College Football 2004


That took some balls reefraff to admitt you were also a Raiders fan (I am waiting to get ripped on the raiders past two seasons). See you can find something to like in everyone.


Active Member

Originally posted by LiveRock27
That took some balls reefraff to admitt you were also a Raiders fan (I am waiting to get ripped on the raiders past two seasons). See you can find something to like in everyone.

They may suck at the moment but where else can you celebrate Halloween every Sunday during football season:D


I hate to say I told you so!!! But Wisconsin Was a pretender not a contender!!! Michigan in the Rose Bowl!!! GO BLUE!!!!
I like this person.:hilarious


Active Member
Once a pround Nebraska team now is just shameful. One of the nebraska football players head butted a Ruf-neck at the football game and knocked two of his teeth out. The guy I think is pressing charges which would be a felony if the nebraska player is convicted.


Active Member
Why the Sooners should play for the National Championship:
The Sooners have beaten three ranked conference opponents away from Norman, including the 12-0 shutout of No. 5 Texas, which hadn't been shut out in more than 20 years, as well as No. 22 Texas A&M and No. 23 Oklahoma State. The Sooners have gone undefeated in the most competitive division in I-A football. Their non-conference schedule included No. 24 Bowling Green, a team that Oklahoma beat, 40-24. Oklahoma has the most exciting offense in the nation, with an offensive line full of future NFL players, a Heisman Trophy winner at quarterback and the best freshman tailback in the last 10 years. Their opponents are 57-33, which means Oklahoma has played one of the toughest schedules in the nation.


We all know that Oklahoma should be ranked #3 in the BCS and it should be Auburn VS. USC in the National Championship.
(Yes, I do have my flame hat on.


What about Auburn beating three top ten teams (LSU, @Tenn, and UGA) and they still have Alabama and Tenn again in the SEC championship. I think that schedule is a little more impressive than OK over Texas.
ReefRaff, you have to love the blackhole. The Raiders could lose every game and you would still have a sea of monsters and bikers all dressed in black in the endzone every game. The Raiders just need to find the right quarterback. I love Rich Gannon, but he is getting up there in age and has missed almost two whole seasons now. The offense line is young at the Tackles and Guard positions, but in a year or so we will have a good offense line. I just don't like the rumors of Al Davis wanting to trade for Ricky Williams. He alread has dissapointed two teams in the NFL, do we really want to be the third? Also hopefull we can figure something out with Woodson, either sign him to a deal or trade him while we can still get something of value for him, I would rather do the first. What about Curry and hnis play this year?


Active Member

Originally posted by Fishtails
(Yes, I do have my flame hat on.

And you should keep it on!

"And call me a heretic for saying it, but the fact is the SEC is not as strong as it is supposed to be. Auburn has been dominant, yes, but the SEC has only four ranked teams, only seven bowl teams"-Ivan Maisel is a senior writer for


And you should keep it on!
Will do, because I'm striking back.

From my gatherings, the Big 12 only has 4 ranked teams. Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma State. That is 4 out of 12 teams, which isn't bad but still, not good. The defending Big 12 Champs, Kansas State has had an awful year at 4-6. I have no clue what happened to them or Nebraska who is 5-5 this year. This thing is, how did the overranked at #2 Oklahoma lose to Kansas State last year. I'd think the computers for the BCS ranking would be affected by a loss of last year, but I'm not sure. I really never knew how Oklahoma could be ranked #2 at the beginning of the 04-05' season after 2 straight losses. All of your good Big 12 teams are in the Southern division, so really Oklahoma will be handed the Big 12 Championship this season.
On the other hand, Oklahoma will probably get a shot of playing USC, which should've been last years championship game. From what I've seen this year, it will be a good game, but I still think USC will win it another year. If Auburn gets to play in the National Chamionship game this year, who would Oklahoma be facing?


Active Member

Originally posted by Ty_05_f
Hey wait a minute I saw that on :thinking:

I couldn't have said it better myself.
Personally, it's not Auburn that I don't think belongs, it's USC. They have the lamest schedule. I think it should be OU #1 and Auburn #2.


Active Member
The big XII championship is going to hurt us because the north is just terrible. Yes auburn has proved themselves but has USC the only team they have played is Cal and the only other team that could give them a little trouble is ND. ND a non consistant team decides ya we'll lose to BYU and beat Michigan.


Active Member
After Auburn lost a little ground in the polls during their off week I figured they had no chance. After seeing how they moved up this week I think if the win their remaining games it will now be Auburn and SC in the title game. OU will suffer from having two creampuff games for the end of the year while Auburn has a couple of high quality game.
I wouldn't look past UCLA as far as SC getting beat. That is every bit as emotional game as the SC/ND game. I would place even money on SC going undefeated. I'd bet the farm on OU doing it. As much as I dislike agreeing with Liverock (on the college game) I think Auburn has a tougher way to go to end undefeated than SC or OU.


If Michigan would of beat ND I wonder what they would be ranked in the BCS. Freshman QB couldn't handle playing at their house. I hope he doesn't have the same problem w/ Ohio State!! GO BLUE!!!!


Look at my Buffs! They may win the Big 12 North with a .500 win percentage! We may be the worst team that could go into a division championship, but could be a nightmare for the Fiesta Bowl if we could beat OU.


Active Member
all you people talking about rivalry and no mention of Carolina-Clempsun. that is THE rivalry. small state equally divided among two large schools.
and btw, Spurrier to Carolina. Christmas came early.


If you want to watch one of the best rivalry games out there, watch the Iron Bowl tommorrow.
I'm so nervous I can't see straight.:nervous:
and a small, "war eagle", to my inner state rivals.:jumping:


Active Member

Originally posted by JAL1639
Christmas came early and you got a bag of coal!!! HAHAHAHA

yeah? we'll see


Active Member
I'm going to have to take back my props to Auburn. Their healthy first team certainly did not "dominate" the crippled Tide or their 3rd string secondary. Should have been an absolute blow out. It's all good for the Sooners :D though.