some stories my dad told me verified by multiple eye witness sources including my godfather, 2 uncles, aunt, and the girl that got launched (read to find out what launched means) (i saw her at a home depot about 5 years ago and asked her if it was true, and she said yes):
throwing an m-80 into an out of ground pool hoping the water would explode up, but the walls just collapsed and washed you and your buddies away.
found out guy across street was stealing firewood i chopped, so i got one of my logs, got an old wood drill, drilled a hole, filled it with gunpowder, plugged it up. 1 month later the guys fire place blew up.
get right up next to a house shoot arrows from a bow almost stright up, ut at an angle, so they stick into the roof
cut a tree so it is barely standing, to a string to the neighbors door knob, open door = fallen tree.
got a big construction rubberband, tie it around a tree and a telephone pole across a driveway, stretched it and loop it around the garage door handle. got this girl on a skateboard to go right by the rubberband, and get pushed up the driveway. everyone rushes inside to turn the garage door handle. when they came out they found a skateboard, and saw the girl 40 feet away smashed on a stonewall. she said she fell from the wall, and didnt rat them out.
stuck a girl into a clothes dryer. fire department came with jaws of life. she was fine, but this time she snitched.
drove the most expensive dirt bike in the whole town with spikes in the tires for now traction over a small pond, and it was lost for good when it fell thru.
got chains, huge fishing hooks, hand cought river trout, and a bleach container. hook a 1/2 piece of trout to the hook, the hook goes onto the chain, and onto the bleach container. throw a few in the pond out in the backyard. catch some huge snapping turtles, and sold them to the local japanese food place.
put pennies on a train track to flatten them
please excuse my wording and the tenses of the words i used, i am tired.