College Football 2004



just got back from the osu vs. that team up north and all i gots to say is
Hang On Sloopy!
Oh yeah, hows breylan edwards look for a heisman candidate now? can we say dropped p-asses galore!!!



Originally posted by blueface
If Michigan would of beat ND I wonder what they would be ranked in the BCS. Freshman QB couldn't handle playing at their house. I hope he doesn't have the same problem w/ Ohio State!! GO BLUE!!!!



Active Member
Don't know if Auburn help themselves this week or not. Thought they would have a stronger showing against the crippled tide.


Yeah, we lost.
But, Michigan is still going to the Rose Bowl, so HAHAHAHAHA.
I'm now thanking Iowa for beating Wisconsin and now we will prepare for Cal(?) in Pasadena.
Oh yeah, hows breylan edwards look for a heisman candidate now? can we say dropped p-asses galore!!!
Still has 11 catches for 187 yards and 1 TD. Not a bad game at all. AND whoever said he'd catch every pass? I'll bet you that he will be the first reciever to go in the draft.:)


Wow 35 pts was all OU could score on Baylor??
Move to the SEC and find out like Arkansas. The SEC IS the BEST in the nation.
Did you watch ESPN last night EVERYONE ranks AU above OU, and most say #1.
A play off solve this!!



Originally posted by Blemmy_Guy
:jumping: :jumping: Congrats Caps!! and how did everything else go ?? ! todd

we were the stars of Hiney-gate for about 15 minutes and the rest of the day i had people congratulating us.:) oh yeah, she said yes.:yes:
tress = 3-1 vs. that team up north. guess its a rivalry now.


Active Member

Originally posted by JAL1639
Wow 35 pts was all OU could score on Baylor??
Move to the SEC and find out like Arkansas. The SEC IS the BEST in the nation.
Did you watch ESPN last night EVERYONE ranks AU above OU, and most say #1.
A play off solve this!!

No, we were gracious. We could have put 70 on them if we wanted to but Stoops decided 35 points and the shutout would do this week
Most of our first team didn't even play the last 11 minutes.
And it's just not a good season if ESPN picks us. We're much more comfortable when they don't. It's good luck for us.:D
Facts are facts and it took Auburn's first team the whole game to beat a crippled tide team by just 8 points. Of course, I'm sure the Auburn coach spent most of the night calling around and lobbying for Auburn votes.
You are right about one thing, a play off would solve it but, it's not going to happen.The system sucks and every time they make a change to help it they just screw it up more.


Hey caps you finally find a coach that can beat us!! But too bad he'll probably be canned when this whole Clarrett fiasco is finally exposed!!!!!



Originally posted by blueface
Hey caps you finally find a coach that can beat us!! But too bad he'll probably be canned when this whole Clarrett fiasco is finally exposed!!!!!

fire tressel, bring on urban meyer! i mean urban liar! i mean......(i went to bowling green when coach liar (meyer) said that he wasnt leaving cause he had unfinished business to take care of in the mac, and then utah offers him 6 times what he was makin at bg.)
in all reality there may be many things uncovered by this fiasco, but it will be about a year down the road.


Active Member
I don't know where you get your information but the experts who are used to help formulate the BCS standings all indicate that OU and SC have a harder schedule than AU.
As an example Anderson & Hester rates the schedules as follows
OU 24th
SC 25th
The others involved follow suite. They also rank the Pac 10 above the SEC.

You can look it up for yourself here There are links to all the rankings


Active Member

Originally posted by JAL1639
Oh, I got my info from ESPN. They are dumbasses when it comes to sports.

I've actually heard some pretty stupid things come out of ESPN. Like I said, look at it for yourself.


Active Member
As much as I've come to dislike the Auburn fan in this discussion, there's no doubt in my mind that Auburn is the best team in the nation. Any SEC team that can go through the season undefeated IS the best team. I don't care if they play OU or UofSC, they will win handily. If they go undefeated, they will have beaten UcheaT twice, which is also an accomplishment. I don't care what any 'experts' say, UofSC plays a weaker schedule and don't even have a conference championship, so in the case of 3 or more undefeated teams, they shouldn't even be considered for a shot; though they DID have a legit argument last year when OU didn't even win their own conference. but LSU would have beaten them last year. the SEC is THE best conference, you can accept it or not, but it's a fact.
oh yeah, we got Spurrier :) I'm not predicting an immediate SEC or NC, but I DO predict that the future is bright. We'll find out next year how good Auburn is.


Active Member

Originally posted by Pontius
As much as I've come to dislike the Auburn fan in this discussion, there's no doubt in my mind that Auburn is the best team in the nation. Any SEC team that can go through the season undefeated IS the best team. I don't care if they play OU or UofSC, they will win handily. If they go undefeated, they will have beaten UcheaT twice, which is also an accomplishment. I don't care what any 'experts' say, UofSC plays a weaker schedule and don't even have a conference championship, so in the case of 3 or more undefeated teams, they shouldn't even be considered for a shot; though they DID have a legit argument last year when OU didn't even win their own conference. but LSU would have beaten them last year. the SEC is THE best conference, you can accept it or not, but it's a fact.
oh yeah, we got Spurrier :) I'm not predicting an immediate SEC or NC, but I DO predict that the future is bright. We'll find out next year how good Auburn is.

Sc plays just as many games as Aub or OU, 12. They finish against ND and UCLA which are both huge rivals and better teams than OU will be playing. I don't know if I accept the "experts" assessment that Auburn has a weaker schedule but they sure as hell aren't playing a much harder one either. One thing is for sure, they have the harder end of season and OU has the easiest.