College Football 2004


Active Member

Originally posted by JAL1639
Um, Auburn will prob. suck!! We loose Ronnie, Carnell and Jason. The offense.

Hey I gave you props for this year. you wouldn't be trying to make excuses for why we may beat Auburn next year would you?


Active Member

Originally posted by Pontius
the SEC is THE best conference, you can accept it or not, but it's a fact.

Just a matter of Opinion.
Next game for OU is the big XII championship. This is a by week


Active Member
The Big XII South is the toughest conference in the country.
The reason it's always windy in Oklahoma is because the Big XII North blows and Texas sucks!

dwarf lion

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:jumping: :happy:
notre dame- usc, an upset in the making! i kno u all dont think so, but watch out 8pm eastern time,


Active Member
What do you call a good team in South Bend?

Got to get my digs in now, this is one of those games where the records mean nothing. Lots of emotion, hard hitting and a couple of fights during the game, and thats just between the cheerleaders. Next two weeks are the toughest on SC for the year.


Active Member
It was a lot harder winning the Texas state championship (again:D ) than it's going to be winning the big 12.


Active Member

Originally posted by reefraff
Next two weeks are the toughest on SC for the year.

You said it, not me. Two weeks and two unranked teams and no conference championship.
Auburn still has to play a ranked Tennessee in regular season.


Active Member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
You said it, not me. Two weeks and two unranked teams and no conference championship.
Auburn still has to play a ranked Tennessee in regular season.

Why would a conference championship matter more than a big rivalry game? The Texas/OU game isn't a conference championship, does that mean the game doesn't have the same intensity? Suppose the PAC ten was divided north/south. USC could be looking at playing a title game against 6-5 Oregon State instead of a non conference game with Notre Dam. I'd gladly take OS over ND as the warm up to next weeks game against UCLA.
Mute point anyway, If SC wins out they will be number 1, this year they control their own destiny. I think Getting Colorado instead of Iowa State for the final game might bail OU out as far as staying in the big game if the top 3 win out.
BUMMER IS THAT I DON'T GET ABC, Don't get to watch "the game".


Active Member
reefraff if I were you, I'd be heading for the nearest sports grill with a big screen!
My bad on Tennessee, that's the SEC game and they lost today to boot!


Active Member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
reefraff if I were you, I'd be heading for the nearest sports grill with a big screen!
My bad on Tennessee, that's the SEC game and they lost today to boot!

My wife got it on the TV in the bedroom just in time to see the ND score. Did Tenn end up losing? Plays a tad more into OU's hands.


Active Member
Thats what I thought. Oh well, I guess I'll get ready to go watxh SC. Never know how they are going to do in a big game until the 2nd half anyway.
I may be back later (crying in my Scotch)


Maroon! White! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mississippi State! - WHOOOOOO! You're Damn Right!
Watch out for the dawgs in the coming years... Coach Croom's in tha house!


Active Member

Originally posted by JAL1639
It's not that USC looked good it was ND looked BBBBBAAAAADDDD!!!!!!!!!!!
:mad: :mad: :mad:

SC needs to learn how to play on a wet field. ND? They need a friggin coach. That guy is an idiot! That game should have been a lot closer.


Good win for your SC team Reefraff, I still think that Auburn could beat them, but maybe not as bad as before. I also think Leinart clinched the Heisman, not just because of his season and the ND game, but because the two players at OU are going to take away alot of votes from each other. Now yall just need to suck up to the voters here in the South and NorthEast because we don't have any legit heisman hopefuls. ReefRaff, how about our favorite coach over at Nebraska and his great first year? First losing season in over 40years! Westcoast offense works great with an option team.