Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.


Active Member
Couple of questions.
Is it just me or does the tank look like its leaning to the right?
Looks the same in all the pics. Like either the door isnt plumb or the top has a lip that sticks out longer on the front right.
Not knocking your craftsmanship just caught my eye as being "off looking"

coral keeper

Active Member
No, its just you and my crappy camera skills lol. Yeah, the door is a bit open thats why it seems likes its leaning to the right.

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, I JUST came back from the LFS and got 25 lb of LR! WHOOOHOOO! I got the most expensive LR they had which was for $7 a pound. The LR hads TONS of diff shrooms, lots of diff color coralline, and much much more! Will post a few pictures later on today.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here are a few pictures of the tank and LR. The LR has lots of diff colors, sponges, stars, and corals! The LR is FULL of diff mushrooms. It doesn't look like I have much LR because I spread the LR on the bottom. Didn't pile up the rocks yet because I'm waiting for the sand which is going to come tomorrow.


coral keeper

Active Member
Here are a few more.

I have NO idea what this is though. Its probably some coral or sponge? I'm going to go post it in the coral section for an ID.

coral keeper

Active Member
I also got a SPS coral for free today from the LR tank.
Its alive and its in my 8 gallon biocube under PCs. It extended some of its polyps already. Hope it lives long enough so I can put it in this 28 gallon tank. I'll post a few pictures of it tomorrow.


Active Member
yah man those mushrooms are gonna piss you off later
, but the LR is cured right? so no cycle? when is the sand coming...this is gonna be a sweet tank

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
yah man those mushrooms are gonna piss you off later
, but the LR is cured right? so no cycle? when is the sand coming...this is gonna be a sweet tank
Nah, lol The sand is going to come tomorrow.


Active Member
did u buy the rock as a mushroom rock or just live rock? dang good hitchhikers? Why would the shrooms pss him off?
Id say its just a sponge, but im not sure. Looks like a huge one though

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
did u buy the rock as a mushroom rock or just live rock? dang good hitchhikers? Why would the shrooms pss him off?
Id say its just a sponge, but im not sure. Looks like a huge one though
Yeah, I bought it as live rock from the live rock tank.
I don't think that thing is a sponge, it doesn't have any holes. Thats the weird thing about it, its got no holes. Its kinda soft.