Dear Diary...


Active Member
The starfish you saw is more than likely and Asterina starfish. He is not missing legs, they are born with assymetrical legs like that. They are beneficial.
The Xenia should be fine with the Ich, in a worse case scenario, if something happens to the Xenia, I guess I'll have to "hook you up" with another, right Bone?


Originally Posted by trainfever
The starfish you saw is more than likely and Asterina starfish. He is not missing legs, they are born with assymetrical legs like that. They are beneficial.
The Xenia should be fine with the Ich, in a worse case scenario, if something happens to the Xenia, I guess I'll have to "hook you up" with another, right Bone?

hmmmm....maybe I will move the 2 sexys I have in the 12g, downsatirs to the biocube and then I can move the xenia upstairs to the 12g to deal with the nitrates....
Im just trying to save the xenia from the sexy and also fix this nitrate problem


Active Member
Did you do the 50% waterchange?
A cucumber shouldnt affect your nitrates unless it dies. They are good at cleaning your sand though.


I'm going to do it this evening. I did a 10% change on saturday. SO, today I will check parameters and then do the 50% change....that tank that I got loses so much water due to evaporation everyday! It's ridiculous!!
The cuc is still reminds me of a eats the poos the sand ...rinse & repeat.


Active Member
If your nitrates are still up to 80 then you have to do a massive water change to get them down. A 10% water change will take a very long time to get them down.(not to mention very expensive also) If you have access to any, you could also throw a handful of macro algae in your tank for a while to help get the nitrates down.


Active Member
So when last I posted in this thread you were going fallow on the display that had the Ich outbreak. How is this going for you?


well now I have two tanks and with the newer one I adopted a pair of clowns, a sexy, a cuc, and a brittle star
the other tank(the original) is still fallow until I'd say mid June to be careful


the fallow tank is going beautifully except the rantings of a sexy shrimp on some xenia...I was talking to train about moving the xenia into the new tank to help with high nitrates
this would mean removing the two sexy shrimp the new tank has and puttin them in the fallow tank and tanking the two stalks of xenia from the fallow tank andputting them into a now sexy free environment. This would hopefully save them from an untimely death from the stress the sexy is causing and also they would help lower nitrats in the "new to me" tank


Originally Posted by spanko
So when last I posted in this thread you were going fallow on the display that had the Ich outbreak. How is this going for you?
where did you get your avatar?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
weird... i kept looking at it thinking it was my 14g biocube
Email me a pic of yours and I can make one for you High Res. If you want.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Adairable
and tell me good friend where I might gain access to this macro algea????
I figured you could get it from Bone, if not, I could "hook you up"
with some.
I have both chaeto and Caluerpa in my refugium.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Email me a pic of yours and I can make one for you High Res. If you want.
i lost my a drunken stupor...I think?