Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.


Tank looks great. How is your battle going with the hair algea? The before and after pics of the toadstool look awesome, good growth on it. The maroon is also beautiful. Do you have plans for her when / if she gets bigger?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
Tank looks great. How is your battle going with the hair algea? The before and after pics of the toadstool look awesome, good growth on it. The maroon is also beautiful. Do you have plans for her when / if she gets bigger?
Well, im going to get some chaeto algae and live rock and make the back section of the bio cube a sump/fuge and add 2 cleaner clams so they can go into the sand bed.Thanks!! Well, when he/she gets bigger im going to transfer her/he in to my 25 gallon FOWLR. Is there any way to find out if the Maroon Clown Fish is a male or female? Anyone els think the pics look good?


Active Member
It's most likely a female since it's the only fish in there. Clowns all start as males, but one becomes female and is dominant and gets bigger. The female is the bigger one in the pair of clowns, I guess it's a female since it's the only clown in there.

coral keeper

Active Member
Today in the morning i saw that my Cleaner Shrimp is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, pics will be coming up in a few min. I will not be posting a full tank shot today, Ill post a few full tank shots tomorrow.

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, hear is a few pics of my pregnant Cleaner Shrimp! Cant wait till the eggs hatch!!!!
Ill try to get her to go on the glass and get a better pic of the eggs.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Ok, hear is my stock list.

1 Maroon Clown Fish
1 Guppie
Why on Earth do you have a guppy in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Because i wanted one in there?
Is this a freshwater guppy, commonly sold at places like *****?