Costa's 156 gallon Build Log


update: I have decided I am going to go with a DAS EX2 for my skimmer. I have been reading about them and have heard nothing bad about them. So I will be placing my order sometime in the next few days.

Also I finish the sump. I tested it and it is leak free. I still have to put a top flange on it.

Lastly, I am trying to invent some kind of solenoid that will close the drains from the tank when the power shuts off so the siphon will stop and I will not have to worry about a flood. I will post updates on how it goes.


They make the sol valves you are looking for. Red hat makes some that might work for what you want. Get a normally closed one. So when power is off it will close. This is a valve solenoid assembly. otherwise you can use a actuator valve. Like a dn16 or somthing of this nature. Starting to get a bit pricey going that route though.


Originally Posted by mojo46825
They make the sol valves you are looking for. Red hat makes some that might work for what you want. Get a normally closed one. So when power is off it will close. This is a valve solenoid assembly. otherwise you can use a actuator valve. Like a dn16 or somthing of this nature. Starting to get a bit pricey going that route though.
Great thanks for the info, do have a link to were they sell red hat parts?


I received the skimmer in the mail. The only problem was on the pumps plumbing, the plastic thing that sticks out were you hook up the airline tubing was broken off so I will be sending it back for another one. Everything else seems fine. Also the stand should be ready shortly.


Hey you must be rich to be buying all that stuff for the tank. Almost every week your buying a equipment cool. How much did you spend on the equipment itself. Hey is your tank near where you can install ATO because I'm still not sure how is the ATO is hook-up to the tank. Where would the water supply coming from.


Hey costa13 when you build your sump what did you use to cut part of the bluffle and the body of the sump. And how did you smooth the edge of the each arcylic. I just want to know so that when I build my own sump I know what material to get to use it.