Death Row to Harsh? what you guys think



Originally Posted by Darth Tang
And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,
And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth.
And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
the bible has been translated through so many languages...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
how do you know that tookie williams wouldn't have repented had he been given more time?
And how do you know that bin laden won't repent. You cannot and never will. It's impossible to be able to tell that becaus we're not giving these people the chance...
And you're not listening to me!!! GOD AND JESUS HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE LIVES BECAUSE THEY'RE GOD AND JESUS!!!! we do not, because we are not... end of story
and i'm not going to comment on the government and their right to take lives in the form of punishment or war...
and not all murderers take lives for a selfish reason. What about the ones that say they were told by god to take the life of another? what about the ones that take anothers life because they believed the other was evil? They still get the same punishment as rapists and child molestors, but their motives weren't selfish.
all iam saying is you need help, bin laden believes it is his religion to do this for crying out loud and those are my last words in this thread bc iam getting :mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
And if the tax dollars is such a big deal, maybe they shouldn't give prisoners a life in the lap of luxury... the bare necessities to survive is all they need... no cable TV and all of the crap they give them...
I can't say I disagree that inmates do get a lot of things that may seem like luxeries, but I invite you to work at a place where inmates have nothing to do to occupy their tiime. That is a dangerous place indeed. Where I worked had very little because of the nature of the place. No one could go outside so their was no need for softball fields. We did have a chain link cage on the end of each of wing with a basketball goal and a few weights, but that was it. Needless to say, we had about 10 times the assault rate as any other facility because you are indeed dealing with someone being kept in a cage. I've been cut, stabbed, shot with homemade guns (called a zip gun) which are usually non lethal but hurt like hell and hit so many times, I can't even recall the number of assaults. Much of this was due to the type of inmate we housed, but other facilities in the state did not have near the number of incidents. Remember, an idle mind is the devils workshop.


there is no need to get mad!!! This is a simple and debate... you cannot get mad at me because of my beliefs, and i'm not getting mad at you because you believe bin laden should die... calm down there sparky! lol. This is very civil, IMO.


ok, well then maybe the government shouldn't be spending $10 million on an inaugural ball... and wasting so much money on other crap! I'll stop there, because that's not the point of this thread...


Active Member
it is but iam not getting through to you, bin laden believes it is his religion to do the things he does ie: HOLY WAR

bang guy

Tangman, please share some of your experience. Like, when was the last time you were injured or assaulted by an inmate that had been executed?

darth tang

Active Member
Tookie had how many years? If you are remorseful for something you doesn't take your entire life to figure it out. a few days yes, a few years, yes, but 20 some odd years? come on.
Wait a minute, God and Jesus did not take the thieves lives. The were crucified by man. God has "ordered" man to kill those that kill another man. Not the other way around. One can have forgiveness and yet exact out capital punishment.
Anyone that states god told them to or believed someone was evil...does not get capital punishment. They get the psych ward. Rapists and molesters do not get capital punishment either.


and that's fine, and i agree that's his religion, but i still do not and will not ever think it is ok for us to decide when his life should end. Yes, take him out of power. Yes, imprison him... maybe even give him a --- change, and make him live in a country under his own rules, but i will NEVER agree that it is ok to take another life under any circumstances ever.
and just to be clear... no hard feelings at all. I love to debate, and i'm very passionate about my beliefs, and very firm as well. I'm one of the most stubborn people you will ever come across, so don't take it personal.


Active Member
"Rapists and molesters do not get capital punishment either."


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
and that's fine, and i agree that's his religion, but i still do not and will not ever think it is ok for us to decide when his life should end. Yes, take him out of power. Yes, imprison him... maybe even give him a --- change, and make him live in a country under his own rules, but i will NEVER agree that it is ok to take another life under any circumstances ever.
and just to be clear... no hard feelings at all. I love to debate, and i'm very passionate about my beliefs, and very firm as well. I'm one of the most stubborn people you will ever come across, so don't take it personal.



Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
what about the ones that take anothers life because they believed the other was evil? They still get the same punishment as rapists and child molestors, but their motives weren't selfish.
Oh my God. That is called a crazy person (or most like playing the insanity card). We had our share of them also. "A voice in my head said to kill the person because they were evil". It's called trying to get an insanity plea.
Another misconception that has been quoted here more than once. ---- is not a capital offense and no one is on death row for ----. Sexual assault of a child under the age of 12 by a person over the age of 18 is still a capital offense punishable by death, but I don't remember any cases where any one was sentenced to death for it while I was there.
Murder itself is not a crime punishable by death. Premeditated First Degree murder is the only murder punishable by death. This means that you had to plan it our ahead of time or at least had time to make the decision.
Second degree murder, Third Degree Murder, manslaughter, etc are not subject to the death penalty.


you cannot say how long it takes one person to do something... some people take less time, and some people need more. You are simply speculating on his past experiences... you cannot judge a person's future actions by their past, because people, believe it or not, do change over time...
i was refering to sodom and noah when i said that. And yes, those people took the lives of the prisoners, and i believe that they shouldn't have. God didn't intervene then, just as he doesn't now. God says it's wrong to kill, yet you don't see him stopping murderers from doing that. God says it's wrong to bear a false witness or to take the lord's name in vein, but you don't see him freezing someone's mouth every time they utter a lie, or take the lord's name in vein. You wanna know why? FREE WILL. This world wouldn't be what it is if we didn't have free will... point made
ok, but you can't tell me that if someone killed 20 people in the name of God, they wouldn't receive capital punishment. and if you are saying that if someone killed a bunch of people in the name of God, and they shouldn't receive capital punishment, you are being hypocritical because you believe bin laden should die, but he killed all those people in the name of God...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
the bible has been translated through so many languages...
Jen do you see what you are doing? You are making an arguement for me. lol
First you say the bible talks of forgiveness and repent. You say the bible states man should not kill another man.
I give you verses showing otherwise. You state they are out of context. I show they aren't. You then defend your stance wiuth the translation of the bible maybe wrong, basically saying your defensive points themselves may be wrong due to lack of translation.
Jen stick with the personal belief defense and don't try to make points using the bible. It isn't I respect that more than using a defense that you yourself don't completely believe...


ok, well read my other post then...the one i made just before you made this one... i'll stay away from the bible...


Active Member
that was tang who talked about capital punishment, i think everyone should get it if they said they did it in the name of god bc they are full of crap


Originally Posted by caomt
did you know it cost us money? 2mil+ to execute someone

Man a bullet would be alot cheaper and dig a deep hole. That seems high. Why does it cost so much?


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
that was tang who talked about capital punishment, i think everyone should get it if they said they did it in the name of god bc they are full of crap
now that's not fair. Do you deny the existance of God then? because there are people appointed by God to kill others... Just people don't believe it anymore.