Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, hear is a few full tank shots of befor and after of the hair algae trimming.
Tell me what you think! More pics will be up today.


coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
They look like RPE's, are they?

Im not sure what kind of coral it is. What dos RPE's stand for?


hey,,i was looking at your profile and it says that you have a foxface and puffer and alot of other fish too,,, the only big tank you have is a 25 gallon,,if that is true,,,the foxface will not survive and the puffer,,,for long

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by BIG-FISH
hey,,i was looking at your profile and it says that you have a foxface and puffer and alot of other fish too,,, the only big tank you have is a 25 gallon,,if that is true,,,the foxface will not survive and the puffer,,,for long

Yes i know they will not survive for long, i only had them for about a month and they have ich right now so they are in hypo and when the hypo is don they are gone. The only reson i got them 2 is because i listened to the LFS.
They wont even give me full store credit!!!!!

Ill sell them to someone who wants them in stead of the LFS.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by BIG-FISH
hey,,,how can you tell if you cleaner shrimp is pregnant
You can see eggs under her tail. Hears a pic of whear the eggs are.


Active Member
Wow the hair algea is growing great lol. Just put some phosphate remover in and decrease the photo period and increase flow. Also dont feed alot.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Wow the hair algea is growing great lol. Just put some phosphate remover in and decrease the photo period and increase flow. Also dont feed alot.

Thanks!! LOL I only feed the shrimp and the clown fish once a day and i feed the anemone every month and i feed both of the torch corals once a month. I need to get myself some cheato algae and put it in the second chamber where the bio balls are and put live rock in the first chamber and i all ready got a light for the the cheato algae. I don't want to buy any phosphate remover and I don't want to starve my corals.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Yea. I had it bad also. Look into my diary thread youll see the equipment I got and everything.

Wich section is it in? the reef tank section? Whats the thread called?


Active Member
TriGa22's Diary its in the fish photography. I usually keep it on new posts so I can see ALL the new threads.


Originally Posted by rbaldino
Because it's a freshwater fish. Some freshwater fish can be adapted to saltwater, but I seriously doubt your guppy was. Therefore, it's probably not enjoying itself and probably won't be around for long. Besides, who sets up a saltwater aquarium so they can have a guppy? Why don't you get a clown goby or a neon goby or something?
Just so you know guppies are also found in estuaries not to mention a lot of other damselfish we call saltwater also my uncle has a 300g salt with hundreds of guppies in it and they started with six or seven so it doesnt shorten life spans or anything tank has been up for 5-6 years,on another note sweet tank


The blenny would finish off the algae, but it would probably starve after the algae is gone. An astrea snail or two or some stomatellas would probably be a better long term choice.

coral keeper

Active Member
Thanks for the complements everyone!! Ill get some chaeto algae and 1 or 2 cleaner clams and see how it gos, if theres still going to be hair algae left my emerald will eat it up. Anyone els like the tank?