Dear Diary...

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Come on, don't tell me you think the fish food is sweet!!


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I actually take the time and slice the formula 1 up into little cubes and just before I put it into the tank I add a bit of the tank water to my cup swish it around a bit and toss it in they gobble it up in under a minute. But the pieces are bite size for them that way I am sure they eat it all. But I also feed them cyclops and theres a frozen multi pack for SW fish that has 4 differnt types of food in it I always alternate with all of them. Seems to work so far
this seems like a lot of sure i shouldn't just stick with the flakes????


Active Member
Yea i know I obsess I bit about feeding them.
I guess you could, stay with what you know... You flakes have to stick together huh?
backatcha jk
I actually heard and I cant say if this is true or not. But the flake food isnt really a high quality food. Thats only what I have been told.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
My fish died. I give up. The tank is a reef tank from here on out.

sorry for your loss =( at least your tanks are gorgeous! =)


Active Member
The six line died? Oh no.
What the heck is going on?
I know you did not QT but how about the acclimation, what did you do to acclimate this new fish to your tank?


Well, I didn't drip acclimate it and maybe that was the problem. I floated the bag for a good 45minutes and then every 15 I took out a turkey basters worth of its water, threw that out, and then put in the same amount from my tank. I did this for 2 hours. So I acclimated him for atleast 2hours and 45 minutes this way


Originally Posted by DeMartini
sorry for your loss =( at least your tanks are gorgeous! =)
thanks! ps your still my hero


Originally Posted by spanko
The six line died? Oh no.
What the heck is going on?
I know you did not QT but how about the acclimation, what did you do to acclimate this new fish to your tank?
maybe there is a fish eating monster in my tank....


Active Member
I know you are on a tight budget but you have to drip acclimate. Get yourself a length of airline tubing an inline airvalve and a plastic bucket. You dont have to get a 5 gallon bucket, a 2 gallon bucket from a dollar store will do. These 3 items will cost less than 5 bucks.
Cut the tubing into two sections and place the valve in between them. The lenghth of tubing depends on your set up. Then start the syphon and adjust the airvalve so that you have a slow but steady drip of water into the bucket. Now since you are on a budget, plan on doing a water change the next time you add a fish. This way the water that drips out will be discarded and replacd with fresh salt water.
As far as frozen foods, I thaw mine in a brine shrimp net by running tapwater over it. This has never caused me any problems.


Originally Posted by trainfever
I know you are on a tight budget but you have to drip acclimate. Get yourself a length of airline tubing an inline airvalve and a plastic bucket. You dont have to get a 5 gallon bucket, a 2 gallon bucket from a dollar store will do. These 3 items will cost less than 5 bucks.
Cut the tubing into two sections and place the valve in between them. The lenghth of tubing depends on your set up. Then start the syphon and adjust the airvalve so that you have a slow but steady drip of water into the bucket. Now since you are on a budget, plan on doing a water change the next time you add a fish. This way the water that drips out will be discarded and replacd with fresh salt water.
As far as frozen foods, I thaw mine in a brine shrimp net by running tapwater over it. This has never caused me any problems.
thanks trainfever...once again train knows best

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Well, I didn't drip acclimate it and maybe that was the problem. I floated the bag for a good 45minutes and then every 15 I took out a turkey basters worth of its water, threw that out, and then put in the same amount from my tank. I did this for 2 hours. So I acclimated him for atleast 2hours and 45 minutes this way
As said already, that probably was the problem... sorry to hear about your loss...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
thanks trainfever...once again train knows best

You are starting to sound like one of my five daughters, yes I said five. Except they replace train with father or daddy. And yes they are usually being sarcastic also when they say it.


Originally Posted by trainfever
You are starting to sound like one of my five daughters, yes I said five. Except they replace train with father or daddy. And yes they are usually being sarcastic also when they say it.

its funny because I almost replaced it too!


Active Member
So what now, no more fish EVER? OH NO!! you cant give up...dont let your tank push you around like that... show it whos boss.


hey perfect dark,
just so ya know those yellow zoo's you have can sting other corals.They are considered by some a pest.just so ya know