Death Row to Harsh? what you guys think


Active Member
oh dont even get me going on the religious part,iam a southern baptist and thats all you need to know, i tried not bringing religion in and iam gonna stay out of the religion part if you dont mind


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Originally Posted by jdragunas
now that's not fair. Do you deny the existance of God then? because there are people appointed by God to kill others... Just people don't believe it anymore.
by the way thats called joining the army not being a serial killer


no, there are actually individuals appointed to kill 'demons' on earth. Have you ever seen frailty? Something along those lines...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Tangman, please share some of your experience. Like, when was the last time you were injured or assaulted by an inmate that had been executed?
To offer a little more detail, death row inmates were not the biggest problem. Part because they were better controlled and part because they are all working on appeals and disciplinary action does not go a long way in getting your cases reviewed. Most of my assaults were from CM I and CM II inmates. These are the ones that just don't care. I was stabbed in the arm while breaking up a fight between two inmates who were working in the laundry (They were open population inmates). Small shank made from a nail imbedded in a cut off broom handle. Didn't even leave a scar and I got hit while he was still trying to stab the other guy. I've been hit with a few Zip guns which usually cause more damage to the person that fired it than the person that gets hit. Most were made from bic razors with the hollow handle. You scrape match heads for powder and use a pebble, screw, piece of glass or whatever fits inside for a projectile. A bored hole behind the powder is used to put in a piece of shoe lace for a fuse. It's kind of like getting hit with a paperclip launched from a rubber band. It stings like hell but usually doesn't even break the skin. Assaults just happen because you are dealing with inmates that are just unmanageable. Most come when you need to move them to another location. They would refuse to be handcuffed and you had to physically remove them from the cells. Granted, you always brought enough extra guys with you to try and deter the need to use to use force, but there are always the ones that just did not care.
Assaults include being physically hit or having urine or feces thrown on you. We had over 35,000 inmates in the state then and maybe a couple hundred on CMII. These all came from other parts of the state that could not handle them so we got them as a last resort.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mistergn10
Man a bullet would be alot cheaper and dig a deep hole. That seems high. Why does it cost so much?
The appeals process. When an inmate is sentenced to death, they get an automatic appeal by law and the state usually pays for the inmates defense along with the prosecutioin. To house the inmate in not a significant cost.


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
this is funny now u r comparing it to hollywood now, just not right, imo
i'm not comparing anything to hollywood, you missed my point. I'm saying like in that movie, the man was really appointed by god to kill... in the same way, that really does happen in real life... sorry i brought up the movie.


Active Member
Matthew 5:38,39 "You have heard that it was said, `An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' "But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.."


hmm the salem witch trials are a good example, hung for being a girl who was stupid were the pilgrims

and scuba that was actually a pharoh in the middle age of egypt who said that, it was actually the first written law code ever. and if i remember correctly that was before christanity. i have that somewhere lemme dig it up.


Active Member
It's almost 4am, and I havent read the whole thread...just wanted to give my opinion.
If you murder someone and it's proven that you, in fact, did it...immediately put to death. None of this 15 years on death row B.S.
---- someone, you should be thrown into the hardest maximum security prison, in a pink tu-tu and left to fend for yourself.


My opion is probably a little jaded but here friend had a hole blown thru his heart, it was his first day on the job and these 2 thugs came in and just for kicks put a gun to his chest, a sawed off shotgun and because he did not know the safe combination, killed him right on the spot. My friend is buried in the ground and these 2 idiots got only 4 years in jail, got out in 2, for good behavior and killed again this time all they have to do is spend 3 years in jail. My opion is that they took a life that is now no longer in existence and they are running around and have the freedom that my friend will no longer have. Jeff's (my friend) family will never see him get married, have children, spend holiday's with him or ever see him again. The killer's see there family's and have holiday's together. So is that fair???? Jeff never asked to be killed in a brutal way, it was the 2 thugs decsion.
Yes, I believe in the death penalty, I also believe in the Bible, and I believe it states "an eye for an eye". We all make our own decisions and need to live up to that decision and actions that we take on ourselves. Be accountable for yourself and admit your mistakes and take the penalty as dished out to you.
Thank you.


the family of the thugs threatened the jury and nobody did anything about it. This was in Minneapolis and the thugs were from a Chicago gang and stated that they had connections.


I think that the death penalty is good but not utlized anough.I think that the appeals take to long,it costs us the tax payers alot of money.I think if there are witness that there should be no question about wheter the person deserves the death penalty.I think the appeal process should be quicker to give those who might be innocent a fair chance.I think if we were tougher with the laws people would think twice about what they are doing anymore peolple get slapped on wrist and think well if i do something again that the court system won't do anything.Criminals have more rights then me or you