigar, she will grab one of her Kahlua Mudslides (coffee-liqueur flavored) and join me or as I refer to it, invade my meditation time
. She was sharking around my box of Hoyos yesterday when I opened them and asks, "So, what are those like?" GRRRRRR!!!
Now if that wasn't bad enough, she gets her sportbike in December and is going to start riding with me also. I told her if she kept wanting to do everything with me, people are going to start thinking we are married or something.


Active Member
tangman- i can't even begin to tell you how close to the same boat we are in wife is the same way. she actually enjoys the smell of a cigar. well, the good ones anyway. so much so, that she even tells me everytime i smoke a good one, i can smoke it in the house!!!!!!!!!! she'll even join me from time to time (not now tho, cause she's pregnant with #2). she like the miami sweets. they come in about 4 different "flavors" - rum, irish cream, um....something, and um.....something else. real cheap, but enjoys the flavor nonetheless.


Active Member
My fiance loves to smoke moontrances by CAO. She'll hit up a Punch or Macanudo as well. There is nothing better than a good cigar with a smooth glass of Cab.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
or as I refer to it, invade my meditation time
. She was sharking around my box of Hoyos yesterday when I opened them and asks, "So, what are those like?" GRRRRRR!!!
Now if that wasn't bad enough, she gets her sportbike in December and is going to start riding with me also.

holy hilarious!!!
you are blessed tho dude. personally i think a chick that smokes a cigar is really hot for some crazy wierd non - freudian reason (yea right!).
and as long as she is responsible , its uber cool to have a chick that rides with ya and not just on the back, slowing you down. (i got a gixxer 750


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b

holy hilarious!!!
you are blessed tho dude. personally i think a chick that smokes a cigar is really hot for some crazy wierd non - freudian reason (yea right!).
and as long as she is responsible , its uber cool to have a chick that rides with ya and not just on the back, slowing you down. (i got a gixxer 750
A very good friend of mine rides a Gixxer 750. Nice bike!

It's cool she is going to ride. She is getting the newly redesigned Ninja 250R when it hit's the showroom. I talked to the sales manager where I bought my last two sportbikes in the last three years and he said the first one that he gets in is mine if I want it so just waiting for them to come in which everyone is guessing will be December. Now the fun part is going to be trying to keep my 1000RR from bucking me off while riding that slow with her until she gets up to speed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
tangman- i can't even begin to tell you how close to the same boat we are in wife is the same way. she actually enjoys the smell of a cigar. well, the good ones anyway. so much so, that she even tells me everytime i smoke a good one, i can smoke it in the house!!!!!!!!!! she'll even join me from time to time (not now tho, cause she's pregnant with #2). she like the miami sweets. they come in about 4 different "flavors" - rum, irish cream, um....something, and um.....something else. real cheap, but enjoys the flavor nonetheless.
I guess we do have a lot of parallels! I'll have to tell my wife about those. She tried the CAO's and did not like them. Does not care for Vanilla either. She did like the rum ones.
That was how it all started for me. She came out and said that my cigar smelled really good and that everyone she had every smelled before really stunk. Curiosity led to her trying some recommended cigars for women and here we are.


Active Member
lol those 250s can move, you will be fine. those new ninja 250s they finally redesigned look great, too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
hey tangman- what's the verdict on the hoyos?????
Haven't had the opportunity to light one of them up yet.

I'm hoping for tonight or tomorrow night.


Active Member


so after much anticipation, i decided to have one last smoke before my tonsils come out on monday. as you can see, this one was thoroughly enjoyed. the smell was sweet, but very spicy on the palate before the initial light up. once lit, the first few puffs were spicy, but the cigar opened up almost immediately. very nice draw. full body, but not overkill. talk about nubbin' it, just look at the 2nd pic again. it was so small i was burning my fingers, but i couldn't put it down.
i would rate this a+/a. just an outstanding smoke.
well, in the time i started writing this (about 8:00 this morning. it's 6:45 pm now) many things have happened. my wife's father passed away, so she flew to north carolina. so that means my surgery is postponed, and i have another week, to maybe enjoy another cigar.


Active Member
Man! You almost need a clip for that thing! Glad you enjoyed it. I still have not had the time to sit down and enjoy one yet. I'm hoping for tonight but don't see it happening. It's been a busy day and I have to go out for my run around 8:30.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
Man! You almost need a clip for that thing! Glad you enjoyed it. I still have not had the time to sit down and enjoy one yet. I'm hoping for tonight but don't see it happening. It's been a busy day and I have to go out for my run around 8:30.
running will kill you........


see now thats one think i love about canada, i can have whatever cuban cigar i want, and all i have to do is go to the corner store, i personally am i fan of cohibas, and i also enjoy the romeo & julieta's. maybe ill join you people for a smoke, since everything is so cheap down there for me now


Active Member
Originally Posted by AAnthony
see now thats one think i love about canada, i can have whatever cuban cigar i want, and all i have to do is go to the corner store, i personally am i fan of cohibas, and i also enjoy the romeo & julieta's. maybe ill join you people for a smoke, since everything is so cheap down there for me now

oh man that's cold. almost as cold as winter for you


Active Member
FINALLY! I got to sit down and enjoy one of my Cuban Hoyo Double Coronas. I just started and I am enjoying it as I speak. Very smooth starting out and nice flavor. It is also one of the best burning cigars I have ever smoked. Perfect ash. Well, back to the party. Based on what I'm seeing, I figure it's going to take about 2 hours to smoke this beauty!

1.5 hours later . . .
All I can say is

Nice, smooth, a little spicy, full bodied and I feel a bit buzzed. May be the Cognac though.


Active Member
well played! good show!
and nope, its not just the cognac, those bad boys will buzz you quite thoroughly all by themselves


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
well played! good show!
and nope, its not just the cognac, those bad boys will buzz you quite thoroughly all by themselves