Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
still need some chaeto coral keeper?
Yes i still need some chaeto. I asked my dad and he said maybe tomorrow or next week. Is that fine with you?

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok, here is my stock list.
1 Maroon Clown Fish
1 Green Emerald Crab
1 Cleaner shrimp
not sure how many Asterina Stars
1 Pacific Sea Anemone
2 or 3 Hermit Crabs
3 or 4 Margarita Snails
1 Limpet Snail
diff kinds of Sponges
TONS of Cope Pods
TONS of Amphi Pods
All kinds of diff worms.
2 Cleaner Clams (also known as Little Neck Clams)
1 head of Torch Coral
2 heads of Metallic Green Torch Coral
Toad Stool Coral
9.6 LB of Live Rock
8 LB of CC


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Yes i still need some chaeto. I asked my dad and he said maybe tomorrow or next week. Is that fine with you?
i need a few days advance notice because i am going to the state fair tomorrow and i am busy this weekend. if you set up a date next week then i will be more then happy to give some to you!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
i need a few days advance notice because i am going to the state fair tomorrow and i am busy this weekend. if you set up a date next week then i will be more then happy to give some to you!

coral keeper

Active Member
Well, today in the morning i found my cleaner clam dead.

I checked my lvls and ammonia was 0 and Nitrite was 0 and Nitrate was 5.


coral keeper

Active Member
From a sea food store. I got it while my family and i were at the ocean. We drove near a sea food store so we sent in and they had some and i got 2 for $0.82

coral keeper

Active Member
Here are some new pics of my Green Emerald Crab. I did not see him for about 2 weeks, i thot he died then today just right now about 20 min ago he came out in to the open!!! He is HUGE!!!! These were the best pics i can get. Ill try to get more today. Here is a pic of him about 2 weeks ago. Its the very last pic.


coral keeper

Active Member
Yeah, i really didnt have time to clean off the algae on the glass, tomorrow ill do a 15% water change and clean the glass and pick out as much hair algae as i can.


Active Member
Do you have a mag floater? It's the best invention in the aquarium trade since the aquarium itself, IMO>

coral keeper

Active Member
I don't have a magfloat, im using a tooth brush to clean the walls. Right now i just cleand my glass and picked out as much hair algae as i can. Tomorrow will do a 15% water change.


Active Member
You seriously need a mag floater. Best thing ever invinted besides the aquarium itself. A toothbrush? No wonder there's algae, you probably never wanna do it!
Long time no hear. So how's it going? You haven't been on Yahoo IM lately.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
You seriously need a mag floater. Best thing ever invinted besides the aquarium itself. A toothbrush? No wonder there's algae, you probably never wanna do it!
Long time no hear. So how's it going? You haven't been on Yahoo IM lately.
Everything is good. Was a bit busy lately. Today i saw my maroon clownfish hosting the xenia!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a video of the clown fish hosting it. Ill try to get a better video of the maroon clownfish hosting the xenia. He LOVES the xenia to death!!


Active Member
Is xenia an ok coral for clowns to host on? Most corals get irritated and die. But cool video. The clown is bigger than the coral, LOL.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Is xenia an ok coral for clowns to host on? Most corals get irritated and die. But cool video. The clown is bigger than the coral, LOL.
I think it is fine, when the clown leaves the xenia 1 sec latter the xenias polips open back up. I know that the clown fish is bigger than the xenia LOL. For now its a little cabin for the clownfish then in a few months or less its going to be a HUGE mansion. LOL. Cant wait!