Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
You do realize it has no business being in that tank, right?

Why cant it be kept in saltwater?


Active Member
Nice pics. Just two things, 1) are you aware the guppies are freshwater fish? and 2) you'll be lucky to see any baby shrimp, they will probably be eaten up before you see them.

I like your rockwork?


Active Member
Ok, first of all brown banded bamboo sharks have been known to live in fresh water. The catch is that it's not that great for them, their live span is shortened tremendously, and the qualitly of live is crap. It can be done, just not recommended. Can you take the guppy to any fish store?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Why cant it be kept in saltwater?
Because it's a freshwater fish. Some freshwater fish can be adapted to saltwater, but I seriously doubt your guppy was. Therefore, it's probably not enjoying itself and probably won't be around for long. Besides, who sets up a saltwater aquarium so they can have a guppy? Why don't you get a clown goby or a neon goby or something?

coral keeper

Active Member
ok ok ok ok, ill make him use to fresh water and put him back in my 90 gall pond so plz don't bring this subject back up about the guppie thanks! Thanks for complementing me about the rock work azfishgal! I hope no one eats the baby cleaner shrimp! Its the second time the cleaner shrimp has eggs.


Active Member
Hey man get off his back. I take it this was probably his first fish and he didn't know a lot of saltwater before. he like so many others, probably rushed into things, and learned their leason and became a wise aquarist from it. Freshwater puffers I heard going into saltwater tanks also. Who doesn't want a puffer, huh?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Hey man get off his back. I take it this was probably his first fish and he didn't know a lot of saltwater before. he like so many others, probably rushed into things, and learned their leason and became a wise aquarist from it. Freshwater puffers I heard going into saltwater tanks also. Who doesn't want a puffer, huh?

Exactly! I read a post that people put fresh water puffers in saltwater so why dont you guys scram and flame them!?!?????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Exactly! I read a post that people put fresh water puffers in saltwater so why dont you guys scram and flame them!?!?????
Actualy they do. Don't mean to steal your fire. Sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Hey man get off his back. I take it this was probably his first fish and he didn't know a lot of saltwater before. he like so many others, probably rushed into things, and learned their leason and became a wise aquarist from it. Freshwater puffers I heard going into saltwater tanks also. Who doesn't want a puffer, huh?
Coral Keeper apparently knows the difference between freshwater and saltwater. There shouldn't be a lot of learning beyond that as far as what fish can be kept in what. The reason I'm belaboring the point is because Coral Keeper has a history of putting odd things taken from the (non tropical) ocean in his cube and then wonders why every once in a while something goes wrong.
I should add that this is the first I've heard of the guppy since paying attention to Coral Keeper's tank. I'm guessing it's a new addition, not a first fish.


Active Member
Ok gosh man, do you appreciate getting flamed! FYI, I IM with him a lot so I'll let him know if he does add anything "not appropriate" to the tank.


New Member
i love the clown i have been trying to figure out which kind i want to put in one of my tanks and i think i just made up my mind. As for guppies i know that guppies and swordtails are very common in brackish tanks and along with puffers so it is probably actually possible to make one a salt water fish though not text book for sure. i also love your corals they look like they are comming along pretty well.


Active Member
just a fyi that clown will out grow that tank. maroons can reach 6" and should be kept in 35+ gallon imo. Other then that looks great. I used to feed my lion guppys and my maroon clown would eat them.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by yerboy
just a fyi that clown will out grow that tank. maroons can reach 6" and should be kept in 35+ gallon imo. Other then that looks great. I used to feed my lion guppys and my maroon clown would eat them.

Thanks!!! How big is too big when the maroon will out grow the tank? I had the Marron clownfish for 10 months so far and hes as healthy as he can be!


Active Member
i had mine in a 12 gal aquapod until it was about 3-4" and he was very cramped with my corals and rock , so i moved it into my 265. with only 8 gallons i would expect it to outgrow that tank at around 3"

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by yerboy
i had mine in a 12 gal aquapod until it was about 3-4" and he was very cramped with my corals and rock , so i moved it into my 265. with only 8 gallons i would expect it to outgrow that tank at around 3"

Ok, thanks for the info!!!

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, hear is a pic of my Torch Croal, and Mettalic Green Torch Coral. Both the torch corals kinds closed a little because my sister and brother ran right near the tank, so thats why they are kind small, ill post a nother pic when they are 100% open.
