Sorry, got side tracked by having to go to bed, get up, and go to work :yes:
My daughter's birthday is May 20, and for that she and I going to Madison, WI and spending the night (my treat) in a really cool hotel. We'll be doing lots and lots of shopping that weekend, but the last thing before going out of town to home will hopefully be a pair of clowns (depending on water parameters at the time). She's been watching my tank progress very closely and plans on setting up one of her own, after mine is established. For now, though she's helping me with mine, well, as much as she can from an hour's drive away. She's a biology major, and I'm hoping that might just come in handy somewhere down the line.
After we send in the clowns, we're thinking that the next thing will probably be a pair of pyjama cardinals...we really like those too and should be compatible, according to what I've read, with clowns. After that, who knows, I don't want to overstock and compromise my tank, so from there we'll see.
Thanks everybody!!!
Lisa :happyfish