Clownfish Breeding


Active Member
Short update, fed newly hatched BBS - they seem to be eating it, still a good amount of there rotifers in fry tank. I think more than half of the larvae have metamorphised (sp?) swimming a bit different and getting some color on them. I would say there are still 30 or 40 fry in the tank.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///t/393244/clownfish-breeding/20#post_3499058
That would be great Bang Guy - If you PM me the size of the box and approximate weight, I know next to nothing - I will email you a UPS shipping slip - prepaid. It would be muchly appreciated. PM your email if that is OK with you.
Mine is small, square and about the size of 1/3 of a coffee cup, a few ounces. It works great for both BBS and Rotifers.

mr. limpid

Active Member
That is so great, you are a good parent. Better start saving your money that is a lot of college tuition for 40 fry. Hey watch out there is a jelly fish in that first picture.


Active Member
Full steam ahead almost all have gone through metamorphasis and my pair of clowns have spawned again. I actually counted about 45 - they are swimming like real clownfish now. Couple of them even look like they are jumping out of the water.


Well-Known Member
Oh boy! Get ready to buy some more aquariums and filters! lol... saving every batch, I hope that you can get them to selling age pretty quick! I'm jealous of your supplemental income now!


Active Member
I have a couple more ten gallon tanks, extra 40 and a 20 long. I really enjoy the challenge and watching them grow, I actually don't have to squink anymore to see them. They are swimming in a group just starting to see tiny bits of white. I will save the next batch if they hatch then see what happens after that.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///t/393244/clownfish-breeding/40#post_3499580
I have a couple more ten gallon tanks, extra 40 and a 20 long. I really enjoy the challenge and watching them grow, I actually don't have to squink anymore to see them. They are swimming in a group just starting to see tiny bits of white. I will save the next batch if they hatch then see what happens after that.
Awesome man.
I would like some pics of your rotifer/phytoplankton station if you don't mind. :D


Active Member
Hey Bang Guy at what point should I add a sponge filter, I kinda like the fact that there are rotifers swimming around, I am doing small feedings of BBS three times a day. I have a sponge filter in the mother tank's sump to try to seed it a bit.